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Great read - Morgan Reynolds: What if we win the 9/11 infor war?

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HamdenRice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 08:01 AM
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Great read - Morgan Reynolds: What if we win the 9/11 infor war?
Moran Reynolds is the former Bush I official who has joined the 9/11 truth movement. I thought this was an interesting reflection on what happens if the public comes to believe in some version of LIHOP/MIHOP. I especially was interested in his metaphor: what happens when the family dog kills a family member?

The Risk of Winning:
What Happens Once the 9/11 Sewer Opens Wide?

I have begun receiving a handful of emails and questions from callers to radio interview shows that worry about our forthcoming victory in the 9/11 information war! What will happen once the 9/11 traitors are exposed, goes the lament, and an outraged public demands a pound of flesh from each conspirator? Scary huh?

First, will we have this delicious problem to deal with? Yes, we are going to win and so we will face this “problem” for a variety of sturdy reasons. The most important is that the establishment’s preposterous conspiracy theory of 9/11—ONYA (Osama and Nineteen Young Arabs)—lies in total ruins, completely and thoroughly shredded by hundreds of websites on the Internet and a handful of books like David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor and Webster G. Tarpley’s 9/11 Synthetic Terror. The perpetrators, filled with hubris and contempt for the American people, seriously underestimated what a few hundred Internet researchers could do. The public flight from ONYA has been accelerated by exposure of the government’s lies on Iraq, its failed invasion and the consequent unpopularity of the Bush-Cheney regime. The public relations outfall has not been contained and has spilled over to eat away at the lies of 9/11. Charlie Sheen’s brave testimony has put us on a new level of public awareness.

Second, what really is the worry? Isn’t this what we are working for, the prospect of justice obtained by exposure of the truth, the prospect of stopping the killers in their tracks? Yes, it is. Anyone fretting over the triumph of truth should ask this question: what do you do with a family dog that kills a family member? The dog was acquired to protect the family and instead it kills someone it was supposed to protect. The services of such a dog would no longer be required, to put it as gently as possible. That’s the situation we have with the DoD, NSA, CIA, FBI and a murderous array of government agencies, including the 9/11 Commission.


So will justice be done? I strongly believe it will. Sure, some of the perpetrators will get away with their crimes, but we are going to win. The American commitment to an impersonal legal process is deep and wide, so I am not concerned about any kind of vigilantism or mob “justice.” Yes, we will have a “constitutional crisis” of sorts, but it is going to be orderly and peaceful. We need to think through what we are going to do with that victory. My initial thought is that we must safeguard the 9/11 convictions by removing one privilege from the presidency, namely, the presidential pardon of convicted criminals like those in the Iran-Contra scandal. The fact that presidents traditionally issue pardons on Christmas eve when almost no one is watching says all we need to know about their social value.

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pberq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:24 AM
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1. Thanks for posting - nice thoughts!
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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:31 AM
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2. Another thing to take away from the President...
"Executive Orders", or are there instances where they have gone to good use?
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dailykoff Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-13-06 01:58 AM
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3. My guess is they'll handle it like Abu Ghraib:
blame it on the little fish, like Rudy and the FDNY chiefs. The big fish will probably get away as usual.
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Kai Donating Member (84 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-13-06 03:43 AM
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4. Reynold's optimism is premature.
Edited on Thu Apr-13-06 04:03 AM by Kai
The spineless Democratic party wants nothing to do with this any more than they have challenged the obviously corrupted presidential elections. The perpetrators are without conscience and will do anything to conceal their crime. There is a main stream media blackout on the subject and internet sources are quickly being assimilated to control the flow of information and break up the movement. Websites may be getting hacked and I'm starting to see more misinformation and obvious disruption. I can't find any support from the educational community and the engineering and scientific community has not stepped forward to back up Steven Jone's work. The Scholars petition to release 911 evidence is crawling along at about one hundred signatures a day -- a singularly odd phenomenon given all the recent publicity. Charlie Sheen's sitcom draws thirteen million viewers every week. And as for people stepping forward -- I'm sure that Paul Wellstone would have stood up to this but all that's left is plane wreckage and the warm fuzzy glow of hagiography attendant to his legacy.

I expect the 911 truth movement to wind up occupying the same cultural space as the Kennedy assassination. A fringe subculture. There may be an ongoing silent and cynical concensus that it was an inside job but the perpetrators will never be brought to justice. Dewy-eyed liberals will contribute to the children's fund to assuage their conscience, drive to the earth day rally in their SUVs and bash Bush. There will be no "constitutional crisis" because there will be no constitution. If Gore and the Dems had stood up to these pirates in 2000, we might have had a chance but they did not. Then they voted for the war on the basis of obviously fabricated and false evidence of WMDs. When I hear that Hillary Clinton has started publicly giving credence to the 911 Truth Movement, I'll break out the champagne but until that happens, I'm just going to tighten the strap on my crash helmet and hang on.
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dailykoff Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-13-06 12:23 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. LOL.
I don't think it's as bad as all that. For one thing the evidence is a lot more compelling for 9/11. There are hundreds of witnesses and thousands of photographs, videos, documents, etc, but there was only one homemade movie in Dallas.

I also don't think it's a bipartisan crime. Sure it knocked the legs out from under the Dems, and Hillary is always trying to triangulate her way up the food chain, but who really benefitted? Not Dems, that's for sure.
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Kai Donating Member (84 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-13-06 12:39 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. I sincerely
Edited on Thu Apr-13-06 01:05 PM by Kai
wish that I could agree with you. But it seems to me that after five years of outrageous lies and unprecedented corruption that the people and their elected representatives would want to take a closer look at 9-11. But they don't, apparently prefering to swarm like May flies to the issue-du-jour, flog it until they are bored and then disperse until MSM tells everyone what to get excited about next. It's like an ongoing case of mass ADD. Factor in calculated propaganda and misinformation and you have a populace which remains misinformed, misdirected, cynical and indifferent to challenging the regime.
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rastafan Donating Member (45 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-13-06 06:12 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. these thoughts mirror my own, Kai
Edited on Thu Apr-13-06 06:43 PM by rastafan
In the next couple years, a growing percentage of Americans will recognize 9-11 for the calculated and evil plan that it was. Previously naive, thinking Americans will increasingly open their eyes to the depth of the Neocon's murderous greed. The 9-11 truth movement subculture may grow slowly or even exponentially. One method to keep the number of activists down are the poison pills of disinformation they have inserted to taint the movement's credibilty. These will be pulled out of their hat when it suits their timely purposes to put a damper on public opinion.

This is precisely why there exists many governement agents in the 911 movement. An agressive, effective grassroots effort that might serve to quickly waken the (soccer mom) masses is the only p o s s i b l e current threat. The general naivete of the 911 truth movement acts to keep this risk under managable control. Somehow it has become taboo to seriously discuss infiltration, with leading activist groups viewing the topic as "divisive". This politeness (a.k.a. foolishness) keeps the stoolies in a comfortable position to give them a heads up on any potential effective plans, and otherwise continues to serve the perp's nefarious purposes (using diversionery group busting tactics).

After having attended and observed at a few 911 events it is my conclusion that there are many infiltrators within our midst. Rest assured that there is at least one agent to closely keep tabs on every small group.

We know the truth, they know we know, we know they know we know. So what now?
The system (BOTH parties) is corrupted, and the options for justice are meager.

None of us know what the future holds, but I am less inclined to believe the rosy scenerios painted by Reynolds and Barrett.

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graphixtech Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-14-06 03:08 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. interesting discussion
By the boldness and sheer numbers of 9-11 aware Americans,
they are now unable to contain the knowledge.

IF Kevin Barrett is correct and the significant point
of public opinion has in fact been reached, what might
happen next? Kai's and rasta's opinions that we will
become a subculture group seems less likely to me.

Ignoring the 911 movement has not made it go away

More people become aware of truth every day

Attempts to stop the movement will continue to fail

Because of the inherent intensity, JUSTICE is demanded

Imo, there are tactical problems in the 911 truth movement,
but despite its flaws, membership continues to draw support
toward this critical issue. This is due to the commitment
of an army of volunteer activists, ordinary citizens with
determination and pure intent. It is unlikely they will be
able to continue to be ignored.

Optimistic thought of the moment, though
it may change tomorrow). :)

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lightbulb Donating Member (660 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 10:25 PM
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9. Too Bad Morgan Reynolds
Is so steadfast in his belief that NO planes hit buildings on 9/11 (look around his site). With him being such an educated guy, it's hard to explain why he would ernestly promote such a theory.
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