I suspect that she has a basis in IT as she says, and that she may have been suspicious of PTech being in bed with spooks.
Its just that everything she has done is always described in one-upmanship, superlative terms.
She was a mountain climber. - Not any old mountains, remote high (20000ft) peaks in Asia.
She was involved with the WTC on 9/11. - Should have been in a meeting where she would have died, but missed it by random chance. - Goes to the impact site instead as a med tech. She is covered by debris from the tower collapse. - Locates next to WTC7 and is moved on because of the impending WTC7 collapse. - Sleeps 2 hours while working 72 hours straight through, and doesn't move from the scene for a further 2 or 3 days. - Personally buys hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cashmere coats on her credit card from Brooks Brothers to give to the firefighters the night of 9/11. - Organizes a benefit for the firefighters, then sets up post trauma stress counselling groups.
Her IT background. She is instrumental in helping to set up TibetNet. This appears to be assistance in providing the exiled Tibetans in India with an email address. (wordperfect doc - www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/religious_studies/Buddhism/DEFA/Journals/Gassho/gass0102.wp5)
She instead describes it as deriving from DARPA technologies. In the sense that you send email across the internet, and the internet was developed as ARPANET by DARPA's predecessor that's true. Its really got nothing at all to do with DARPA, it just misleads into thinking she has been working with DOD research technologies.
She was working for JP Morgan on Enterprise Architecture. All of a sudden she's in meetings with the CIA technology arm to develop systems with them. She wasn't just an IT systems architect, she was pioneering 'Risk Enterprise Architecture' a field she seems to have invented. Some of what she says here is sort of right - this field involves developing overall plans for connecting together lots of software systems according to a rational model. She then goes on to imply though that this means her job involves monitoring all the data flowing through a business, which is ridiculous.
We then get various unsupported dark hints about PROMIS. Its not just a data mining system, its artificial intelligence and can monitor the entirety of the data in massive banking, security, flight control and other systems in real time. Wait ! not just that, it now provides backdoors onto these systems, and doesn't just monitor, it allows you to insert data into these systems at will. Who knows what NSA / DOD / CIA really have in the way of IT ? I don't think that you could implement such a system over the telecoms company I used to work at, never mind secure military and government systems.
It all sounds like 24 - 'Chloe, hack into the NSA mainframe and get me the top secret wetlist. OK Jack, I'm nearly in, 30 more seconds.' This kind of stuff is impossible in the real world.
Quite possibly a lot of her background is genuine, but exaggerated to make it all sound more 'top-level', more interesting ??
The same goes for the organisations, people and places that get name-dropped. DARPA, MITRE, CIA, BCCI, FAA, MOSSAD, INQTECH, Saudi financing, Drug running, Iran-Contra. It almost looks designed to push the buttons of conspiracy theorising ...
We never get any specifics. She has information that its all the same people involved, and that she has seen evidence and connections. There are never facts given though: FBI agents say to her - you got it exactly right, its all corrupt - but we never actually find out what it is that she got right.
Just my $0.02 ... :shrug: