job out to local tribesmen who lacked enthusiasm for the job.
Sandy Berger wanted commando raids against the training camps, but the
Secy of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs opposed the idea.
Richard Clarke had a plan to attack al Qaeda militarily
and by cutting off their sources of financing. The Clintonistas say
they would have initiated attacks on al Qaeda if Gore had been elected,
but they didn't want to hand off to W a half-done war, so they held off.
Clarke presented his plan to Condi. She not only ignored it, she demoted
Clarke so he no longer had cabinet-level access.
Bush ordered the FBI to go easy on the Saudis, and to shut down ongoing
investigations of suspected terrorist financiers. The Predator drone
stayed on the ground while BITLER (Bush's Imperialist, Totalitarian, Lawless
Evil Regime) conducted a policy review. Le Figaro says the CIA agent Larry
Mitchell met with Osama in Dubai in 7/01 when Osama was supposedly the most
wanted man in the world. Also meeting with Osama was Prince Turki al Faisal,
who is now the Saudi ambassador to the USA.
Bush ignored warnings from 11 countries and 3 FBI offices. His wilful negligence
was essential to the success of the plot.
(So why didn't Kerry attack him for it? Instead Kerry painted himself as "Almost as
tough on terorism as the Republicans are!" Very strange....)
Here's a good resource on the issues:,8816,333835,00.html