Please pass this info on to people who live in the area.
Subj: New 9/11 Documentary to Premiere at Tribeca Screening Room on May 8th Date: 04/21/2006 5:48:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: kylehence@earthlink.net (Kyle F. Hence)
Please spread the word far and wide to your most valued and active contacts. Support this new film from John Albanese to premiere on May 8th at the prestigious Tribeca Screening Room founded by Robert DeNiro. I saw some of John's work on a film on another related subject and it was sobering indeed and well done. Thank you.
Kyle F. Hence 9/11 CitizenWatch
Crisis in America
9/11 Truth and The Tribeca Film Festival A Call for Unity in the 9/11 Truth Community
By: John J. Albanese -- www.crisisinamerica.org
Stand with me. Today’s editorial is a shameless plea for unity and support. Time is short. Today’s headlines relentlessly warn us of a pending nuclear crisis, and the deafening drumbeats of war, and the inevitable clash of civilizations that threatens to devour us whole. Never mind that the rhetoric swirling around the Iran crisis mimics the rhetoric that swirled around the debacle in Iraq. Never mind that the facts are being skewed once again. American foreign policy appears to be executing a full-court press to conflict and oblivion.
And at the bottom of this rubble-heap of American foreign policy lies the all but forgotten truth and hidden history behind the worst terrorist attacks in American history.
“We will never forget,” we all vowed after 9/11. And we meant it. But sadly, 4 1⁄2 years after the fact, 9/11 has already become commercialized, dramatized and fictionalized by such Hollywood confections as Universal Studio’s “United 93” and Oliver Stone’s “World Trade Center.” And while we can debate endlessly the degree of historical accuracy of these films, Hollywood has, for all intents and purposes, turned the tragedy of 9/11 into entertainment for the masses, and has tread upon our sacred vows.
But there are those among us who know that something is seriously wrong. From the start, there are those among us who were not satisfied to simply put their trust in the ‘official story.’ There are those among us who now feel vindicated in this position because we have seen the lies and distortions and omissions. And there are those among us now who are prepared to FIGHT to preserve our right to continue to ask the relevant question.
We must never acquiesce to the perceived social stigma that comes with asking questions. The victims of this crime demand it. We must never allow the simple act of demanding accountability to be equated with “conspiracy theory.” We must be relentless in demanding answers, without falling into the snake pit of competing factions of 9/11 Truth activists. Whether you believe 9/11 was in inside job, or was simply allowed to happen (on purpose), or you believe the WTC was demolished with explosives, or the Pentagon was not struck by a commercial jet, or even if you simply believe that the 9/11 Commission Report is glaringly inaccurate and incomplete – UNITE NOW! Put down your theories and UNITE!
And so, it is towards this end that I humbly request your support. As the Tribeca Film Festival gears up next week in the virtual shadow of the missing WTC complex, one sole independent film will attempt to present the heavily censored facts and unanswered questions of 9/11. Premiering at the prestigious Tribeca Screening Room, founded by Robert DeNiro, Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime will at long last bring the 9/11 Truth movement into the spotlight, and provide an important milestone in the public’s ever-evolving understanding of the events of that infamous day.
This film is not being screened solely for the benefit of those in attendance. This event transcends the very film itself in that it simply EXISTS. It is a statement of defiance, and anger, and challenges the mainstream media to pay attention to the growing number of Americans who are now demanding that these issues be allowed to see the light of day.
I ask you all to join me in supporting this project. I ask all of you with websites and user groups and email lists and regional Meetups to brazenly utilize every resource available to you to help promote and sponsor and petition the public to recognize this event. It is time to declare victory, simply because this film exists, and demonstrates that this issue will not be silenced. Please join me in declaring the premier of this film at the prestigious Tribeca Screening Room as the most important film premier of 2006.
Towards this end, little blurbs about a 'film' showing in NYC is just not going to cut it. We must either choose to fight the 9/11 Truth fight to win - or choose to continue to just nibble away at the edges, perpetually marginalized and minimized and showing our secret films in secret church basements at localized events, without ever achieving the breakout media event that could forever alter the public's perceptions.
I believe the Tribeca Film Festival offers us that opportunity.
The media is primed for a breakthrough on this issue. We are now seeing the beginnings of celebrity endorsements, as Charlie Sheen and Ed Asner have lent their voices to the call. The public is also ready. The polls do not lie. We have a date with destiny. Just imagine the reverberations of headlines such as these:
“Tribeca Film Festival Rocked by Independent 9/11 Film”
“Controversy and Passions Rise at Tribeca Film Festival”
“New York Responds to Hollywood”
“The Hidden History of 9/11 Premiers in Tribeca”
“Independent Film on 9/11 Eclipses United 93”
The odds have always been stacked against us. We need to make our own luck. United 93 has the backing of millions of dollars, represented by professional PR firms and advertising agencies and powerful corporate interests.
What do we have?
We have heavily censored facts, lingering unanswered questions and ultimately we have ourselves. I’m betting on us. Our questions are much more powerful than any fiction Hollywood could ever hope to dream up. And our numbers are swelling like the rising tide.
Please join me in declaring victory at the 2006 Tribeca Film Festival.
For more information on this film, please visit: www.crisisinamerica.org