REALLY goes on in our world. One thing I've become convinced of, though, is that just about everything we assume or have been led to believe is true, isn't.
That is a radical statement and I mean it to encompass most of what I believe is meant by
epistemology. Unfortunately, not being a philosopher, only some 'dumb artist' who whiles away his life in idle pursuits, when he isn't working two part time jobs to keep body and soul together, such subjects as this are FAR beyond my poor intellectual capacity.
Suffice it to say, however, it isn't only WHAT we know that is the problem, it is HOW we know it; and please don't be a smarty paints and ask me how I know
that because, truth is, I have no idea. Being a pudding head, this doesn't bother me one bit.
What do I know? Well, I know that I've been lied to for so long by so many people who claim to be 'authorities' that I no longer believe anyone is telling me the truth about anything. I don't mean to say that I think most people are being intentionally deceitful; quite the contrary. Most people apparently believe their own lies. It gets even more complicated because many of the lies they believe, perhaps even most, did not originate with the person in question. All of us believe things that just aren't true, about ourselves, about our world, about the way the world works. In fact, the way I see it, we have to dig pretty deeply to come in contact with something in ourselves that is fundamentally true, not needing quotation marks. What can I say without doubt to be true about myself or even about the world I like to think I know so much about?
I don't know what the truth is but I've come to believe that the world is mostly being run by criminals, some of them criminal families and associations of various sorts that have quite a long and nefarious history. Nevertheless, they are criminals, and by that I mean that they often operate in an social environment which almost offers them 'free reign' to do whatever they want and for the most part get away with it. A lot which appears to be 'politics' at one level is actually just the cover for a broad range of criminal activities which, in the end, are allowed to proceed by a corrupted system of government -- including the military and the policing agencies. Everyone at a certain level is 'on the take' for their own interest or the interests of those they are 'beholding to' or represent.
This is how it looks to me and I do not see the significance of breaking it down along traditional 'party' lines. Are all Republicans criminals and all Democrats perfect citizens? I don't think so. I'm not perfect, I know that. I do, however, have a moral compass; there are just some things that I will not do. Moreover, I'm of the opinion that for a society to work together and prosper it is in the best interest of all to at least TRY to find moral compass and uphold certain values that are more than just my own lust and greed. Although there is sometimes 'honor among thieves' I think in the main criminals have little moral compass in this regard and are as apt to betray one another as help. This is one of the reasons their history is so bloody violent.
I don't know. What are we talking about? Ah, yes, 'left' gate keepers and all that.
I had an interesting encounter last night. I was invited to a friend's home for dinner with four other people. We ranged in age from mid 40s to mid 80s. Some (not counting yours truly) were quite well off. All consider themselves both quite liberal, if not progressive, and quite educated and cultured. Our hostess, for example, is a professor at a local university in the area of consciousness and eastern traditions. There were two published authors, a retired public radio personality, the manager of a small local ballet company and myself. Conversation ranged over quite a lot of areas but circled around politics and political analysis.
It is interesting to me to observe how frightened many (not all) of these people are to consider the possibility that the political reality they have identified with all these years may be a kind of elaborate fiction. Or at least that it no longer functions to such an extent that getting it to work, getting it to actually manifest its potential, would require an almost revolutionary intent. They do not want to see that the world is run by criminals and they do not want to see that these criminals have taken control of our society, including our military. They do not want to see how deep this goes -- and I think I know why. I think, and this may be totally false, I think if the truth be known they don't want to know because they do not want to have to face the truth that THEY are living a kind of lie. They are lying to themselves and one another and the world. They are as out of touch with reality as is the 'right' only they don't have a quasi-religious hitching post for their particular camel to be tethered to.
In conversation with this august group one actually said to me that the things I was pointing out, leading inevitably to the conclusion that 9/11 was something quit different than we are being told by our government, the military, the FBI and the corporate owned media, invariably left her feeling completely defenseless. She would rather NOT KNOW because she is afraid of what she might have to do if she did know.
At least she was honest about it.