A number of posters in recent weeks has suggested that DU start a different forum for non-9/11 "conspiracy theories" so that all that stuff does not get dumped here in the 9/11 forum. Just as questioning the official story of 9/11 is going mainstream, and when the DU 9/11 forum could be a resource for non-DUers to learn more about 9/11, it seems important to separate out 9/11 material from the other conspiracy theory material that gets dumped here. Well it's easier to start a group than to get a new forum created, I think. All we have to do is propose a mission statement and have it approved by a certain number of posters and the mods.
I suggest that we use this thread to develop a mission statement for that group. Feel free to copy and past the following draft and improve it in this thread. When we have a consensus that the mission statement is OK, we can post it in GD and try to get the appropriate number of supporters.
<begin draft>
Parapolitics, Conspiracies and Assassinations Group
Ever since John F. Kennedy was assassinated on the streets of Dallas, Americans of diverse political leanings have come to the conclusion that the political drama that plays out on the pages of our mainstream newspapers and mainstream television news programs, is not the entire political story, and perhaps not even the important political story. Many have concluded that beneath and behind the kabuki theater of Congressional voting, presidential speechmaking, diplomatic doubletalking, and military "cooperation," there are groups of wealthy and powerful people making agreements, implementing plans and founding institutions that affect the way we live, as much or more than our formal politics and economics. Some political scientists, alternative journalists and bloggers have called this deeper level of analysis by various names, such as "parapolitics," "deep politics" or even "high weirdness."
Although often dismissed as "conspiracy theories," a shocking number of times in recent American history, the darkest suspicions of the American public have proven to be true. For example, the Reagan administration was shown to have sold weapons to America's then arch-enemy, Iran, in order to secretly accumulate money that was used to pay for a war against Nicaragua that Congress had specifically forbidden the administration from carrying out.
During the Nixon administration, a burglary of the Democratic National headquarters in a Washington DC hotel, the Watergate, was shown to have been authorized at the highest levels of government, and covered up by the White House, and presumably the president himself, with the use of clandestine services such as the Central Intelligence Agency.
This group is dedicated to the idea that "theorizing" about "conspiracies" is not paranoid; it is prudent. Members are free to propose theories about the underlying operational behaviors of government and business, even if concrete evidence may be lacking. Appropriate topics include the role of drug cartels in politics and national security affairs; the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in recent history; the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy; the possibility of unconventional weaponry being developed by western military powers, including mind control and weather manipulation; and the existence of unconventional aircraft, whether of terrestial or non-terriestial origin, in the skies.
The only kinds of theories that will not be entertained in this Group are theories that are racist, anti-Semitic or offensive to broad sections of the DU membership. Moreover, alternative theories concerning the events of 9/11 should be confined to the 9/11 Forum.
<end draft>
OK, this is only a first draft, so have at it!