Sorry to start another Flight 93 thread, but the others have gotten long and strayed from their original purpose. The author of the following opinion (from the website Penatagon Research) points out the obvious Flight 93 propaganda campaign, just as the truth is starting to come about the other alleged terrorism that day. Why not take the plane with the least amount of evidence and turn it into a larger than life myth - a story of brave heroism! Just when did they cook the heroism story up?
From the story:
“Word came that Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. Aides frantically called the White House to find out whether a military jet had shot it down.
When was the very first mention of Flight 93 in conjunction with a story of heroism? The answer lies in an interview conducted in the vice president’s office on September 11, 2002 with CNN’s John King:
“Word came that Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. Aides frantically called the White House to find out whether a military jet had shot it down.
'The vice president was a little bit ahead of us,’ said Eric Edelman, Cheney's national security advisor. ‘He said sort of softly and to nobody in particular, 'I think an act of heroism just took place on that plane.'" CNN
So let's try and imagine the situation. Cheney and Rice are in an underground bunker. From the 9/11 Commission Report we know the phone line to the president wasn't working. Cheney had just given shootdown orders. His aides were "frantic". Attacks had already occurred killing thousands. Washington was being evacuated and false reports of every kind were flying everywhere. The aides were trying to find out if our own military had shot the aircraft down. But Cheney says, ".... sort of softly and to nobody in particular, 'I think an act of heroism just took place on that plane.'" Stop and think about that for a second.
What could he have possibly based that statement on? Even his aide noticed Cheney was, “a little bit ahead of us”. I would go so far as to say he was a lot ahead of everybody. There was absolutely no possible way that Cheney was aware of the alleged cell phone calls and most certainly he had not heard the cockpit voice recorder. Where did he get his idea from? Was it a pre-planned story? Was it his cover story for giving illegal shootdown orders without the president's approval?
The least likely thing of all the possibilities that would've happened to that aircraft is that passengers could take control of the cockpit and cause the hijackers to crash it. There is no historical precedent for such a thing to even come up with the idea...."
(more at site) was reading about Paul Greengrass and he once wrote a book with a former MI5 assistant director, I think that is interesting and I wonder what his background is.