Claudia Long, The Great Divide
This is a fascinating story on a number of levels. It gets to the root of what the 'war on terror' is -- or is not. On the surface, it appears to be a battle between competing ideologies -- the modern, western 'democratic' viewpoint, versus the fundamentalist muslim paradigm. But how much truth is there to this?
Al Qaeda and other modern terrorist organizations would not be capable of functioning at the level of organization they have shown without consistent, substantial support from sophisticated sources. They have this because they serve the purposes of those who back them ... and these groups are integrated into an interlocking global financial structure that is unlikely to be disturbed.
Ronald Motley is a US attorney representing a number of 9/11 victim's families who is pursuing a case against the Saudi financiers who apparently funded the perpetrators of 9/11.
more at link.
As a trial lawyer, Motley thinks of terrorism not just as a form of war, but as a business -- a depraved, ruthlessly efficient business, whose financiers must be exposed and held accountable for their role in sowing harm. In the case of Sept. 11, Motley, like many in the American intelligence community, concluded that the 19 hijackers would never have been able to carry out their plans without generous Saudi assistance. Nineteen months ago, he filed a civil lawsuit in federal court in Washington charging that a wide variety of parties from the kingdom sponsored the attacks, either directly or indirectly, by making donations to institutions that they knew fostered terrorism.