Ramzi Yousef, and Eyad Ismoil, were the first two convicted and then
a list of related articles from findlaw might help:
http://dir.yahoo.com/Government/Law/Cases/1993_World_Trade_Center_Bombing_Trial/Yousef did not testify that I know of that they planned to fly planes into buildings, but he himself was involved with a plot to bomb a dozen planes flying over the pacific simultaneously:
On February 26, 1993, a massive bomb exploded in the parking garage of the north tower of the World Trade Center building in New York City, killing six people and leaving a crater six stories deep in the building's basement floors. The mastermind of the bombing, Ramzi Yousef, later boasted that he had hoped to kill 250,000 people. Two years later, Yousef was involved in a plot to bomb a dozen US airplanes flying over the Pacific.1
Yousef's bombing plots gave rise to the notion that a new form of international terrorism had emerged that was not state-sponsored, but said to consist of "loose networks" of militant Muslims, not backed by states.2 Yet, as The Washington Post recently noted, "some critics have disputed this approach, contending that rogue nations like Iraq have managed to slip intelligence operatives in and out of bomb conspiracies, leaving the FBI to chase and catch the small fish that the skilled men left behind."3
http://www.meib.org/articles/0106_ir1.htmSaddam was behind trying to sponsor this attempt to bomb the dozen airplanes.
My real concern about the current trial is its focus on Afghanistan or Iraq when the real problem was that they k ew that there were terrorists HERE, and did not actively raise the level of watching people they knew were in the United States and had contactys to terrorist organizations. It is well known now, and was known then that only one person had the full details of what was the entire plan was for 9/11 and tat person was floating in and out of the United Statess regularly. Mohommed Atta. In fact if you remember the tapoes of Bin Laden that were found in Afganistan and this is validated. Bin Laden and others are talking and laughing about how most of those they recruited for this mission did not know they were of a suicide mission. There is also considerable evidence that they were tracking Atta while Clinton was in office and then when the Bush justice department killed "Catcher's Mitt" the program that Clinton started
to monitor the activities of AL Qaeda agents in the United States after they were chastised by a federal judge when they asked to wiretap approval to tap Al Qaeda operatives. They could have continued operations as already existed, but after they were denied the wiretaps, they severely cut back the program.
All of this focus on Afghanistan and Iraq is sort of like spraying down the bathroom with lysol after you have caught a strep infection.