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doppelgangers of Atta, Hanjour, Jarrah

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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-04 02:12 PM
Original message
doppelgangers of Atta, Hanjour, Jarrah
I was asked by K-robjoe in another thread about a finding concerning the visa of Atta. The answer is worth a new thread. My thesis in the book -together with Bröckers - is that we have to deal with doppelgangers of the main persons and "No-persons", just imaginations, concerning some of the other 19, plus some real CIA guys like Al-Midhar. A mixture. What evidence?
I cannot repeat the whole book here. Look at the Jarrah-findings at Paul Thompsons. Compare the handwriting and other data of Hanjour (handwriting in his vias applications in National review)
Concerning Atta: we have the findings of Hopsicker asking Amanda and the neighbours. If you would tell that behaviour to the people in germany who knew him they would laugh out loudly. But there is more evidence, stronger: There is no REAL US/Florida- Foto of him. Why? FBI destroyed them (not "collected". Destroyed). And: Atta was able to enter the states TWO times at the same day, on Jan 10th, 2001.

You do not believe that?
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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-04 02:25 PM
Response to Original message
1. evidence of doble entry of Atta in the U.S.A.
Atta Nr. 68653985708 lasting until 8.September, and
Atta Nr. 10847166009 until 9.7.2001. Offivially by INS:

According to INS records, Atta first entered the United States on June 3,
2000, at Newark International Airport in New Jersey, after flying from Prague
International Airport in the Czech Republic. The OIG confirmed that a “hit” or
a “lookout” did not appear on the IBIS screen when the inspector swiped Atta’s
passport. Atta was admitted by the primary INS inspector without being
referred to secondary.
(This link does not work anymore)

And then on Jan. 10th:

“When we reviewed INS records, they appeared to reflect two entries by Atta into the United States on January 10, 2001, which initially raised a question as to whether Atta had entered twice on the same day or whether a second person posing as Atta also entered on January 10, 2001. The NIIS printout for the first entry reflects that Atta entered with an admission period of January 10, 2001, to September 8, 2001 (admission number 68653985708). The second record reflects a second entry on January 10, 2001, with an admission period from January 10, 2001, to July 9, 2001 (admission number 10847166009).
However, this occurred because the inspector at the Miami District Office who changed Atta’s admission date failed to follow the proper procedure to ensure that the previous entry would be corrected, and a new entry was created in NIIS.”

“On January 11, 2001, Alshehhi departed the United States from JFK
Airport for Casablanca, Morocco. A week later, on January 18, 2001, Alshehhi
returned to JFK Airport from Casablanca.”

“According to INS records in NIIS, on January 10, 2001, the secondary
inspector admitted Atta as a B-2 visitor for 8 months, until September 8, 2001,
rather than for the 6-month period regularly granted to B-2 visitors.”

So Atta was a special cas. Not normal. So we can presume: special attention. And TWO VISA THE SAME DAY.
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k-robjoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-28-04 05:49 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Mighty interesting
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Woody Box Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-28-04 10:21 AM
Response to Original message
3. How was the german Atta?

Hopsicker's Atta, as far as we know, was a real a*+%$%. Not an islamistic one, but a guy operating in the twilight zone of organized crime and secret services. A greedy, unfriendly guy without scruples.

If you would tell that behaviour to the people in germany who knew him they would laugh out loudly.

Can you describe this german Atta a bit more precise? Was he an islamist? Which kind of character was he?

As I remember, this Atta was really good in city planning, a very talented student in architecture. Is that right?

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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-28-04 04:56 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. no. let us stick to the hard facts
Edited on Sun Mar-28-04 05:06 PM by medienanalyse
The behaviour does not tell us anything - the argument "he just has changed" is too strong. I just can tell you that a year ago I talked with his professor who was very glad to hear something like "doppelganger". Because he liked him. Atta germany was gentle and soft, but very religious. Just look at the foto on the entrance of my homepage:
You will see how pics make a nice propaganda.

No, not more about behaviour. Take the visa. Take the "visions" in two places at the same time (friday night on longboat key and heavily drinking some hundred miles away). Take the destroying of fotos. Of any evidence. Take that his landlord did not recognize him on a foto which was shown by the FBI showing the "hijacker piloting the AAL11)

And again: there is no proof at all that any of the 19 ever boarded any plane, but enough evidence that lots of the "hijackers" are a)covered like Atta (real person) or b)never existed and were mixed up of names and fotos and data, as we proved in our book and in several files like, because the "Spiegel" fought us by blunt lies.

Mr. von Bülow, who was so kind to tell me his thoughts about the "living hijackers" two years ago was much more attacked: he did not research so much in to his own theory but preferred to support the Meyssan and Huffschmid-stuff, which I regret very much. In the meantime I was able to underline and feed the "there were no hijackers at all" thought by so many facts so that it stands. get the book and search here in DU:lots of basics were found and posted here.

And remember that the FBI did not identify the 0 bodies from Pennsylvania and from the Pentagon -althozgh they identified everybody else out of these flights. The bodies are still on ice.
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Abe Linkman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-28-04 05:07 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Please explain two sentences in your message
"remember that the FBI did not identify the 0 bodies from Pennsylvania and from the Pentagon -althozgh they identified everybody else out of these flights. The bodies are still on ice."

Would you kindly explain what the above means? I can't figure out what exactly you're trying to say.

Thank you.
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Woody Box Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-28-04 06:03 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. questions

Take that his landlord did not recognize him on a foto which was shown by the FBI showing the "hijacker piloting the AAL11)

Interesting. I didn't know that. You got the source? Which landlord was it? And which photo - the one and only official FBI picture - or the footage from Portland (no good quality, but good enough to verify or falsify the identity of a person) ?

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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 01:55 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. sources and typo
Linkman: it was a simple typo. Take nine (9) bodies.5+4=9, and on my keyboard the 9 is just beside the 0, and it was late in the evening when I typed it. Sorry. To make you happy again I provide a source (although it just logic - when they identify everybody else and when the identities of the hijackers are allegedly clear they should be able to identify these 9 bodies too). The link:

and one source more:
"The couple told the agent the man was about 5, 5 feet 10 inches, 160 pounds, had "dark, perfect" skin, and was clean cut and "very polite …"The first photo they showed us was the pilot who crashed into the first building," Vonnie LaConca said. "It was not Mohamed or his friend. But the last picture they showed us was very close, but I could not say 100 percent that it was him." ."

The link does not work anymore, but it points where to look. The archive of the Biloxi Su-herald provides only one article for Sept 14th - which costs some dollars....
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gandalf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 12:28 PM
Response to Original message
8. Paul: What about the Atta timeline mentioned in 911pi?
Edited on Mon Mar-29-04 12:28 PM by gandalf
More than six months ago, when still existed, there was a woman who posted on the website and said she were preparing an Atta timeline. I forgot her name, I think she was in contact with Hopsicker also. Did you use her timeline?
Especially the German stories of Atta should have gone into this timeline, as far as I remember. In a brief search of your timeline, Paul, I did not find, e.g., the interview with Dietmar Machule, the Hamburg Professor of Atta (Transcript). Or the fact that he was a scholar of the Carl Duisberg Society.

The picture of Atta in Hamburg seems very difficult to reconcile with the picture of the Florida Atta (cf Hopsicker, Welcome to Terrorland).
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Woody Box Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 01:20 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Picture of Atta

The picture of Atta in Hamburg seems very difficult to reconcile with the picture of the Florida Atta (cf Hopsicker, Welcome to Terrorland).

I know you're not talking about the Atta photos, gandalf, but why not take the opportunity here to compare the photos?

Here's the Florida Atta (actually, the Portland Atta).

Medienanalyse, how about posting your Atta photo here? I think a lot of people don't know it but would like to know it.

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Woody Box Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 01:51 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Okay, this link here works: The Portland Atta
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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 03:46 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. and here is Atta Germany

just one klick (I do not know how to post fotos in here).
Thank you Gandalf for the Machule-link. Machule told me, that according to his knowledge which is the official Bushist story he must -MUST- believe in the two sides of Atta. Just as he says in the interview. But he liked the idea that "his Atta" was not responsible for this horrible day.
This thought is maybe nice.
But again: let us not talk about very similar fotos, not about behaviour. There is hard evidence. Which is better.

But best is: the Bushist do not have any evidence of hijackers boarding the planes. No fingerprints. No body remains identified. No videos on the different airports. Not evem witnesses who saw how ten (10!!) middle east looking guys met in Boston in the same time and boarded two planes.

Again: who accuses whom? Not we are the prosecutors. It is the Bushist administration which tells the public what happened and that this must lead to (lets count 1+1+ ....)now two wars.

They have evidence. They do not show it. Because their evidence proves whatever bit not what they say.
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Woody Box Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 04:37 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Grining Alomari and Pokerface Atta

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Abe Linkman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 04:40 PM
Response to Reply #11
13. Let's hear from the O.Story Apologists on this
I'm not familiar with how the O.Story defenders deal with the lack of evidence of hijackers boarding the planes.

bolo, Lar Lar, Troglydite and others........what's the deal?
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