Edited on Sun Jan-11-04 01:48 PM by ZombyWoof
Kucinich was right about this when he excoriated Ted Koppel in that debate last month. The coverage of the candidates is oriented towards polling data, tracking numbers, who gets the most money, what does winning Iowa mean, what does coming in 2nd in NH mean, etc, ad nauseum, et al, infinity...
But the media, and some of the campaigns - have not gotten the memo. Issues ARE being discussed by the candidates, as they meet with Iowans, and elsewhere for the ones not running there. Platforms can be accessed through the candidate's website, or doing a search right here on DU, or other political news and debate forums.
Still, it seems the measure of a candidate's worth is based on quantity rather than quality. I have to laugh when I read that such-and-such will beat Bush because of the amount of money being raised. Oh yeah? By that logic, Bush will still win, because he has still raised the most money, by far, over all of the others. But I don't buy that logic, and neither should you.
So we Democrats, no matter which candidate we support, are like the smaller market baseball teams going up against the well-bankrolled Yankees year after year. We all know from recent years that even their money can't buy a championship.
It can be conceded that money helps with the odds, and that the best-financed Democrat has as good a shot as anyone else, but don't fool yourself that it is a substitute for a credible campaign, which MUST reach an electorate not as in love with your candidate as you are.
Therein lies the nagging factor I have noticed the past few weeks.
It seems when a campaign comes under fire, and all of the excuses about "they are just desperate to slam us", or "his remarks were taken out of context", it just covers up the issues even more. So what do the defenders do? "Well, he has the BEST grassroots campaign, with an average amount per contributor exceeding the GDP of Swaziland!" "The base is ENERGIZED! He WILL beat Bush! Because the blog says so!". Not a thing about the issues, not a thing about how balancing a budget in your home state translates into doing it on the federal level, which has a budget far more complex, byzantine, and gargantuan, with a tax code to match. Nothing. Just dodges and weaves and hiding behind the mantle granted by the media. The same media obsessed with polls and horseraces and fundraising.
All the talk, all the threads, all the coverage about polls, money, and odds are just a masturbatory smokescreen to cover for the lack of debate and substance. Attempts to talk about positions and platforms are met with derision, with comments like "Read his webpage! We have more important things to do here! Like bash!", or non sequitir attacks on an unrelated candidate. All dodges and obsfucations.
If there were any times in our history we need substance over show, it is NOW. No need to elaborate, since DUers are all too aware of the dismal record of Bush.
So do yourself, and your candidate, a favor, and drop the addiction to polls and money. Get into some MEAT, and don't be afraid to combat with facts rather than smokescreens and dodges. Surely our imaginations haven't been so stunted from an MTV childhood to do this?
Ted Koppel was rightfully told where the media drives campaigns. Please don't be his accomplice.
Edit: typos.