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Unbeating A Dead Horse, SOA and Human Rights

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Clark4Prez Donating Member (507 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:03 PM
Original message
Unbeating A Dead Horse, SOA and Human Rights
From the Atlanta Journal Constitution November 17, 2000.

U.S. Army's School of the Americas excels in human rights instruction

Amelia Simpson - Special
Friday, November 17, 2000


The terrible slaughter in November 1989 of six Jesuit priests and their servants by members of the armed forces of El Salvador is the touchstone for the protest movement. Yet it was a U.S. Army major, Eric Buckland, who exposed the truth about the massacre, after he learned about it from contacts in the Salvadoran military.

The evidence today is overwhelming that USARSA is not only squeaky clean, and a model of transparency and accountability, but also provides the best human rights instruction for the military in the nation. I attended human rights training at SOA for two years as an observer. The Army school has developed a curriculum that is matched nowhere else in the country.


The School of the Americas does not teach human rights with a wink and a nod, as was my husband's experience back in 1977 during his basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. There, to his horror, soldiers were marched to and from their sole lecture on the laws of war to a cadence with the enthusiastic refrain, "Because Napalm sticks to kids!"


USARSA even stuck its neck out and invited my husband, Lawrence Rockwood, although he is a controversial figure in the military. He was a counterintelligence officer in Haiti during 1994's Operation Restore Democracy. When his command would not act to save the lives of prisoners held in Port-au-Prince's National Penitentiary, he jumped the wall of the Multinational Forces Compound and went alone to the prison, where he was able to witness conditions, including one ghastly cell where people were apparently being starved to death. Before he was able to take action, however, he was arrested by a major from the U.S. embassy, and was subsequently court-martialed. He is currently petitioning the secretary of the Army not to carry out his sentence of dismissal. Common sense alone suggests that an institution so closely scrutinized, and so open to outsiders like me, could hardly conceal a collection of goons teaching torture down in the basement. It takes genuinely alarming leaps of faith and twists of reason to continue to label USARSA the "School of Assassins."


The complete article goes into much more detail, it can be found at

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Clark Can WIN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:07 PM
Response to Original message
1. But I saw Clark eating baby kittens for breakfast
just this morning, I swear I did.:silly:
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:09 PM
Response to Original message
2. Not to be a stick in the mud, but...
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Clark4Prez Donating Member (507 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:10 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. no, its not
It is a post about the SOA and human rights, I counted at least two posts from the same person about this issue.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:15 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. Those are dupes, too.
The Mods will decide, either way. :hi:
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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:18 PM
Response to Reply #3
10. Yes, But Unless You Put A Candidates NAME In The Thread
it has no place in this forum.
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:00 PM
Response to Reply #10
31. Says who?
Just curious.
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bicentennial_baby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:11 PM
Original message
There are 3 more on Page 1
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funky_bug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:11 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. Continuations
Often get buried and lost because these flame wars go terribly off-topic. This is an answer to a question many people have, and it needs to stay kicked long enough for those who are concerned to get a different perspective.

Peace to Padraig, as always.

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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:16 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. Peace to you too, my dear.
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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:20 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. Paging Padraig!!!
Don't you have the perfect emoticon.... of smilies flogging a dead horse? :)
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:11 PM
Response to Original message
4. war is peace...ignorance is strength...
The AJC is a model of journalistic integrity...

I think I'll trust Fr. Bourgeois and SOAW.
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funky_bug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:13 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. One man's source
is another man's trash. That seems to be a common thread among all rebuttals. It's either a conservative source, and DLC source, a journalistic-junk source, etc...

If you don't want to consider the source, that's your perogative.
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:16 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. I used to freelance for them
and I've followed the SOA/WHISC for a while now. Amelia Simpson (who?) writing an opinion piece in the AJC stating that the school represents the very soul of human rights concerns doesn't mean much to me.
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tinanator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:21 PM
Response to Reply #4
13. hear f'in hear!
Aw, theys just kooks, though, aint they? Soldiers can be trusted, especially Generals. Like Colin, for example. He'd NEVER tell a lie.
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funky_bug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:24 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. It's quite clear
that those who are solidified in their dislike for Clark will not be swayed by any number of rebuttals, clarifications, disclosures, etc...

This is perhaps, why most of the Clark supporters don't respond to flamebait, even when egged on with statements like, "No response, huh? Guess you've got no defense."

I prefer to let my general speak for himself.

Honestly, repsonses like these make me wonder why I spend any time here at DU at all.
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:32 PM
Response to Reply #14
20. "I prefer to let my general speak for himself."
"Your" general...fair enough. Understand, though, that while I support Dean, I had pretty much decided before all this that I could support Clark in the general election should he win the nomination. I get to seriously rethink that now.
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funky_bug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:35 PM
Response to Reply #20
22. Yes, he's my general
I hope he'll be my president, and I do hope he gets a fair shot at putting this SOA issue to bed.

Thank you for a fair and mature response. Civility is always appreciated. I'm sorry you are having your doubts about Clark. I do hope he is able to put those to bed in the coming months as well.

Peace to you.
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tinanator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:42 PM
Response to Reply #14
23. dont get confused
My dislike for the SOA (ok call it hateful revulsion and deep shame) is not the same thing as dislike for Clark, even if he does sorta like the institution. Perhaps you are confusing the conclusion that a military man will not be the best solution to the Bush Familia's invasion problem, anymore than any other pro occupation candidate would be, with dislike. I think he's kinda cute. So's Bill Clinton. Neither one of them represents my concerns though, do they?
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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:20 PM
Response to Original message
12. well that's a relief
no more winking and nodding about human rights. but they still train paramilitary soldiers to kill on behalf of governments whose main opposition are internal movements seeking social justice & civil rights.
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:25 PM
Response to Original message
15. SOA pro or con, it will be a non-issue in the general election. IMHO
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funky_bug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:27 PM
Response to Reply #15
18. I imagine you're right
as will many of the other petty bickerings. And yet it keeps us all up late at night, losing precious sleep trying to ferret out and defend our candidates. I for one, prefer to let the general defend himself. Any of these so-called "issues" that need to be brought to light, will be done by the other candidates long before the primaries are put to bed. I suppose it's good to get them out of the way before the Rove team goes on attack. Still, it's very disheartening to see the lengths people will go to in order to defend the one they love, and attack the one they fear.
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:50 PM
Response to Reply #18
25. How would Rove/Bush or even Trippi/Dean use Clark's remote association
against him without putting it in a military context? There's not a person in either of those camps who would be willing to grab that tiger by the tail.
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bitchkitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:45 PM
Response to Reply #18
41. Concern about SOA
can hardly be called petty, nor is it unfounded.

I like your posts, and wish all Clark supporters were like you. You're one of the reasons why I will, if necessary, hold my nose and vote for Clark. Please don't call our concerns petty.
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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:27 PM
Response to Reply #15
19. not for me it won't....
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:56 PM
Response to Reply #19
27. Democrats who focus on SOA will permit SCOTUS to slip away.
Edited on Sun Jan-11-04 06:57 PM by oasis
Getting Bush out of the White House will do a hell of a lot for the prevention of future injustice.
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jonnyblitz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:10 PM
Response to Reply #19
34. it won't for me either. n/t
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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:26 PM
Response to Original message
16. John Smihula suggests that those "human rights classes..."
Edited on Sun Jan-11-04 06:28 PM by mike_c WHISC are a smokescreen, and that few students take them unless required to. That's NOT why Latin American governments send their police and military to the WHISC-- they send them there to learn the rest of the curriculum, which has much more to do with keeping poor people poor than with human rights. See:
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Bolo Boffin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:57 PM
Response to Reply #16
28. Human rights are a part of every course there. n/t
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:27 PM
Response to Original message
17. dead horse indeed.
The Dead: Victims at El Mozote and Nearby Villages

The Dead: Victims at El Mozote and Nearby Villages This list of names was initially compiled by Tutela Legal, a church-run human rights group in El Salvador, and updated by Mark Danner, author of The Massacre at El Mozote, records the ages and professions of 767 people who were murdered by the U.S.-trained Atlacatl Battalion in a 1981 counterinsurgency operation. Though the list offers only the most basic personal information on these victims of the Reagan administration's "war on communism," it conveys a deeply disturbing indication of the human costs of U.S. military aid to El Salvador, which continued for years following the massacre.


1. DOMINGO CLAROS, 29, wood cutter
2. CRISTINO AMAYA CLAROS, 9, son of Domingo Claros
3. MARIA DOLORES AMAYA CLAROS, 5, daughter of Domingo Claros
4. MARTA LILIAN CLAROS, 3, daughter of Domingo Claros
5. MARIA ISABEL AMAYA CLAROS, 8 months, daughter of Domingo Claros
6. ISIDRA CLAROS, 60, aunt of Domingo Claros
8. LEONISIA RODRIGUEZ OR DIONISIA RODRIGUEZ, 27, seamstress daughter of Bonifacia Rodriguez
9. VILMA RODRIGUEZ, 2, daughter of Dionisia Rodriguez and Manuel Alvarenda
10. MARTINA RODRIGUEZ, 35, daughter of Bonifacia Rodriguez and sister of Dionisia and Vilma Rodriguez
11. RUPERTO CHICAS, 40, farmer, hushand of Martina Rodriguez
12. MIRNA CHICAS, 10, daughter of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
13. Child, 6, son of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
14. CHILD, 4, daughter of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
15. CHILD, 3, son of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
16. CHILD, 1, son of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
18. JULIA CLAROS, 30, daughter of Concepcion Marquez
19. ALBERTA CLAROS, 18, daughter of Julia Claros
20. CHILD, 1, daughter of Alberta Claros
21. FRANCISCA CLAROS, 11, daughter of Julia Claros
22. CHILD, 7, daughter of Julia Claros
24. FRANCISCA CLAROS, 16, daughter of Antolina Claros
25. Claudio Del Cid, 20, carpenter, companion of Francisca Claros
26. CHILD, 6 months old, daughter of Francisca Claros and Claudio Del Cid
27. MARIA DEL CID, 60, mother of Claudio Del Cid
28. GIRL, 15, daughter of Antolina Claros
29. CHILD, 11, daughter of Antolina Claros
30. OSCAR CLAROS, 7, son of Antolina Claros
31. JESUS CLAROS, 5, daughter of Antolina Claros
32. LEONISIA CLAROS, 25, daughter of Concepcion Marquez and sister of Antolina Claros
33. FABIAN LUNA, 20, day laborer, companion of Leonisia Claros
34. CHILD, 5, daughter of Leonisia Claros and Fabian Luna
35. LUCIO CLAROS, 2 1/2, son of Leonisia Claros and Fabian Luna
36. CHILD, 7 months old, daughter of Leonisia Claros and Fabian Luna
37. Emilia CLAROS, 35, daughter of Concepcion Marquez and sister of Antolina and Francisca Claros
38. MELESIO ARGUETA ALVARENGA, 40, day laborer, husband of Emilia Claros
39. PRISCILIO CLAROS, 7, son of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
40. GIRL, 18, daughter of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
41. CHILD, 10 months old, daughter of victim #40 and granddaughter of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
42. ISABEL ARGUETA, 6, daughter of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
43. CHILD, 4, son of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
44. CHILD, 2, son of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
45. COSME ARGUETA, 45, sister of Melesio Argueta
46. ISRAEL MARQUEZ, 80, merchant
47. PAUIA MARQUEZ, 60, wife of Israel Marquez
48. ELVIRA MARQUEZ Chicas, 34, pregnant at time of death, niece of Israel Marquez
49. SONIA MAKQuEz OR SONIA CHICAS, 5, daughter of Elvira Marquez and Leonardo Marquez Del Cid (victim #51)
50. GIRL, 19, daughter of Israel Marquez
51. LEONARDO MARQUEZ DEL CID, 40, farmer, father of Sonia Marquez (victim #49)
52. BALBINO MARQUEZ DEL CID, 60, farmer, father of Leonardo Marquez
53. FRANCISCA DEL CID, 55, wife of Balbino Marquez
54. ORBELINA MARQUEZ, 45, seamstress, companion of Leonardo Marquez Del Cid
55. BRUNO CLAROS, 50, farmer
56. HORTENSA ROMERO MARQUEZ, 39, wife of Bruno Claros
57. MATILDE PEREIRA, 70, farmer, father of Brullo Claros
58. RODOLFO CLAROS, 15, brother of Bruno Claros
59. CHILD, 5, ward of Bruno Claros
60. BOY, 18, son of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
61. GIRL, 16, daughter of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
62. EVA ROMERO, 11, daughter of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
63. IRMA ROMERO, 9, daughter of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
64. BRUNO CLAROS, 7, son of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
65. HIPOLITA CLAROS, 13, daughter of Domingo Claros (victim #I)
66. MARIA CONCEPCION ROMERO, 44, mother of Hipolita Claros
67. MELESIO Diaz, 65, butcher
68. NORBERTA MARQUEZ, 40, companion of Melesio Diaz
69. MARTIR DIAZ, 14, daughter of Melesio Diaz
70. MOISES CLAROS, 75, day laborer
71. MAN, 90, father of Moises Claros
72. EUGENIA CLAROS, 27, maguey spinner, daughter of Moises Claros
73. DAVID CLAROS, 10, son of Eugenia Claros and grandson of Moises Claros
74. CHILD, 6, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
75. CHILD, 8, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
76. CHILD, 3, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
77. CHILD, 2, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
78. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
79. BENJAMIN ANTONIO CLAROS, 45, son of Moises Claros
80. ANASTACIA MARQUEZ, 40, pregnant at time of death, companion of Benjamin Antonio Claros
81. MATIAS MARQUEZ, 75, carpenter, father of Anastacia Marquez
82. MARIA ARGUETA, 30, companion of Matias Marquez
83. DOLORES MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Matias Marquez
84. LUCIO MARQUEZ, 45, day laborer, companion of Dolores Marquez
85. CHILD, 7, son of Dolores Marquez and Lucio Marquez
86. CHILD, 5, son of Dolores Marquez and Lucio Marquez
87. DOMINGA MARQUEZ, 70, mother of Lucio Marquez
88. CHILD, 5, daughter of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
89. CHILD, 6, son of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
90. CHILD, 9, son of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
91. CHILD, 11, son of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
92. FRANCISCO Claros, 80, day laborer, cousin of Moises Claros (victim #70)
93. ROGELIA DIAZ, 76, wife of Francisco Claros
94. BOY, 16, paralyzed, grandson of Francisco Claros
96. TELESFORO MARQUEZ, 35, deaf and mute, son of Paulina Marquez
97. LORENZO CLAROS OR LORENZO DIAZ, 25, son of Paulina Marquez and brother of Telesforo Marquez
98. EUGENIO VIGIL, 60, farmer
99. AGUSTINA VIGIL, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Eugenio Vigil
100. CHILD, 7, daugllter of Agustina Vigil
101. MARCELINA VIGIL, 22, daughter of Eugenio Vigil
102. DIONISIO MARQUEZ, 20, day laborer, husband of Marcelina Vigil
103. MIGUEL MARQUEZ, 70, day laborer, father of Dionisio Marquez
104. CHILD, 5, son of Dionisio Marquez
105. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Dionisio Marquez
106. MARFA ANSELMA MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Miguel Marquez
107. ARIURO GIDIO Chicas, 39, day laborer, companion of Anselma Marquez
108. LUCIA MARQUEZ, 14, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
109. DORA MARQUEZ, 11, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
110. CHILD, 7, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
111. CHILD, 5, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
112. CHILD, 1, son of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
113. GIRL, 18, daughter of Miguel Marquez (victim #103)
114. CHILD, 2 days old, grandson of Miguel Marquez
115. MARTO VIGIL, 75, farmer, brother of Eugenio Vigil (victim #98)
116. PAULA DIAZ, 75, wife of Marto Vigil
117. DOMINGA DIAZ, 30, ward of Marto Vigil
118. CHILD, 5, daughter of Dominga Diaz
1l9. MAGDALENA DIAZ, 60, sister of Paula Diaz
120. GIRL, 19, daughter of Magdalena Diaz
121. GIRL, 16, daughter of Magdalena Diaz
122. CESARIO MArQuEz, 70, farmer
124. GIRL, 15, daughter of Cesario Marquez
125. GIRL, 14, daughter of Cesario Marquez
126. CHILD, 1 l, son of Cesario Marquez
127. HILDA MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Cesario Marquez
128. CHILD, 6, daughter of Hiilda Marquez and Felipe Argueta
129. CHILD, 4, son of llilda Mar4uez and Felipe Argueta
130. Child, 3, son of Hilda Marquez and Felipe Argueta
131. CHILD, 1, daughter of Hilda Marquez and Felipe Argueta
132. FILOMENA CLAROS, 50, daughter of Concepcion Marquez (victim #17)
133. CHILD, 11, son of Filomena Claros
134. BOY, 18, day laborer, son of Filomena Claros
135. GIRL, 14, daughter of Filomena Claros
136. CHILD, 7, son of Filomena Claros
137. CHILD, 5, son of Filomena Claros
138. ASCENCI6N MARQUEZ, 39, day laborer, brother of Concepcion Marquez (victim #17)
140. EUGENIA CLAROS, 30, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Susana Claros and companion of Ascencion Marquez
141. JESUS CLAROS, 10, son of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
142. ROSITa CLAROS, 5, daughter of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia
143. CHILD, 7, son of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
144. CHILD, 3, son of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
145. CHILD, 2, daughter of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
147. VICENTA DEL CID, 80, sister of Andrea Del Cid
148. ROSA DEL CID, 20, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Andrea Del Cid
149. EMELY DEL CID, 4, son of Rosa Del Cid
150. MAURICIO DEL CID, 9 months, son of Rosa Del Cid
151. ANGELA DEL CID, 5, daughter of Rosa Del Cid
152. LEONCIO DIAZ, 105, a butcher in his youth
153. LEONCIA MArQuEz, 100, companion of Leoncio Diaz
154. GILBERTO SORTO, 25, farmer
155. FELICITA VIGIL, 20, wife of Gilberto Sorto
156. ANACLETA SORT0, 65, mother of Gilberto Sorto
157. CHILD, 5, son of Gilberto Sorto and Felicita Vigil
158. CHILD, 3, son of Gilberto Sorto and Felicita Vigil
160. CHILD, 12, daughter of Martina Argueta
161. CHILD, 9, son of Martina Argueta
162. CHILD, 7, son of Martina Argueta
163. CHILD, 2, daughter of Martina Argueta
165. CHILD, 11, daughter of Onofre Argueta
166. CHILD, 9, son of Onofre Argueta
167. CHILD, 7, son of Onofre Argueta
168. CHILD, 5, daughter of Onofre Argueta
169. CHILD, 3, son of Onofre Argueta
170. GERTRUDIS GUEVARA, 80, day laborer
171. MARCELINA MARQUEZ, 25, companion of Gertrudis Guevara
172. TOMAS MARQUEZ, 5, son of Gertrudis Guevara and Marcelina Marquez
173. CHILD, 3 months old, daughter of Gertrudis Guevara and Marcelina Marquez
174. SEGUNDO CHICAS, 25, day laborer
175. SATURNINA ROMERO, 25, companion of Segundo Chicas
176. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
177. CHILD, 10, son of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
178. CHILD, 7, son of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
179. CHILD, 5, son of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
180. FACUNDO CIIICAS, 25, brother of Segundo Chicas
181. MELDA MARQUEZ CHICAS, 25, wife of Facundo Chicas
182. CHILD, 12, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
183. CHILD, 10, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
184. CHILD, 9, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
185. CHILD, 7, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
186. CHILD, 2, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
188. CHON MARQUEZ, 22, mentally retarded son of Anselma de Marquez
189. DOROTEO N., 60, day laborer
190. FERNANDO GUEVARA, 60, farmer
191. FLORINDA DEL CID DE GUEVARA, 58, an amputee (one leg), wife of Fernando Guevara and sister of Francisca Del Cid (victim #53)
192. MARIA ROMERO, 45, merchant, a widow
193. LUCAS GUEVARA, 35, day laborer
194. ANDRES GUEVARA, 50, day laborer, father of Lucas Guevara
195. RUFINA ROMERO, 35, companion of Lucas Guevara
196. TELMA ROMERO, 12, daughter of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
197. ROSITA ROMERO, lo, daughter of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
198. CANDELARIA ROMERO, 6, daugllter of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
199. JOAQUIN ROMERO, 7, son of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
200. JOSE ROMERO, 6 months, son of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
201. BENITO ROMERO, 3o, day laborer, son of Maria Romero (victim #192)
202. FLORENTINA DEL CID, 25, companion of Benito Romero
203. LUCIA DEL CID, 10, daughter of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
204. CAMILO DEL CID, 7, son of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
20f. ROSITA DEL CID, 4, daughter of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
206. CHILD, 1, daughter of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
207. EDUARDO DIAZ OR EDUARDO CLAROS, 30, day laborer
208. CARMEN CLAROS, 18, companion of Eduardo Claros
209. JUBENCIO DIAZ, 10, son of Eduardo Diaz
210. CLICERIO DIAZ, 3, son of Eduardo Diaz
211. JOSE DIAZ, 5, son of Eduardo Diaz
212. DECIDERIO Diaz OR DECIDERIO CLAROS, 50, farmer, father of Eduardo Diaz
213. MARIA MARQUEZ OR MARIA GUEVARA, 40, companion of Deciderio Diaz
214. SANTOS MARQUEZ OR SANTOS GUEVARA, 20, daughter of Maria Marquez
215. ELADIO ClAROS, 25, day laborer, son of Deciderio Diaz and companion of Santos Marquez
216. DORIS CLAROS, 16, daughter of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
217. Child,13, son of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
218. Child, 11, daughter of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
219. CHILD, 8, son of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
220. Child, 5, daughter of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
221. VIRGINIA CLAROS, 16, sister of Eduardo Claros (victim #207)
222. OLAYO ClAROS, 15, day laborer, brother of Eduardo Claros (victim #207)
223. MARTINA CLAROS, 15, pregnant at time of death, companion of Olayo Claros
224. FRANCISCA CLAROS, 18, sister of Eduardo Claros (victim #207)
225. IGNACIO GUEVARA, 60, farmer
226. PETO DIAZ, 50, farmer
227. ANDREA MARQUEZ, 45, companion of Peto Diaz
228. VICTORIANA DIAZ MARQUEZ, 30, daughter of Peto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
229. LOCADIO DIAZ MARQUEZ, 18, son of Peto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
230. UGENIA DIAZ MARQUEZ, 14, daughter Of Peto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
231. CHILD, 4, son of Victoriana Diaz Marquez
232. CHILD, 1, son of Victoriana Diaz Marquez
233. SALOME MARQUEZ, 25, day laborer
235. MARGARITA MARQUEZ CLAROS, 25, daughter of Marta Marquez
236. LIRIA MARQUEZ, 7, daughter of Margarita Marquez
237. DINORA MARQUEZ, 6, daughter of Margarita Marquez
238. AMPARO MARQUEZ, 4, daughter of Margarita Marquez
239. ROSITA MARQUEZ, 2, daughter of Margarita Marquez
240. MIRIAM MARQUEZ, 1, daughter of Margarita Marquez
241. CLEOTILDE MARQUEZ, 60, sister of Marta Marquez
242. COSME DIAZ, 80, day laborer
243. JOSE MARCOS DIAZ, 34, merchant
244. ROSA PEREIRA, 22, wife of Jose Marcos Diaz
245. IRMA YANET DIAZ, 4, daughter of Jose Marcos Diaz and Rosa Pereira
246. LORENA PEREIRA, 3, daughter of Jose Marcos Diaz and Rosa Pereira
247. AMiLCAR PEREIRA, 2 months, son of Jose Marcos Diaz and Rosa Pereira
248. MAURA PEREIRA, 10, student, goddaughter of Jose Marcos Diaz
249. ALEXANDRO DIAZ, 60, merchant, father of Jose Marcos Diaz
250. MARIA MARQUEZ, 50, companion of Alejandro Diaz
251. RAMoN MARQUEZ DIAZ, 18, merchant, son of Alejandro Diaz
252. SANTOS MARQUEZ, 40, farmer
253. AGUSTINA GARCIA, 35, companion of Santos Marquez
254. RENE MARQUEZ, 11, student, son of Santos Marquez and Agustina Garcia
255. EDI MARQUEZ, 5, daughter of Santos Marquez and Agustina Garcia
256. CHILD, 2, daughter of Santos Marquez and Agustina Garcia
257. FELIX DEL CID, 19, day laborer
258. ESTANISLAO CHICAS, 75, blind man
259. ANGELICA MARQUEZ, 45, seamstress, wife of Estanislao Chicas
260. CARLOS CHICAS, 25, blind, son of Estanislao Chicas and Angelica Marquez
261. NARCISA MARQUEZ, 20, companion of Carlos Chicas
262. CHILD, 5, daughter of Carlos Chicas and Narcisa Marquez
263. CHILD, 3, daughter of Carlos Chicas and Narcisa Marquez
264. CHILD, 2, daughter of Carlos Chicas and Narcisa Marquez
265. ANTONIO CHICAS, 15, student, brother of Carlos Chicas and son of Estanislao Chicas
266. HUMBERTO CHICAS, 13, son of Estanislao Chicas and Angelica Marquez
267. ESTANISLAO GUEVARA, 30, day laborer
268. FELIPA DIAZ, 25, companion of Estanislao Guevara
269. CHILD, 8, son of Estanislao Guevara and Felipa Diaz
270. CHILD, 7, son of Estanislao Guevara and Felipa Diaz
271. CHILD, 6, son of Estanislao Guevara and Felipa Diaz
273. MARTINA DIAZ, 65, maguey spinner, wife of Natividad Argueta
274. DANIEL ROMERO, 48, farmer
275. FLORENTINA PEREIRA, 42, wife of Daniel Romero
276. ANA MARIA ROMERO, 16, daughter of Daniel Romero and Florentina Pereira
277. JESUS SALvADoR ROMERO, 13, son of Daniel Romero and Florentina Pereira
278. ELMER NicoLAs MARQUEZ, 2, ward of Daniel Romero
279. LEONCIO DIAZ, 60, merchant
280. EDILFONZA DIAZ, 68, wife of Leoncio Diaz
281. JOSE MARIA MARQUEZ, 60, day laborer
282. DONATILA PEREIRA, 45, seamstress, companion of Jose Maria
283. SofiA MARQuez, 25, daughter of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
284. OSCAR MARQUEZ, 19 son of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
285. CHILD, 7, son of Sofia Marquez
286. CHILD, 3, son of Sofia Marquez
287. CHILD, 2, son of Sofia Marquez
288. EVENOR MARQUEZ, 17, day laborer, son of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
289. MARIA FREDY MARQUEZ, 14, student, daughter of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
290. CHILD, 3, daughter of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
291. CAYETANo ARGUETA, 60, day laborer
292. MARIA ANGELA GUEVARA, 50, companion of Cayetano Argueta
293. CHILD, 12, student, son of Cayetano Argueta and Maria Angela Guevara
294. CHILD, 10, student, son of Cayetano Argueta and Maria Angela Guevara
295. FLORENCIO ARGUETA DEL CID, 62, day laborer
296. MARIA Valentina ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 30, daughter of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
297. AGUSTINA ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 22, daughter of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
298. MARIA MARTIR ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 23, daughter of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
299. JUAN FRANCISCO ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 10, son of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
300. LUCIO MARQUEZ, 24, day laborer, husband of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez (victim #296)
301. EEVARISTO MARQUEZARGUETA, 8, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
302. ANTONIO MARQUEZARGUETA, 5, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
303. CRISTINO MARQUEZARGUETA, 2, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
304. CELESTINO MARQUEZARGUETA, 1, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
305. TIMOTEO ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 30, day laborer, husband of Agustina Argueta Marquez (victim #297)
306. SANTOS ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 9, student, son of Agustina Argueta Marquez and Timoteo Argueta Marquez
307. JESUS ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 6, son of Agustina Argueta Marquez and Timoteo Argueta Marquez
308. ISABEL ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 4, daughter of Agustina Argueta Marquez and Timoteo Argueta Marquez
309. SANTOS CLAROS, 30, day laborer, companion of Maria Martir Argueta Marquez (victim #298)
310. ARMANDO ARGUETA CLAROS, 8 months, son of Maria Martir Argueta Marquez and Santos Claros
311. ANTONIO MARQUEZ, 35, day laborer
312. EDUVINA MARQUEZ, 25, sister of Antonio Marquez
313. MONICA DIAZ, 80, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
314. LORENZO CLAROS, 7, grandson of Monica Diaz
315. ROFELIA ORELLANA, 70, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
316. EDUARDO HERNANDEZ, 70, day laborer, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
317. SARA N., 75, companion of Eduardo Hernandez, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
318. LUCITA CHICAS, 35, niece of Israel Marquez (victim #46)
319. EFRIAN RAMOS OR EFRIAN MARQUEZ, 40, merchant, husband of Lucita Chicas
320. CHILD, 2, son of Efrain Ramos
321. Child, 4, son of Efrain Ramos
322. CHILD, 12, son of Efrain Ramos
324. CHILD, 5, son of Antonia Guevara
325. CHILD, lo, student, niece of Antonia Guevara
326. CHILD, 8, student, nephew of Antonia Guevara
327. CHILD, 6, student, nephew of Antonia Guevara
328. CHILD, 3, student, nephew of Antonia Guevara
329. FLORINDA Diaz, 60
330. Neftali MARQUEZ, 40, day laborer, companion of Florinda Diaz
331. CHILD, 7, ward of Florinda Diaz and Neftali Marquez
332. PERFECTO DIAZ, 64, bricklayer
333. ANDREA MARQUEZ, 40, wife of Perfecto Diaz
334. EUGENIA Diaz MARQUEZ, 20, daughter of Perfecto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
335. CHILD, 3, daughter of Eugenia Diaz Marquez
336. MACARIO DIAZ MARQUEZ, 15, day laborer, son of Perfecto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
337. VICTORINA Diaz MARQUEZ, 16, daughter of Perfecto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
338. CHILD, 3, daughter of Victorina Diaz Marquez and Francisco Argueta
339. CHILD, 2, daughter of Victorina Diaz Marquez and Francisco Argueta
34o. JOSE RAUL DIAZ, 14, day laborer, nephew of Perfecto Diaz
341. JOSE CAYERANO ARGUETA, 40, musician
342. MARIA GUEVARA, 30, companion of Jose Cayetano Argueta
343. SALOME ARGUETA, 18, day laborer, son of Jose Cayetano Argueta and Maria Guevara
344. JOSE ARGUETA, 14, day laborer, son of Jose Cayetano Argueta and Maria Guevara
345. Child, 12, day laborer, son of Jose Cayetano Argueta and Maria Guevara
346. LORENZO ARGUETA, 40, day laborer
347. WOMAN, 18, wife of Jose Argueta
348. SALVADOR MARQUEZ, 65, day laborer
349. MEDARDA DIAZ, 60, wife of Salvador Marquez
350. CRISTINA MARQUEZ, 25, daughter of Salvador Marquez and Medarda Diaz
351. BARTOLOME MARQUEZOR Salome Marquez, 40 son of Salvador Marquez and Medarda Diaz
352. RUFINO MARQUEZ, day laborer, son of Bartolome Marquez
353. CLEMENTINA MARQUEZOR PASITA Diaz, 26, wife of Rufino Marquez
354. WALTER MARQUEZ, 3, son of Rufillo Marquez and Clementina Marquez
355. EDITH MARQUEZ, 12, daughter of Rufino Marquez and Clementina Marquez
356. GLORIA MARQUEZ, 10, daughter of Rufino Marquez and Clementina Marquez
357. NORBERTA DIAZ, 60, wife of Eugenio Vigil
358. JOSE MARIA MARQUEZ, l0, son of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
359. MARIO MARQUEZ, 6, son of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
360. MAXIMINO MARQUEZ, 4, son of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
361. VILMA YANET MARQUEZ, 1, daughter of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
363. MIRIAM RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 9, daughter of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
364. DOLORES RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 7, daughter of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
365. LILiAN ELIZABETH RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 6, daughter of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
366. NILSON RODRIGUEZ OR HERNAN RODRIGUEZ , 4, son of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
367. EVELIO RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 3, son Of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
368. CHILD, 10 months old, son of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
369. ISABEL ARGUETA, 65, widow


372. MARIBEL ROMERO, 5, daughter of Maria Romero Martinez
373. LUPITA ROMERO, 3, daughter of Maria Romero Martinez
374. ARNOLDO ROMERO, 6 months old, son of Maria Romero Martinez
375. MARIA HERIBERTA MARTfNEZ, 30, 9 months pregnant at time of death
376. ANASTACIO CHICAS ROMERO, age unknown, day laborer, companion of Maria Heriberta Martinez
377. DORE CHICAS MARTINEZ, 7, son of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
378. NUNCIACIoN CHICAS MARTINEZ, 3, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
379. Justiniano CHICAS MARTINEZ, 8, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
380. PEDRO CHICAS MARTINEZ, 12, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
381. MARINO CHICAS MARTINEZ, 14, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
382. DAVID CHICAS MARTINEZ, 1, son of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
383. FELIPA MARTINEZ, 60, mother of Maria Heriberta Martinez
385. DORA TORRES MARTINEZ, 3, daughter of Vicenta Torres
386. CHILD, several months old, daughter of Vicenta Torres
387. CHILD, several months old, daughter of Vicenta Torres
388. VICTORINA CHICAS, 35, maguey spinner
389. LUCRECIA CHICAS, 5, daughter of Victorina Chicas
391. CATALINA CHICAS, 8, daughter of Petrona Chicas
392. JUSTINA GUEVARA or JUSTINIANA GUEVARA, 50, maguey spinner
393. JACINTA GUEVARA or JACINTA Diaz, 25, maguey spinner, daughter of Justina Guevara
394. MARIA GUEVARA OR MARIA Diaz, 5, daughter of Jacinta Diaz and granddaughter of Justina Guevara
395. ROQUE GUEVARA OR ROQUE Diaz, 4, son of Jacinta Diaz and grandson of Justina Guevara
396. AMBROSIO GUEVARA, 1, son of Jacinta Diaz and grandson of Justina Guevara
398. HILARIA HERNANDEZ, 45, sister of Josefina Hernandez
399. LORENZO VIGIL, 40, day laborer
400. AMINTA VIGIL ARGUETA, 19, daughter of Lorenzo Vigil
401. PEDRITO VIGIL ARGUETA, 10, son of Lorenzo Vigil
402. JOSE WILFREDO VIGIL, 2, son of Aminta Vigil Argueta and grandson of Lorenzo Vigil
403. CHILD, 3, son of Aminta Vigil Argueta and grandson of Lorenzo Vigil
404. MATEA VIGIL, 60, aunt of Lorenzo Vigil
405. CONCEPCION VIGIL, 40, day laborer and maguey spinner, son of Matea Vigil
406. EUGENIA MARTINEZ, 25, companion of Concepcion Vigil
407. LEONARDA MARTINEZ, 60, mother of Eugenia Martinez
408. MARIA MARTINEZ, 6, daughter of Concepcion Vigil and Eugenia Martinez
409. FEDERICO MARTINEZ, 4, son of Concepcion Vigil and Eugenia Martinez
410. CHILD, 6 months old, daughter of Concepcion Vigil and Eugenia Martinez
411. MARIA ARGUETA, 30, sister of Eugenia Martinez
412. CHILD, age unknown, son of Maria Argueta
413. CHILD, age unknown, son of Maria Argueta
414. CHILD, age unknown, daughter of Maria Argueta
416. FRANCISCA CHAVARRiA, 40, companion of Aquilino Diaz
417. SANTOS CHAVARRiA, 9, son of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
418. JOSE CHAVARRiA, 8, son of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
419. CHILD, age unknown, daughter of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
420. CHILD, age unknown, daughter of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
421. ESTANISLAO DIAZ, 65, farmer, father of Aquilino Diaz
422. TOMASA MARTINEZ, 70, wife of Estanislao Diaz and mother of Aquilino Diaz
424. CHILD, age unknown, son of Dominga Chavarria
425. CHILD, age unknown, son of Dominga Chavarria
426. CHILD, age unknown, son of Dominga Chavarria
428. PETRONA CHAVARRiA, 50, aunt of Francisca Chavarria (victim #416)
429. TOMASA CHAVARRiA, age unknown, mother of Francisca Chavarria (victim #416)
430. SANTOS CHAVARRiA, 55, brother of Tomasa Chavarria, maguey spinner
431. FAUSTINA CHAVARRiA LUNA, 15, daughter of Santos Chavarria
432. EUSTAQUIA ChavarriaLUNA, 1l, daughter of Santos Chavarria
433. SANTOS ChavarriaLUNA, 5, daughter of Santos Chavarria
434. CHILD, 1, daughter of Santos Chavarria
435. REGINO Chavarria, 65, brother of Santos Chavarria
436. Otilia Hernandez, 30, daugllter of Regino Chavarria
437. JOSE ROSARIO PeREZ, 20, day laborer and maguey spinner, companion of Otilia Hernandez
438. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia Hernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
439. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia llernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
440. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia l-lernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
441. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia Hernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
442. MARCIAL PEREZ, 15, maguey spinner, hrother of Jose Rosario Perez
443. AGAPITO LUNA, 23, farmer
444. INES MARTINEZ, 45, day laborer
446. CRISIINA MARTINEZ, 23, daughter of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
447. CRISTINITA MARTINEZ, 9 months old, daughter of Cristina Martinez
448. CHILD, 6, son of Cristina Martinez
449. FACUNDA ROMERO, 25, daughter of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
450. MARTA ROMERO, 10, daughter of Facunda Romero
451. CHILD, 8, son of Facunda Romero
452. CHILD, 6, son of Facunda Romero
453. MAN, 22, day laborer, son of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
454. BOY, 19, day laborer, son of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
455. JACINTO SANCHEZ, 80, day laborer
456. AMELIA SANCHEZ, 95, sister of Jacinto Sanchez
457. DOMINGA SANCHEZ, 30, daughter of Jacinto Sanchez
458. MELA SANCHEZ OR ANGELICA SANCHEZ, 14, daughter of Dominga Sanchez
459. JUANCITO SANCHEZ, 10, student, son of Dominga Sanchez
461. FIGENIA SANCHEZ, 13, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
462. IRMA SANCHEZ, 6, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
463. MARIANA SANCHEZ, 4, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
464. ESPENTACION SANCHEZ OR PETIO SANCHEZ, 2, son of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
465. JACINTO SANCHEZ, 3, son of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
466. CONCEPCION SANCHEZ, 3 days old, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
468. ARNOLDO LOPEZ, 10, daughter of Reynelda Lopez
469. EDGAR MARIN LOPEZ, 8, daughter of Reynelda Lopez
470. JOAQUIN LOPEZ, 6, daughter of Keynelda Lopez
471. HERIBERTO LOPEZ, 4, daughter of lteyllelda Lopez
472. JOSE DORE LOPEZ, 2, daughter of Keynelda Lopez
473. JOSE CLEOFAS LOPEZ, 8 months old, daughter of Reynelda Lopez
474. FRANCISCA GoMEZ OR FRANCISCA SANCHEZ, 75, wife of Ismael Lopez
475. PRISCILA Lopez, 22, daughter of Ismael Lopez
476. CHILD, 7 months old, daughter of Priscila Lopez
478. JESUS MARTINEZ, 8, son of Maria Ines Martinez
479. TEODORO MARTINEZ, 5, son of Maria Ines Martinez
480. MAXIMA MARTINEZ, 50, daughter of Maria Ines Martinez
481. CHILD, 4, son of Maria Ines Martinez
482. GREGORIA MARTINEZ, 24, cousin of Maria Ines Martinez
483. BERNARDA MARTINEZ OR CECILIA MARTINEZ, 12, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
484. ESTHER MARTINEZ, 9, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
485. CHILD, 5, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
486. CHILD, 3, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
487. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
490. RODOLFO RAMIREZ, 8, son of Transito Ramirez
491. FLORITA RAMIREZ, 3, daughter of Transito Ramirez
492. CECILIA RAMIREZ, 85, aunt of Transito Ramirez
495. CHILD, 3 months old, son of Cristina Guevara
496. SILVERIA MEJIA ROMERO, 25, maguey spinner
497. JESUS MEJIA CHICAS, 10, son of Silveria Mejia Romero
498. MARIA MARTA MEJIA CHICAS, 8, daughter of Silveria Mejia Romero
499. JUANITA MEJIA CHICAS, 6, daughter of Silveria Mejia Romero
500. JOSe LUCAS MEJIA CHICAS, 3 son of Silveria Mejia Romero
501. CHILD, 2, son of Silveria Mejia Romero
502. CHILD, 3 months old, son of Silveria Mejia Romero
504. JOSE FRANCISCO REYES LUNA, 5, son of Maria Marcos Reyes
505. MARIA NELY REYES LUNA, 3, daughter of Maria Marcos Reyes
506. EVARISTO REYES LUNA, 6 months old, son of Maria Marcos Reyes
507. PRESENTACION MARQUEZ, 41, day laborer
508. MARIA MARTIR MARQUEZ, 38, wife of Presentacion Marquez
509. GIRL, 14, daughter of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
510. CHILD, 11, daughter of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
511. CHILD, 9, son of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
512. CHILD, 7, son of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
513. CHILD, 4, son of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
514. VICENTA MARQUEZ, 80, widow
516. DONATILA CHICAS or DOMITILA ORELLANA, 30, pregnant at time of death, companion of Enemesio Rodriguez
517. CHILD, 7, daughter of Enemesio Rodriguez and Donatila Chicas
518. CHILD, 5, daughter of Enemesio Rodriguez and Donatila Chicas
519. CHILD, 1, daughter of Enemesio Rodriguez and Donatila Chicas
520. CATARINO RODRIGUEZ or CATARINO GUEVARA, 70, day laborer, father of Enemesio Rodriguez
521. NARCISA MARQUEZ, 68, wife of Catarino Rodriguez
522. MAXIMO RODRIGUEZ, 40, day laborer, son of Catarino Rodriguez and Narcisa Marquez
523. LEONARDA MARQUEZ, 40, wife of Maximo Rodriguez
524. ELENA RODRiGUEZ, 16, daughter of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
525. HERMINIO RODRIGUEZ, 14, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
526. CAMARO RODRiGUEZ, 12, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
527. CHILD, 6, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
528. CHILD, 4, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
529. FELIX RODRiGUEZ, 30, daughter of Catarino Rodriguez and Narcisa Marquez
530. CHILD, 10, daughter of Felix Rodriguez
531. CHILD, 8, son of Felix Rodriguez
532. CHILD, 6, daughter of Felix Rodriguez
533. CHILD, 4, son of Felix Rodriguez
534. PEDRO ARGUETA, 40, day laborer
535. PEDRO ARGUETA, 35, day laborer, brother of Pedro Argueta
536. JULIA DEl CId, 18, pregnant at time of death
537. HUMBERTO Chicas, 19, day laborer, companion of Julia Del Cid
538. CHILD, 2, son of Julia Del Cid and Humberto Chicas
539. VICENTE MARQUEZ, 60, day laborer
540. SERVANDA MAsQuEz, 28, daughter of Vicente Marquez
541. SERGIO MARQUEZ or SERSIDO MARQUEZ, 25, day laborer, son of Vicente Marquez
542. CHILD, 7, son of Servanda Marquez
543. CHILD, 3, son of Servanda Marquez
544. MONCIIO MARQUEZ, 15, day laborer, husband of Mercedes Pereira, who was killed in Los Toriles
546. PEDRO CHICAS, 27, farmer, husband of Teresa Argueta
547. CHILD, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
548. Child, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
549. CHILD, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
550. CHILD, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
551. CHILD, 4, daughter of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
552. CARLOS CLAROS, 25, day laborer
553. LUCAS CHICAS, 20, companion of Carlos Claros
554. RUMALDO MARQUEZ, 30, day laborer
555. MELIDA CHICAS, 24, wife of Rumaldo Marquez
556. CHILD, 8 days old, son of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
557. CHILD, 2, son of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
558. CHILD, 1 l, daughter of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
559. CHILD, 8, daughter of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
560. CHILD, 6, daughter of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas


561. NARCISO ARGUETA, 80, farmer, father of Felipe Argueta (killed in El Mozote)
562. ABILIO VIGIl, 43, farmer
563. SATURNINA ARGUETA, 45, companion of Abilio Vigil
565. JUSTINIANA N., 50, companion of Estanislao Alvarenga
566. SEFERINA VIGII. OR SEFERINA ARGUETA, 15, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
567. FRANCISCO ARGUETA, 13, son of Abilio Vigil and Saturnilla Argueta
568. MARIA ANTONIA ARGUETA, 11, daugilter of Abilio Vigil and Saturilina Argueta
569. MERCEDES ARGuEtA, 9, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
570. MARIA SANTOS ARGUETA, 7, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
571. CHILD, 5, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
572. CHILD, 3, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
573. CHILD, 1, daughtcr of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
574. MANUEL ALVARENGA OR MANUEI. SAN10S PEREIRA ARGUETA, 30, day laborer, companion of Adonisia Rodriguez (killed in ElMozote)
575. FLORENTINA PEREIRA, 70, mother of Manuel Santos Argueta
577. HERMINIO MARQUEZ, 41, day laborer, companion of Petrona Marquez
578. MARIA ZOILA MARQUEZ, 17, day laborer, son of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
579. MARIA CARMEN MARQUEZ, 15, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
580. JOSE SANTOS MARQUEZ, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
581. MARIA JUANA MARQUEZ, 8, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
582. JUAN MARQUEZ, 5, son of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
583. NICOLASA MARQUEZ, 17 months old, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
584. CHILD, 8 days old, son of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
585. CRESCENCIO ARGUETA, 80, day laborer, stepfather of Orbelina Marquez (victim #54, killed in El Mozote)
586. GIRL, 14, daughter of Crescencio Argueta
587. CHILD, 12, daughter of Gescencio Argueta
588. CHILD, 8, son of Crescencio Argueta
590. ROSA CANDIDA PEREIRA, 14, daughter of Natalia Guevara
591. JOSE MARIO PEREIRA, 10, son of Natalia Guevaril
592. SIMEONA VIGIL, 90, mother-in-law of Natalia Guevara
593. BERTOLDINO PERIERA, 70, farmer, son of Simeona Vigil
594. MARIA MARQUEZ, 65, wife of Bertoldino Pereira
595. INES PEREIRA MARQUEZ, 18, day laborer, son or Bertoldino Pereira and Maria Mstirquez
596. CARMEN MARQUEZ, 17, compallioll of Illes Pereira M'lrquez
597. Jose IGNACIO PEREIRA, 25, farmer, son of Bertoldino Pereira and Maria Marquez
598. MERCEDES PEREIRA, 16, daughter of Bertoldillo Pereira and Maria Marquez
599. JESUS PEREIRA, 13, son of Bertoldino Pereira and Maria Marquez
600. JUAN ANGEL PEREIRA, 55, day laborer, son of Simeona Vigil
601. Marto ROMERO, 10, granddaughter of Simeon Vigil
602. MARTO Vigil, 25, day laborer
603. GUILLERMA MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, wife of Marto Vigil
604. JOSE VIGIL, 8, son of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
605. MARIA VIGIL, 7, daughter of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
606. ANGEL VIGIL MARQUEZ, 6, son of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
607. CHILD, 4, son of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
608. CHILD, 2, daughter of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
609. LUIS VIGIL, 50, day laborer, uncle of Marto Vigil
610. JOSE VIGIL, 30, farmer, cousin of Marto Vigil
611. BERNARDA MARQUEZ, 25, wife of Jose Vigil
612. CHILD, 7, son of Jose Vigil and Bernarda Marquez
613. CHILD, 5, son of Jose Vigil and Bemarda Marquez
614. CHILD, 1, son of Jose Vigil and Bemarda Marquez
615. AGUSTINA MARQUEZ, 46, mother of Bernarda Marquez
616. JOSE DANILO MARQUEZ, 35, farmer
617. MARTA CHICAS, 30, wife of Danilo Marquez
618. JOSE MARQUEZ, 10, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
619. CHILD, 8, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
620. CHILD, 12, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
621. CHILD, 5, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
622. CHILD, 1, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas


623. CELESTINA VIGIL, 50, killed in El Mozote with her children, mother of Florentina Del Cid
624. FLORENTINA DEL CID VIGIL, 30, pregnant at time of death
625. CAMILO DEL CID, 12, son of Florentina Del Cid Vigil
626. JAZMiN DEL CID, 8, son of Florentina Del Cid Vigil
627. CHILD, 3, daughter of Florentina Del Cid Vigil
629. MODESTA N., 40
630. CHILD, 2 months old, son of Modesta N.
631. CHILD, 9, daughter of Modesta N.
632. CIIILD, 6, daughter of Modesta N.
634. BENEDICTO MARQUEZ, 9, son of Lorenza Marquez
635. MODESTO MARQUEZ, 6, son of Lorenza Marquez
636. MARIA BERNAI.DA MARQUEZ, 4, daughter of Lorenza Marquez
638. SANTOS HERNANDEZ, 12, student, son of Maria Argueta
639. CHILD, 10 months old, son of Maria Argueta


641. EUSEBIA DIAZ, 10, daughter of Saturnina Diaz
642. ESTELA DIAZ, 2, niece of Saturnina Diaz
643. CHILD, 20 days old, daughter of Saturnina Diaz
644. ANTOLIN DIAZ, 22, maguey spinner
645. TOMASA ARGUETA, 20, companion of Antolin Diaz
646. CHILD, 3, son of Antolin Diaz and Tomasa Argueta
647. CHILD, 2, son of Antolin Diaz and Tomasa Argueta
648. CHILD, 15 days old, daughter of Antolin Diaz and Tomasa Argueta
649. JUAN CHICAS, 29, maguey spinner
650. CIRIACA ARGUETA, 30, companion of Juan Chicas
651. LUCIANO CHICOS ARGUETA, 15, maguey spinner, son of Juan Chicas
652. GERVASIO CHICAS ARGUETA, 12, maguey spinner, son of Juan Chicas
653. TRANSITO CHICAS ARGUEtA, 9, son of Juan Chicas
654. NICOLASA CHICAS ARGUETA, 6, daughter of Juan Chicas
655. DIONISIO ARGUETA OR LEONISIO ArgUETA, 32, maguey spinner
656. FELIX PORTILLO or FELIX DIAZ, 29, companion of Dionisio
657. CHILD, 10, daughter of Dionisio Argueta and Felix Portillo
658. CHILD, 7, daughter of Dionisio Argueta and Felix Portillo
659. REGINO ARGUETA, 40, maguey spinner, hrother of Dionisio
660. MARTIR PORTILLO, 35, wife of Regino Argueta
661. MATILDE ARGUETA PORTILLO, 16, day laborer, son of Regino Argueta and Martir Portillo
662. FILIBERTA CHICAS, 16, companion of Matilde Argueta
663. GERARDO ARGUETA, 29, maguey spinner
664. JUANA ARGUETA, 24, companion of Gerardo Argueta
665. CHILD, 9, daughter of Gerardo Argueta and Juana Argueta
666. MIGUEL ARGUETA, 25, maguey spinner
667. DOMINGA ARGUETA, 22, companion of Miguel Argueta
668. CHILD, 5, daughter of Miguel Argueta and Dominga Argueta
669. CHILD, 3, daughter of Miguel Argueta and Dominga Argueta
670. CHILD, 2, daughter of Miguel Argueta and Dominga Argueta
671. CATARINO ARGUETA, 65, maguey spinner, fatiler of Ciriaca Argueta (victim #650)
672. FRANCISCA ARGUETA, 70, wife of Catarino Argueta
673. TIMOTEO ARGUeTA, 28, artisan, son of Catarino Argueta and Francisca Argueta
674. ROMANA PEREIRA, 28, companion of Timoteo Argueta
675. GIRL, 1s, daughter of Timoteo Argueta and Romana Pereira
676. CHILD, 8, son of Timoteo Argueta and Komana Pereira
677. CHILD, 5, son of Timoteo Argueta and Romana Pereira
678. JORGEN ARGUETA, 80, mother of Dionisio Argueta (victim #655)
679. GENARO ARGUETA, 82, farmer, companion of Jorgen Argueta
680. EDILFONZO ARGUETA, 51, farmer, son of Jorgen Argueta and
Genaro Argueta
682. CHILD, 8, daughter of Lola Martinez
683. LUCIO ARGUETA, 24, day laborer, son of Catarino Argueta (victim #671) and Francisca Argueta (victim #672)
684. WOMAN, 22, companion of Lucio Argueta
685. CHILD, 3, son of Lucio Argueta
686. CHILD, 2, son of Lucio Argueta
687. JUSTO MARTINEZ, 45, locksmith
688. ANGELA ARGUETA, 33, wife of Justo Martinez
689. TOMAS MARTINEZ ARGUETA, 20, son of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
690. DIONISIA MARTINEZ, 18, companion of Tomas Martinez Argueta
691. Child, 2 months old, son of Tomas Martinez Argueta and Dionisia
692. ESTEBAN MARTINEZ ARGUETA, 16, son of Justo Martillez and Angela Argueta
693. BOY, 14, son of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
694. CHILD, 12, daughter of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
695. CHILD, 9, daughter of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
696. MAXIMO ARGUETA, 30, maguey spinner, son of Catarino Argueta (victim #671)
697. HERIBERTA RAMOS, 28, companion of Maximo Argueta
698. BoY, 15, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
699. Boy, 13, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
700. CHILD, 10, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
701. CHILD, 8, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
702. MATEO LoPEZ, 55, maguey spinner
703. AGUSTINA MARTINEZ, 30, wife of Mateo Lopez
704. GIRl, 15, daughter of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
705. CHILD, 12, daughter of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
706. CHILD, 9, daughter of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
707. CHILD, 6, son of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
708. VITOR MARTINEZ, 60, mother of Agustina Martinez
709. JESUS LUNA, 78, day laborer, companion of Vitor Martinez
710. CATARINO MARTINEZ, 26, maguey spinner, son of Vitor Martinez
711. FERMINA CHICAS, 24, companion of Catarino Martinez
712. CHILD, 10, son of Catarino Martinez and Fermina Chicas
713. CHILD, 7, son of Catarino Martinez and Fermina Chicas
714. CHILD, 5, son of Catarino Martinez and Fermina Chicas
715. MARTiN MARTINEZ, 32, maguey spinner, brother of Catarino Martinez
716. FERMINA ARGUETA, 29, companion of Martin Martinez
717. CHILD, 10, daughter of Martin Martinez and Fermina Argueta
718. CHILD, 7, daughter of Martin Martinez and Fermina Argueta
719. CHILD, 5, son of Martin Martinez and Fermina Argueta
720. PABLO CHICAS, 28, maguey spinner
721. DIONISIA ARGUETA OR LEONISIA MEjiA, 24, companion of Pablo Chicas
722. GIRL, 13, daughter of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
723. ANDRES CHICAS ARGUETA, 11, son of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
724. CHILD, 9, daughter of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
725. CHILD, 6, son of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
726. NASARIA ARGUETA, 70, mother of Diollisia Argueta
727. RAFAEL ARGUETA MEJiA, 27, maguey spiniler, son of Nasaria Argueta
728. LEONCIA ARGUETA, 24, companion of Rafael Argueta Mejia
729. CHILD, 5, son of Rafael Argueta Mejia and Leoncia Argueta
73o CHILD, 2, daughter of Rafael Argueta Mejia and Leoncia Argueta
731. TIBURCIO MEJIA, 35, day laborer, son of Nasaria Argueta
732. ELOISA PORTILLO or ARCADIA PORTILLO, 30, companion of Tiburcio Mejia
733. MARIA MEJIA, 29, daughter of Nasaria Argueta
734. ANDRES FLORES, 48, day laborer, companion of Maria Mejia
735. COLASTICO MEJIA, 40, maguey spinner, cousin of Maria Mejia
736. BRUNA ARGUETA, 42, companion of Colastico Mejia and daughter of Jorgen Argueta (victim #678) and Genaro Argueta (victim #679)
737. GIRL, 15, daughter of Colastico Mejia and Bruna Argueta
738. CHILD, 12, daughter of Colastico Mejia and Bruna Argueta
739. CHILD, 9, daughter of Colastico Mejia and Bruna Argueta
740. SINFOROSO PEREIRA, 30, day laborer
741. EUGENIA DIAZ, 28, companion of Sinforoso Pereira
742. CHILD, 8, son of Sinforoso Pereira and Eugenia Diaz
743. MARIA RAMOS, 75, widow
744. PATRICIA ARGUETA, 75, artisan
745. MIGUEL ARGUETA, 58, farmer
746. EDILFONZA ARGUETA, 48, companion of Edilfonzo Argueta (victim #680)
748. SUSANA RAMIREZ, 32, daughter of Aurelia Ramirez
749. ENEMESIA LUNA, 75, widow751. CONCEPCION PORTILLO, 35, bricklayer
752. DOMINGA PORTILLO, 28, seamstress, wife of Concepcion Portillo


753. MAXIMO PEREZ, 28, catechist
754. BENEDICTO PEREZ, 10, son of Maximo Perez
755. ESTANISLASA PEREZ, 8, daughter of Maximo Perez
756. ROMULO PEREZ, 4, son of Maximo Perez
758. CHILD, 3 days old, daughter of Agustina Perez
759. CRESCENCIA PEREZ, 18, sister of Maximo Perez
760. CARLOS ORTIZ, 48, day laborer
761. TERESO DE JESUS LUNA, 14, day laborer, deaf and mute
762. NATIVIDAD LUNA, 18, cousin of Tereso de Jesus Luna
763. OCTAVIANA LUNA, 8 months old, daughter of Natividad Luna
764. JULIA N., 12
765. WOMAN, 50
766. GIRL, 15, daughter of victim #765
767. GIRL, 13, daughter of victim #765
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Melinda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:32 PM
Response to Reply #17
21. My heart keeps breaking and breaking and breaking and breaking
When will we become as a nation, that which we profess to embrace, to love, to be?! We sit by as others die, and through ignorance, this is condoned!!! I can not

Many, many tears here, now. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:44 PM
Response to Reply #21
24. Deleted message
Message removed by moderator. Click here to review the message board rules.
Melinda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:13 PM
Response to Reply #24
35. What an insulting thing to say to me.
You belittle all victims of human atrocities through your words. Search my posts and say that to me again.
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:36 PM
Response to Reply #24
38. nice redirect attempt.
What's under discussion is the SOA, which trained the battalion that perpetrated the El Mozote massacre. As horrific and worthy of tears as the massacres in Rwanda were, they were not, to my knowledge, committed by soldiers trained at Fort Benning with US taxpayer dollars.
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ozone_man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:53 PM
Response to Reply #17
26. I can't accept a Democrat who vote twice for Reagan,
or who had anything to do with the SOA. If that was the only issue, I might be able to, but it is more of a trend with Clark.
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SayitAintSo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:57 PM
Response to Reply #26
29. We can't afford one issue voters if we dream of a big tent...
It's a complex world ...
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tinanator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:04 PM
Response to Reply #29
32. The big tent cant afford to disregard single issues of import
Or there aint no big tent. Its not that complex, unless youre trying to justify nonsense. Things get a little hard to explain then, so most people pass on the opportunity.
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:43 PM
Response to Reply #29
40. we can't afford to not take at least the occasional stand.
The link between an American foreign policy that installs dictators and helps put down democratic movements in other countries for our own (short-term) gain and the rise of a terroristic response aimed at us is not a particularly obscure one.
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 06:58 PM
Response to Original message
30. Who do I want to believe?
A mainstream source like the AJC or far left sources with an agenda?
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tinanator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:07 PM
Response to Reply #30
33. the agenda free mainstream media?
thats pretty laughable. What are those crazy leftists trying to put over on us again this time? Peace and justice are for whimps.
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:15 PM
Response to Reply #33
36. Yeah...
The AJC has no stake in the accuracy or inaccuracy of this story.
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jonnyblitz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:16 PM
Response to Reply #30
37. and what a horrid agenda these far left sources have.
human rights...HOW EVIL!! Man I can't believe what some of you people become just to prop up a politician!
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:51 PM
Response to Reply #37
43. You miss my point
Different sources stating opposite claims.

Who do we believe?

The one that best proves our point or, as you said, best "props up a politician."
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:59 PM
Response to Reply #43
45. how about this?
Find me a source that convincingly proves that the Atlacatl Battalion didn't kill many hundreds of noncombatants in El Mozote in 1981 and we'll talk about who to believe.
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democratreformed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:37 PM
Response to Original message
39. Link to a semi-debate on SOA
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Hoppin_Mad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:47 PM
Response to Original message
42. In honor of those too DEAD to speak !
Thanks Ulysses

Over 900 men, women, and children were massacred. Virtually the entire population of the village and the area surrounding El Mazote. Out of 143 bodies identified in the laboratory, 131 were of children under the age of 12, including three infants under the age of three months.   Ten of the 12 officers cited as responsible for the El Mazote massacre were graduates of the School of the Americas.  

They were members of the Atlacatl Battalion, a part of the El Salvador Army. November 16, 1989: San Salvador. Six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her 15-year-old daughter were slaughtered. To get the facts about this incident, a U.S. Congressional Investigation began, led by Representative Joseph Mokely.

The Dead: Victims at El Mozote and Nearby Villages

The Dead: Victims at El Mozote and Nearby Villages This list of names was initially compiled by Tutela Legal, a church-run human rights group in El Salvador, and updated by Mark Danner, author of The Massacre at El Mozote, records the ages and professions of 767 people who were murdered by the U.S.-trained Atlacatl Battalion in a 1981 counterinsurgency operation. Though the list offers only the most basic personal information on these victims of the Reagan administration's "war on communism," it conveys a deeply disturbing indication of the human costs of U.S. military aid to El Salvador, which continued for years following the massacre.


1. DOMINGO CLAROS, 29, wood cutter
2. CRISTINO AMAYA CLAROS, 9, son of Domingo Claros
3. MARIA DOLORES AMAYA CLAROS, 5, daughter of Domingo Claros
4. MARTA LILIAN CLAROS, 3, daughter of Domingo Claros
5. MARIA ISABEL AMAYA CLAROS, 8 months, daughter of Domingo Claros
6. ISIDRA CLAROS, 60, aunt of Domingo Claros
8. LEONISIA RODRIGUEZ OR DIONISIA RODRIGUEZ, 27, seamstress daughter of Bonifacia Rodriguez
9. VILMA RODRIGUEZ, 2, daughter of Dionisia Rodriguez and Manuel Alvarenda
10. MARTINA RODRIGUEZ, 35, daughter of Bonifacia Rodriguez and sister of Dionisia and Vilma Rodriguez
11. RUPERTO CHICAS, 40, farmer, hushand of Martina Rodriguez
12. MIRNA CHICAS, 10, daughter of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
13. Child, 6, son of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
14. CHILD, 4, daughter of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
15. CHILD, 3, son of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
16. CHILD, 1, son of Martina Rodriguez and Ruperto Chicas
18. JULIA CLAROS, 30, daughter of Concepcion Marquez
19. ALBERTA CLAROS, 18, daughter of Julia Claros
20. CHILD, 1, daughter of Alberta Claros
21. FRANCISCA CLAROS, 11, daughter of Julia Claros
22. CHILD, 7, daughter of Julia Claros
24. FRANCISCA CLAROS, 16, daughter of Antolina Claros
25. Claudio Del Cid, 20, carpenter, companion of Francisca Claros
26. CHILD, 6 months old, daughter of Francisca Claros and Claudio Del Cid
27. MARIA DEL CID, 60, mother of Claudio Del Cid
28. GIRL, 15, daughter of Antolina Claros
29. CHILD, 11, daughter of Antolina Claros
30. OSCAR CLAROS, 7, son of Antolina Claros
31. JESUS CLAROS, 5, daughter of Antolina Claros
32. LEONISIA CLAROS, 25, daughter of Concepcion Marquez and sister of Antolina Claros
33. FABIAN LUNA, 20, day laborer, companion of Leonisia Claros
34. CHILD, 5, daughter of Leonisia Claros and Fabian Luna
35. LUCIO CLAROS, 2 1/2, son of Leonisia Claros and Fabian Luna
36. CHILD, 7 months old, daughter of Leonisia Claros and Fabian Luna
37. Emilia CLAROS, 35, daughter of Concepcion Marquez and sister of Antolina and Francisca Claros
38. MELESIO ARGUETA ALVARENGA, 40, day laborer, husband of Emilia Claros
39. PRISCILIO CLAROS, 7, son of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
40. GIRL, 18, daughter of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
41. CHILD, 10 months old, daughter of victim #40 and granddaughter of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
42. ISABEL ARGUETA, 6, daughter of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
43. CHILD, 4, son of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
44. CHILD, 2, son of Emilia Claros and Melesio Argueta
45. COSME ARGUETA, 45, sister of Melesio Argueta
46. ISRAEL MARQUEZ, 80, merchant
47. PAUIA MARQUEZ, 60, wife of Israel Marquez
48. ELVIRA MARQUEZ Chicas, 34, pregnant at time of death, niece of Israel Marquez
49. SONIA MAKQuEz OR SONIA CHICAS, 5, daughter of Elvira Marquez and Leonardo Marquez Del Cid (victim #51)
50. GIRL, 19, daughter of Israel Marquez
51. LEONARDO MARQUEZ DEL CID, 40, farmer, father of Sonia Marquez (victim #49)
52. BALBINO MARQUEZ DEL CID, 60, farmer, father of Leonardo Marquez
53. FRANCISCA DEL CID, 55, wife of Balbino Marquez
54. ORBELINA MARQUEZ, 45, seamstress, companion of Leonardo Marquez Del Cid
55. BRUNO CLAROS, 50, farmer
56. HORTENSA ROMERO MARQUEZ, 39, wife of Bruno Claros
57. MATILDE PEREIRA, 70, farmer, father of Brullo Claros
58. RODOLFO CLAROS, 15, brother of Bruno Claros
59. CHILD, 5, ward of Bruno Claros
60. BOY, 18, son of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
61. GIRL, 16, daughter of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
62. EVA ROMERO, 11, daughter of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
63. IRMA ROMERO, 9, daughter of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
64. BRUNO CLAROS, 7, son of Bruno Claros and Hortensia Romero
65. HIPOLITA CLAROS, 13, daughter of Domingo Claros (victim #I)
66. MARIA CONCEPCION ROMERO, 44, mother of Hipolita Claros
67. MELESIO Diaz, 65, butcher
68. NORBERTA MARQUEZ, 40, companion of Melesio Diaz
69. MARTIR DIAZ, 14, daughter of Melesio Diaz
70. MOISES CLAROS, 75, day laborer
71. MAN, 90, father of Moises Claros
72. EUGENIA CLAROS, 27, maguey spinner, daughter of Moises Claros
73. DAVID CLAROS, 10, son of Eugenia Claros and grandson of Moises Claros
74. CHILD, 6, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
75. CHILD, 8, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
76. CHILD, 3, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
77. CHILD, 2, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
78. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Eugenia Claros and granddaughter of Moises Claros
79. BENJAMIN ANTONIO CLAROS, 45, son of Moises Claros
80. ANASTACIA MARQUEZ, 40, pregnant at time of death, companion of Benjamin Antonio Claros
81. MATIAS MARQUEZ, 75, carpenter, father of Anastacia Marquez
82. MARIA ARGUETA, 30, companion of Matias Marquez
83. DOLORES MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Matias Marquez
84. LUCIO MARQUEZ, 45, day laborer, companion of Dolores Marquez
85. CHILD, 7, son of Dolores Marquez and Lucio Marquez
86. CHILD, 5, son of Dolores Marquez and Lucio Marquez
87. DOMINGA MARQUEZ, 70, mother of Lucio Marquez
88. CHILD, 5, daughter of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
89. CHILD, 6, son of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
90. CHILD, 9, son of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
91. CHILD, 11, son of Benjamin Claros (victim #79) and Anastacia Marquez (victim #80)
92. FRANCISCO Claros, 80, day laborer, cousin of Moises Claros (victim #70)
93. ROGELIA DIAZ, 76, wife of Francisco Claros
94. BOY, 16, paralyzed, grandson of Francisco Claros
96. TELESFORO MARQUEZ, 35, deaf and mute, son of Paulina Marquez
97. LORENZO CLAROS OR LORENZO DIAZ, 25, son of Paulina Marquez and brother of Telesforo Marquez
98. EUGENIO VIGIL, 60, farmer
99. AGUSTINA VIGIL, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Eugenio Vigil
100. CHILD, 7, daugllter of Agustina Vigil
101. MARCELINA VIGIL, 22, daughter of Eugenio Vigil
102. DIONISIO MARQUEZ, 20, day laborer, husband of Marcelina Vigil
103. MIGUEL MARQUEZ, 70, day laborer, father of Dionisio Marquez
104. CHILD, 5, son of Dionisio Marquez
105. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Dionisio Marquez
106. MARFA ANSELMA MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Miguel Marquez
107. ARIURO GIDIO Chicas, 39, day laborer, companion of Anselma Marquez
108. LUCIA MARQUEZ, 14, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
109. DORA MARQUEZ, 11, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
110. CHILD, 7, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
111. CHILD, 5, daughter of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
112. CHILD, 1, son of Maria Anselma Marquez and Arturo Gidio Chicas
113. GIRL, 18, daughter of Miguel Marquez (victim #103)
114. CHILD, 2 days old, grandson of Miguel Marquez
115. MARTO VIGIL, 75, farmer, brother of Eugenio Vigil (victim #98)
116. PAULA DIAZ, 75, wife of Marto Vigil
117. DOMINGA DIAZ, 30, ward of Marto Vigil
118. CHILD, 5, daughter of Dominga Diaz
1l9. MAGDALENA DIAZ, 60, sister of Paula Diaz
120. GIRL, 19, daughter of Magdalena Diaz
121. GIRL, 16, daughter of Magdalena Diaz
122. CESARIO MArQuEz, 70, farmer
124. GIRL, 15, daughter of Cesario Marquez
125. GIRL, 14, daughter of Cesario Marquez
126. CHILD, 1 l, son of Cesario Marquez
127. HILDA MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Cesario Marquez
128. CHILD, 6, daughter of Hiilda Marquez and Felipe Argueta
129. CHILD, 4, son of llilda Mar4uez and Felipe Argueta
130. Child, 3, son of Hilda Marquez and Felipe Argueta
131. CHILD, 1, daughter of Hilda Marquez and Felipe Argueta
132. FILOMENA CLAROS, 50, daughter of Concepcion Marquez (victim #17)
133. CHILD, 11, son of Filomena Claros
134. BOY, 18, day laborer, son of Filomena Claros
135. GIRL, 14, daughter of Filomena Claros
136. CHILD, 7, son of Filomena Claros
137. CHILD, 5, son of Filomena Claros
138. ASCENCI6N MARQUEZ, 39, day laborer, brother of Concepcion Marquez (victim #17)
140. EUGENIA CLAROS, 30, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Susana Claros and companion of Ascencion Marquez
141. JESUS CLAROS, 10, son of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
142. ROSITa CLAROS, 5, daughter of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia
143. CHILD, 7, son of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
144. CHILD, 3, son of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
145. CHILD, 2, daughter of Ascencion Marquez and Eugenia Claros
147. VICENTA DEL CID, 80, sister of Andrea Del Cid
148. ROSA DEL CID, 20, pregnant at time of death, daughter of Andrea Del Cid
149. EMELY DEL CID, 4, son of Rosa Del Cid
150. MAURICIO DEL CID, 9 months, son of Rosa Del Cid
151. ANGELA DEL CID, 5, daughter of Rosa Del Cid
152. LEONCIO DIAZ, 105, a butcher in his youth
153. LEONCIA MArQuEz, 100, companion of Leoncio Diaz
154. GILBERTO SORTO, 25, farmer
155. FELICITA VIGIL, 20, wife of Gilberto Sorto
156. ANACLETA SORT0, 65, mother of Gilberto Sorto
157. CHILD, 5, son of Gilberto Sorto and Felicita Vigil
158. CHILD, 3, son of Gilberto Sorto and Felicita Vigil
160. CHILD, 12, daughter of Martina Argueta
161. CHILD, 9, son of Martina Argueta
162. CHILD, 7, son of Martina Argueta
163. CHILD, 2, daughter of Martina Argueta
165. CHILD, 11, daughter of Onofre Argueta
166. CHILD, 9, son of Onofre Argueta
167. CHILD, 7, son of Onofre Argueta
168. CHILD, 5, daughter of Onofre Argueta
169. CHILD, 3, son of Onofre Argueta
170. GERTRUDIS GUEVARA, 80, day laborer
171. MARCELINA MARQUEZ, 25, companion of Gertrudis Guevara
172. TOMAS MARQUEZ, 5, son of Gertrudis Guevara and Marcelina Marquez
173. CHILD, 3 months old, daughter of Gertrudis Guevara and Marcelina Marquez
174. SEGUNDO CHICAS, 25, day laborer
175. SATURNINA ROMERO, 25, companion of Segundo Chicas
176. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
177. CHILD, 10, son of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
178. CHILD, 7, son of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
179. CHILD, 5, son of Segundo Chicas and Saturnina Romero
180. FACUNDO CIIICAS, 25, brother of Segundo Chicas
181. MELDA MARQUEZ CHICAS, 25, wife of Facundo Chicas
182. CHILD, 12, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
183. CHILD, 10, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
184. CHILD, 9, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
185. CHILD, 7, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
186. CHILD, 2, son of Facundo Chicas and Melda Marquez
188. CHON MARQUEZ, 22, mentally retarded son of Anselma de Marquez
189. DOROTEO N., 60, day laborer
190. FERNANDO GUEVARA, 60, farmer
191. FLORINDA DEL CID DE GUEVARA, 58, an amputee (one leg), wife of Fernando Guevara and sister of Francisca Del Cid (victim #53)
192. MARIA ROMERO, 45, merchant, a widow
193. LUCAS GUEVARA, 35, day laborer
194. ANDRES GUEVARA, 50, day laborer, father of Lucas Guevara
195. RUFINA ROMERO, 35, companion of Lucas Guevara
196. TELMA ROMERO, 12, daughter of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
197. ROSITA ROMERO, lo, daughter of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
198. CANDELARIA ROMERO, 6, daugllter of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
199. JOAQUIN ROMERO, 7, son of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
200. JOSE ROMERO, 6 months, son of Lucas Guevara and Rufina Romero
201. BENITO ROMERO, 3o, day laborer, son of Maria Romero (victim #192)
202. FLORENTINA DEL CID, 25, companion of Benito Romero
203. LUCIA DEL CID, 10, daughter of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
204. CAMILO DEL CID, 7, son of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
20f. ROSITA DEL CID, 4, daughter of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
206. CHILD, 1, daughter of Benito Romero and Florentina Del Cid
207. EDUARDO DIAZ OR EDUARDO CLAROS, 30, day laborer
208. CARMEN CLAROS, 18, companion of Eduardo Claros
209. JUBENCIO DIAZ, 10, son of Eduardo Diaz
210. CLICERIO DIAZ, 3, son of Eduardo Diaz
211. JOSE DIAZ, 5, son of Eduardo Diaz
212. DECIDERIO Diaz OR DECIDERIO CLAROS, 50, farmer, father of Eduardo Diaz
213. MARIA MARQUEZ OR MARIA GUEVARA, 40, companion of Deciderio Diaz
214. SANTOS MARQUEZ OR SANTOS GUEVARA, 20, daughter of Maria Marquez
215. ELADIO ClAROS, 25, day laborer, son of Deciderio Diaz and companion of Santos Marquez
216. DORIS CLAROS, 16, daughter of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
217. Child,13, son of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
218. Child, 11, daughter of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
219. CHILD, 8, son of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
220. Child, 5, daughter of Eladio Claros and Santos Guevara
221. VIRGINIA CLAROS, 16, sister of Eduardo Claros (victim #207)
222. OLAYO ClAROS, 15, day laborer, brother of Eduardo Claros (victim #207)
223. MARTINA CLAROS, 15, pregnant at time of death, companion of Olayo Claros
224. FRANCISCA CLAROS, 18, sister of Eduardo Claros (victim #207)
225. IGNACIO GUEVARA, 60, farmer
226. PETO DIAZ, 50, farmer
227. ANDREA MARQUEZ, 45, companion of Peto Diaz
228. VICTORIANA DIAZ MARQUEZ, 30, daughter of Peto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
229. LOCADIO DIAZ MARQUEZ, 18, son of Peto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
230. UGENIA DIAZ MARQUEZ, 14, daughter Of Peto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
231. CHILD, 4, son of Victoriana Diaz Marquez
232. CHILD, 1, son of Victoriana Diaz Marquez
233. SALOME MARQUEZ, 25, day laborer
235. MARGARITA MARQUEZ CLAROS, 25, daughter of Marta Marquez
236. LIRIA MARQUEZ, 7, daughter of Margarita Marquez
237. DINORA MARQUEZ, 6, daughter of Margarita Marquez
238. AMPARO MARQUEZ, 4, daughter of Margarita Marquez
239. ROSITA MARQUEZ, 2, daughter of Margarita Marquez
240. MIRIAM MARQUEZ, 1, daughter of Margarita Marquez
241. CLEOTILDE MARQUEZ, 60, sister of Marta Marquez
242. COSME DIAZ, 80, day laborer
243. JOSE MARCOS DIAZ, 34, merchant
244. ROSA PEREIRA, 22, wife of Jose Marcos Diaz
245. IRMA YANET DIAZ, 4, daughter of Jose Marcos Diaz and Rosa Pereira
246. LORENA PEREIRA, 3, daughter of Jose Marcos Diaz and Rosa Pereira
247. AMiLCAR PEREIRA, 2 months, son of Jose Marcos Diaz and Rosa Pereira
248. MAURA PEREIRA, 10, student, goddaughter of Jose Marcos Diaz
249. ALEXANDRO DIAZ, 60, merchant, father of Jose Marcos Diaz
250. MARIA MARQUEZ, 50, companion of Alejandro Diaz
251. RAMoN MARQUEZ DIAZ, 18, merchant, son of Alejandro Diaz
252. SANTOS MARQUEZ, 40, farmer
253. AGUSTINA GARCIA, 35, companion of Santos Marquez
254. RENE MARQUEZ, 11, student, son of Santos Marquez and Agustina Garcia
255. EDI MARQUEZ, 5, daughter of Santos Marquez and Agustina Garcia
256. CHILD, 2, daughter of Santos Marquez and Agustina Garcia
257. FELIX DEL CID, 19, day laborer
258. ESTANISLAO CHICAS, 75, blind man
259. ANGELICA MARQUEZ, 45, seamstress, wife of Estanislao Chicas
260. CARLOS CHICAS, 25, blind, son of Estanislao Chicas and Angelica Marquez
261. NARCISA MARQUEZ, 20, companion of Carlos Chicas
262. CHILD, 5, daughter of Carlos Chicas and Narcisa Marquez
263. CHILD, 3, daughter of Carlos Chicas and Narcisa Marquez
264. CHILD, 2, daughter of Carlos Chicas and Narcisa Marquez
265. ANTONIO CHICAS, 15, student, brother of Carlos Chicas and son of Estanislao Chicas
266. HUMBERTO CHICAS, 13, son of Estanislao Chicas and Angelica Marquez
267. ESTANISLAO GUEVARA, 30, day laborer
268. FELIPA DIAZ, 25, companion of Estanislao Guevara
269. CHILD, 8, son of Estanislao Guevara and Felipa Diaz
270. CHILD, 7, son of Estanislao Guevara and Felipa Diaz
271. CHILD, 6, son of Estanislao Guevara and Felipa Diaz
273. MARTINA DIAZ, 65, maguey spinner, wife of Natividad Argueta
274. DANIEL ROMERO, 48, farmer
275. FLORENTINA PEREIRA, 42, wife of Daniel Romero
276. ANA MARIA ROMERO, 16, daughter of Daniel Romero and Florentina Pereira
277. JESUS SALvADoR ROMERO, 13, son of Daniel Romero and Florentina Pereira
278. ELMER NicoLAs MARQUEZ, 2, ward of Daniel Romero
279. LEONCIO DIAZ, 60, merchant
280. EDILFONZA DIAZ, 68, wife of Leoncio Diaz
281. JOSE MARIA MARQUEZ, 60, day laborer
282. DONATILA PEREIRA, 45, seamstress, companion of Jose Maria
283. SofiA MARQuez, 25, daughter of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
284. OSCAR MARQUEZ, 19 son of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
285. CHILD, 7, son of Sofia Marquez
286. CHILD, 3, son of Sofia Marquez
287. CHILD, 2, son of Sofia Marquez
288. EVENOR MARQUEZ, 17, day laborer, son of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
289. MARIA FREDY MARQUEZ, 14, student, daughter of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
290. CHILD, 3, daughter of Jose Maria Marquez and Donatila Pereira
291. CAYETANo ARGUETA, 60, day laborer
292. MARIA ANGELA GUEVARA, 50, companion of Cayetano Argueta
293. CHILD, 12, student, son of Cayetano Argueta and Maria Angela Guevara
294. CHILD, 10, student, son of Cayetano Argueta and Maria Angela Guevara
295. FLORENCIO ARGUETA DEL CID, 62, day laborer
296. MARIA Valentina ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 30, daughter of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
297. AGUSTINA ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 22, daughter of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
298. MARIA MARTIR ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 23, daughter of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
299. JUAN FRANCISCO ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 10, son of Florencio Argueta Del Cid
300. LUCIO MARQUEZ, 24, day laborer, husband of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez (victim #296)
301. EEVARISTO MARQUEZARGUETA, 8, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
302. ANTONIO MARQUEZARGUETA, 5, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
303. CRISTINO MARQUEZARGUETA, 2, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
304. CELESTINO MARQUEZARGUETA, 1, son of Maria Valentina Argueta Marquez and Lucio Marquez
305. TIMOTEO ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 30, day laborer, husband of Agustina Argueta Marquez (victim #297)
306. SANTOS ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 9, student, son of Agustina Argueta Marquez and Timoteo Argueta Marquez
307. JESUS ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 6, son of Agustina Argueta Marquez and Timoteo Argueta Marquez
308. ISABEL ARGUETA MARQUEZ, 4, daughter of Agustina Argueta Marquez and Timoteo Argueta Marquez
309. SANTOS CLAROS, 30, day laborer, companion of Maria Martir Argueta Marquez (victim #298)
310. ARMANDO ARGUETA CLAROS, 8 months, son of Maria Martir Argueta Marquez and Santos Claros
311. ANTONIO MARQUEZ, 35, day laborer
312. EDUVINA MARQUEZ, 25, sister of Antonio Marquez
313. MONICA DIAZ, 80, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
314. LORENZO CLAROS, 7, grandson of Monica Diaz
315. ROFELIA ORELLANA, 70, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
316. EDUARDO HERNANDEZ, 70, day laborer, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
317. SARA N., 75, companion of Eduardo Hernandez, murdered in the area of Tierra Colorada, jurisdiction of Arambala
318. LUCITA CHICAS, 35, niece of Israel Marquez (victim #46)
319. EFRIAN RAMOS OR EFRIAN MARQUEZ, 40, merchant, husband of Lucita Chicas
320. CHILD, 2, son of Efrain Ramos
321. Child, 4, son of Efrain Ramos
322. CHILD, 12, son of Efrain Ramos
324. CHILD, 5, son of Antonia Guevara
325. CHILD, lo, student, niece of Antonia Guevara
326. CHILD, 8, student, nephew of Antonia Guevara
327. CHILD, 6, student, nephew of Antonia Guevara
328. CHILD, 3, student, nephew of Antonia Guevara
329. FLORINDA Diaz, 60
330. Neftali MARQUEZ, 40, day laborer, companion of Florinda Diaz
331. CHILD, 7, ward of Florinda Diaz and Neftali Marquez
332. PERFECTO DIAZ, 64, bricklayer
333. ANDREA MARQUEZ, 40, wife of Perfecto Diaz
334. EUGENIA Diaz MARQUEZ, 20, daughter of Perfecto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
335. CHILD, 3, daughter of Eugenia Diaz Marquez
336. MACARIO DIAZ MARQUEZ, 15, day laborer, son of Perfecto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
337. VICTORINA Diaz MARQUEZ, 16, daughter of Perfecto Diaz and Andrea Marquez
338. CHILD, 3, daughter of Victorina Diaz Marquez and Francisco Argueta
339. CHILD, 2, daughter of Victorina Diaz Marquez and Francisco Argueta
34o. JOSE RAUL DIAZ, 14, day laborer, nephew of Perfecto Diaz
341. JOSE CAYERANO ARGUETA, 40, musician
342. MARIA GUEVARA, 30, companion of Jose Cayetano Argueta
343. SALOME ARGUETA, 18, day laborer, son of Jose Cayetano Argueta and Maria Guevara
344. JOSE ARGUETA, 14, day laborer, son of Jose Cayetano Argueta and Maria Guevara
345. Child, 12, day laborer, son of Jose Cayetano Argueta and Maria Guevara
346. LORENZO ARGUETA, 40, day laborer
347. WOMAN, 18, wife of Jose Argueta
348. SALVADOR MARQUEZ, 65, day laborer
349. MEDARDA DIAZ, 60, wife of Salvador Marquez
350. CRISTINA MARQUEZ, 25, daughter of Salvador Marquez and Medarda Diaz
351. BARTOLOME MARQUEZOR Salome Marquez, 40 son of Salvador Marquez and Medarda Diaz
352. RUFINO MARQUEZ, day laborer, son of Bartolome Marquez
353. CLEMENTINA MARQUEZOR PASITA Diaz, 26, wife of Rufino Marquez
354. WALTER MARQUEZ, 3, son of Rufillo Marquez and Clementina Marquez
355. EDITH MARQUEZ, 12, daughter of Rufino Marquez and Clementina Marquez
356. GLORIA MARQUEZ, 10, daughter of Rufino Marquez and Clementina Marquez
357. NORBERTA DIAZ, 60, wife of Eugenio Vigil
358. JOSE MARIA MARQUEZ, l0, son of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
359. MARIO MARQUEZ, 6, son of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
360. MAXIMINO MARQUEZ, 4, son of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
361. VILMA YANET MARQUEZ, 1, daughter of Leonardo Marquez (victim #51 and Orbelina Marquez (victim #54)
363. MIRIAM RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 9, daughter of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
364. DOLORES RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 7, daughter of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
365. LILiAN ELIZABETH RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 6, daughter of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
366. NILSON RODRIGUEZ OR HERNAN RODRIGUEZ , 4, son of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
367. EVELIO RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, 3, son Of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
368. CHILD, 10 months old, son of Maria Santos Pereira Argueta
369. ISABEL ARGUETA, 65, widow


372. MARIBEL ROMERO, 5, daughter of Maria Romero Martinez
373. LUPITA ROMERO, 3, daughter of Maria Romero Martinez
374. ARNOLDO ROMERO, 6 months old, son of Maria Romero Martinez
375. MARIA HERIBERTA MARTfNEZ, 30, 9 months pregnant at time of death
376. ANASTACIO CHICAS ROMERO, age unknown, day laborer, companion of Maria Heriberta Martinez
377. DORE CHICAS MARTINEZ, 7, son of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
378. NUNCIACIoN CHICAS MARTINEZ, 3, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
379. Justiniano CHICAS MARTINEZ, 8, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
380. PEDRO CHICAS MARTINEZ, 12, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
381. MARINO CHICAS MARTINEZ, 14, daughter of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
382. DAVID CHICAS MARTINEZ, 1, son of Maria Heriberta Martinez and Anastacio Chicas Romero
383. FELIPA MARTINEZ, 60, mother of Maria Heriberta Martinez
385. DORA TORRES MARTINEZ, 3, daughter of Vicenta Torres
386. CHILD, several months old, daughter of Vicenta Torres
387. CHILD, several months old, daughter of Vicenta Torres
388. VICTORINA CHICAS, 35, maguey spinner
389. LUCRECIA CHICAS, 5, daughter of Victorina Chicas
391. CATALINA CHICAS, 8, daughter of Petrona Chicas
392. JUSTINA GUEVARA or JUSTINIANA GUEVARA, 50, maguey spinner
393. JACINTA GUEVARA or JACINTA Diaz, 25, maguey spinner, daughter of Justina Guevara
394. MARIA GUEVARA OR MARIA Diaz, 5, daughter of Jacinta Diaz and granddaughter of Justina Guevara
395. ROQUE GUEVARA OR ROQUE Diaz, 4, son of Jacinta Diaz and grandson of Justina Guevara
396. AMBROSIO GUEVARA, 1, son of Jacinta Diaz and grandson of Justina Guevara
398. HILARIA HERNANDEZ, 45, sister of Josefina Hernandez
399. LORENZO VIGIL, 40, day laborer
400. AMINTA VIGIL ARGUETA, 19, daughter of Lorenzo Vigil
401. PEDRITO VIGIL ARGUETA, 10, son of Lorenzo Vigil
402. JOSE WILFREDO VIGIL, 2, son of Aminta Vigil Argueta and grandson of Lorenzo Vigil
403. CHILD, 3, son of Aminta Vigil Argueta and grandson of Lorenzo Vigil
404. MATEA VIGIL, 60, aunt of Lorenzo Vigil
405. CONCEPCION VIGIL, 40, day laborer and maguey spinner, son of Matea Vigil
406. EUGENIA MARTINEZ, 25, companion of Concepcion Vigil
407. LEONARDA MARTINEZ, 60, mother of Eugenia Martinez
408. MARIA MARTINEZ, 6, daughter of Concepcion Vigil and Eugenia Martinez
409. FEDERICO MARTINEZ, 4, son of Concepcion Vigil and Eugenia Martinez
410. CHILD, 6 months old, daughter of Concepcion Vigil and Eugenia Martinez
411. MARIA ARGUETA, 30, sister of Eugenia Martinez
412. CHILD, age unknown, son of Maria Argueta
413. CHILD, age unknown, son of Maria Argueta
414. CHILD, age unknown, daughter of Maria Argueta
416. FRANCISCA CHAVARRiA, 40, companion of Aquilino Diaz
417. SANTOS CHAVARRiA, 9, son of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
418. JOSE CHAVARRiA, 8, son of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
419. CHILD, age unknown, daughter of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
420. CHILD, age unknown, daughter of Aquilino Diaz and Francisca Chavarria
421. ESTANISLAO DIAZ, 65, farmer, father of Aquilino Diaz
422. TOMASA MARTINEZ, 70, wife of Estanislao Diaz and mother of Aquilino Diaz
424. CHILD, age unknown, son of Dominga Chavarria
425. CHILD, age unknown, son of Dominga Chavarria
426. CHILD, age unknown, son of Dominga Chavarria
428. PETRONA CHAVARRiA, 50, aunt of Francisca Chavarria (victim #416)
429. TOMASA CHAVARRiA, age unknown, mother of Francisca Chavarria (victim #416)
430. SANTOS CHAVARRiA, 55, brother of Tomasa Chavarria, maguey spinner
431. FAUSTINA CHAVARRiA LUNA, 15, daughter of Santos Chavarria
432. EUSTAQUIA ChavarriaLUNA, 1l, daughter of Santos Chavarria
433. SANTOS ChavarriaLUNA, 5, daughter of Santos Chavarria
434. CHILD, 1, daughter of Santos Chavarria
435. REGINO Chavarria, 65, brother of Santos Chavarria
436. Otilia Hernandez, 30, daugllter of Regino Chavarria
437. JOSE ROSARIO PeREZ, 20, day laborer and maguey spinner, companion of Otilia Hernandez
438. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia Hernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
439. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia llernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
440. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia l-lernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
441. CHILD, age unknown, son of Otilia Hernandez and Jose Rosario Perez
442. MARCIAL PEREZ, 15, maguey spinner, hrother of Jose Rosario Perez
443. AGAPITO LUNA, 23, farmer
444. INES MARTINEZ, 45, day laborer
446. CRISIINA MARTINEZ, 23, daughter of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
447. CRISTINITA MARTINEZ, 9 months old, daughter of Cristina Martinez
448. CHILD, 6, son of Cristina Martinez
449. FACUNDA ROMERO, 25, daughter of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
450. MARTA ROMERO, 10, daughter of Facunda Romero
451. CHILD, 8, son of Facunda Romero
452. CHILD, 6, son of Facunda Romero
453. MAN, 22, day laborer, son of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
454. BOY, 19, day laborer, son of Margarita Romero and Ines Martinez
455. JACINTO SANCHEZ, 80, day laborer
456. AMELIA SANCHEZ, 95, sister of Jacinto Sanchez
457. DOMINGA SANCHEZ, 30, daughter of Jacinto Sanchez
458. MELA SANCHEZ OR ANGELICA SANCHEZ, 14, daughter of Dominga Sanchez
459. JUANCITO SANCHEZ, 10, student, son of Dominga Sanchez
461. FIGENIA SANCHEZ, 13, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
462. IRMA SANCHEZ, 6, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
463. MARIANA SANCHEZ, 4, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
464. ESPENTACION SANCHEZ OR PETIO SANCHEZ, 2, son of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
465. JACINTO SANCHEZ, 3, son of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
466. CONCEPCION SANCHEZ, 3 days old, daughter of Jose Sanchez and Santos Sanchez
468. ARNOLDO LOPEZ, 10, daughter of Reynelda Lopez
469. EDGAR MARIN LOPEZ, 8, daughter of Reynelda Lopez
470. JOAQUIN LOPEZ, 6, daughter of Keynelda Lopez
471. HERIBERTO LOPEZ, 4, daughter of lteyllelda Lopez
472. JOSE DORE LOPEZ, 2, daughter of Keynelda Lopez
473. JOSE CLEOFAS LOPEZ, 8 months old, daughter of Reynelda Lopez
474. FRANCISCA GoMEZ OR FRANCISCA SANCHEZ, 75, wife of Ismael Lopez
475. PRISCILA Lopez, 22, daughter of Ismael Lopez
476. CHILD, 7 months old, daughter of Priscila Lopez
478. JESUS MARTINEZ, 8, son of Maria Ines Martinez
479. TEODORO MARTINEZ, 5, son of Maria Ines Martinez
480. MAXIMA MARTINEZ, 50, daughter of Maria Ines Martinez
481. CHILD, 4, son of Maria Ines Martinez
482. GREGORIA MARTINEZ, 24, cousin of Maria Ines Martinez
483. BERNARDA MARTINEZ OR CECILIA MARTINEZ, 12, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
484. ESTHER MARTINEZ, 9, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
485. CHILD, 5, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
486. CHILD, 3, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
487. CHILD, 9 months old, daughter of Gregoria Martinez
490. RODOLFO RAMIREZ, 8, son of Transito Ramirez
491. FLORITA RAMIREZ, 3, daughter of Transito Ramirez
492. CECILIA RAMIREZ, 85, aunt of Transito Ramirez
495. CHILD, 3 months old, son of Cristina Guevara
496. SILVERIA MEJIA ROMERO, 25, maguey spinner
497. JESUS MEJIA CHICAS, 10, son of Silveria Mejia Romero
498. MARIA MARTA MEJIA CHICAS, 8, daughter of Silveria Mejia Romero
499. JUANITA MEJIA CHICAS, 6, daughter of Silveria Mejia Romero
500. JOSe LUCAS MEJIA CHICAS, 3 son of Silveria Mejia Romero
501. CHILD, 2, son of Silveria Mejia Romero
502. CHILD, 3 months old, son of Silveria Mejia Romero
504. JOSE FRANCISCO REYES LUNA, 5, son of Maria Marcos Reyes
505. MARIA NELY REYES LUNA, 3, daughter of Maria Marcos Reyes
506. EVARISTO REYES LUNA, 6 months old, son of Maria Marcos Reyes
507. PRESENTACION MARQUEZ, 41, day laborer
508. MARIA MARTIR MARQUEZ, 38, wife of Presentacion Marquez
509. GIRL, 14, daughter of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
510. CHILD, 11, daughter of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
511. CHILD, 9, son of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
512. CHILD, 7, son of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
513. CHILD, 4, son of Presentacion Marquez and Maria Martir Marquez
514. VICENTA MARQUEZ, 80, widow
516. DONATILA CHICAS or DOMITILA ORELLANA, 30, pregnant at time of death, companion of Enemesio Rodriguez
517. CHILD, 7, daughter of Enemesio Rodriguez and Donatila Chicas
518. CHILD, 5, daughter of Enemesio Rodriguez and Donatila Chicas
519. CHILD, 1, daughter of Enemesio Rodriguez and Donatila Chicas
520. CATARINO RODRIGUEZ or CATARINO GUEVARA, 70, day laborer, father of Enemesio Rodriguez
521. NARCISA MARQUEZ, 68, wife of Catarino Rodriguez
522. MAXIMO RODRIGUEZ, 40, day laborer, son of Catarino Rodriguez and Narcisa Marquez
523. LEONARDA MARQUEZ, 40, wife of Maximo Rodriguez
524. ELENA RODRiGUEZ, 16, daughter of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
525. HERMINIO RODRIGUEZ, 14, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
526. CAMARO RODRiGUEZ, 12, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
527. CHILD, 6, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
528. CHILD, 4, son of Maximo Rodriguez and Leonarda Marquez
529. FELIX RODRiGUEZ, 30, daughter of Catarino Rodriguez and Narcisa Marquez
530. CHILD, 10, daughter of Felix Rodriguez
531. CHILD, 8, son of Felix Rodriguez
532. CHILD, 6, daughter of Felix Rodriguez
533. CHILD, 4, son of Felix Rodriguez
534. PEDRO ARGUETA, 40, day laborer
535. PEDRO ARGUETA, 35, day laborer, brother of Pedro Argueta
536. JULIA DEl CId, 18, pregnant at time of death
537. HUMBERTO Chicas, 19, day laborer, companion of Julia Del Cid
538. CHILD, 2, son of Julia Del Cid and Humberto Chicas
539. VICENTE MARQUEZ, 60, day laborer
540. SERVANDA MAsQuEz, 28, daughter of Vicente Marquez
541. SERGIO MARQUEZ or SERSIDO MARQUEZ, 25, day laborer, son of Vicente Marquez
542. CHILD, 7, son of Servanda Marquez
543. CHILD, 3, son of Servanda Marquez
544. MONCIIO MARQUEZ, 15, day laborer, husband of Mercedes Pereira, who was killed in Los Toriles
546. PEDRO CHICAS, 27, farmer, husband of Teresa Argueta
547. CHILD, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
548. Child, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
549. CHILD, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
550. CHILD, age unknown, son of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
551. CHILD, 4, daughter of Pedro Chicas and Teresa Argueta
552. CARLOS CLAROS, 25, day laborer
553. LUCAS CHICAS, 20, companion of Carlos Claros
554. RUMALDO MARQUEZ, 30, day laborer
555. MELIDA CHICAS, 24, wife of Rumaldo Marquez
556. CHILD, 8 days old, son of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
557. CHILD, 2, son of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
558. CHILD, 1 l, daughter of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
559. CHILD, 8, daughter of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas
560. CHILD, 6, daughter of Rumaldo Marquez and Melida Chicas


561. NARCISO ARGUETA, 80, farmer, father of Felipe Argueta (killed in El Mozote)
562. ABILIO VIGIl, 43, farmer
563. SATURNINA ARGUETA, 45, companion of Abilio Vigil
565. JUSTINIANA N., 50, companion of Estanislao Alvarenga
566. SEFERINA VIGII. OR SEFERINA ARGUETA, 15, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
567. FRANCISCO ARGUETA, 13, son of Abilio Vigil and Saturnilla Argueta
568. MARIA ANTONIA ARGUETA, 11, daugilter of Abilio Vigil and Saturilina Argueta
569. MERCEDES ARGuEtA, 9, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
570. MARIA SANTOS ARGUETA, 7, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
571. CHILD, 5, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
572. CHILD, 3, daughter of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
573. CHILD, 1, daughtcr of Abilio Vigil and Saturnina Argueta
574. MANUEL ALVARENGA OR MANUEI. SAN10S PEREIRA ARGUETA, 30, day laborer, companion of Adonisia Rodriguez (killed in ElMozote)
575. FLORENTINA PEREIRA, 70, mother of Manuel Santos Argueta
577. HERMINIO MARQUEZ, 41, day laborer, companion of Petrona Marquez
578. MARIA ZOILA MARQUEZ, 17, day laborer, son of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
579. MARIA CARMEN MARQUEZ, 15, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
580. JOSE SANTOS MARQUEZ, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
581. MARIA JUANA MARQUEZ, 8, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
582. JUAN MARQUEZ, 5, son of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
583. NICOLASA MARQUEZ, 17 months old, daughter of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
584. CHILD, 8 days old, son of Petrona Marquez and Herminio Marquez
585. CRESCENCIO ARGUETA, 80, day laborer, stepfather of Orbelina Marquez (victim #54, killed in El Mozote)
586. GIRL, 14, daughter of Crescencio Argueta
587. CHILD, 12, daughter of Gescencio Argueta
588. CHILD, 8, son of Crescencio Argueta
590. ROSA CANDIDA PEREIRA, 14, daughter of Natalia Guevara
591. JOSE MARIO PEREIRA, 10, son of Natalia Guevaril
592. SIMEONA VIGIL, 90, mother-in-law of Natalia Guevara
593. BERTOLDINO PERIERA, 70, farmer, son of Simeona Vigil
594. MARIA MARQUEZ, 65, wife of Bertoldino Pereira
595. INES PEREIRA MARQUEZ, 18, day laborer, son or Bertoldino Pereira and Maria Mstirquez
596. CARMEN MARQUEZ, 17, compallioll of Illes Pereira M'lrquez
597. Jose IGNACIO PEREIRA, 25, farmer, son of Bertoldino Pereira and Maria Marquez
598. MERCEDES PEREIRA, 16, daughter of Bertoldillo Pereira and Maria Marquez
599. JESUS PEREIRA, 13, son of Bertoldino Pereira and Maria Marquez
600. JUAN ANGEL PEREIRA, 55, day laborer, son of Simeona Vigil
601. Marto ROMERO, 10, granddaughter of Simeon Vigil
602. MARTO Vigil, 25, day laborer
603. GUILLERMA MARQUEZ, 25, pregnant at time of death, wife of Marto Vigil
604. JOSE VIGIL, 8, son of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
605. MARIA VIGIL, 7, daughter of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
606. ANGEL VIGIL MARQUEZ, 6, son of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
607. CHILD, 4, son of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
608. CHILD, 2, daughter of Marto Vigil and Guillerma Marquez
609. LUIS VIGIL, 50, day laborer, uncle of Marto Vigil
610. JOSE VIGIL, 30, farmer, cousin of Marto Vigil
611. BERNARDA MARQUEZ, 25, wife of Jose Vigil
612. CHILD, 7, son of Jose Vigil and Bernarda Marquez
613. CHILD, 5, son of Jose Vigil and Bemarda Marquez
614. CHILD, 1, son of Jose Vigil and Bemarda Marquez
615. AGUSTINA MARQUEZ, 46, mother of Bernarda Marquez
616. JOSE DANILO MARQUEZ, 35, farmer
617. MARTA CHICAS, 30, wife of Danilo Marquez
618. JOSE MARQUEZ, 10, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
619. CHILD, 8, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
620. CHILD, 12, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
621. CHILD, 5, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas
622. CHILD, 1, son of Danilo Marquez and Marta Chicas


623. CELESTINA VIGIL, 50, killed in El Mozote with her children, mother of Florentina Del Cid
624. FLORENTINA DEL CID VIGIL, 30, pregnant at time of death
625. CAMILO DEL CID, 12, son of Florentina Del Cid Vigil
626. JAZMiN DEL CID, 8, son of Florentina Del Cid Vigil
627. CHILD, 3, daughter of Florentina Del Cid Vigil
629. MODESTA N., 40
630. CHILD, 2 months old, son of Modesta N.
631. CHILD, 9, daughter of Modesta N.
632. CIIILD, 6, daughter of Modesta N.
634. BENEDICTO MARQUEZ, 9, son of Lorenza Marquez
635. MODESTO MARQUEZ, 6, son of Lorenza Marquez
636. MARIA BERNAI.DA MARQUEZ, 4, daughter of Lorenza Marquez
638. SANTOS HERNANDEZ, 12, student, son of Maria Argueta
639. CHILD, 10 months old, son of Maria Argueta


641. EUSEBIA DIAZ, 10, daughter of Saturnina Diaz
642. ESTELA DIAZ, 2, niece of Saturnina Diaz
643. CHILD, 20 days old, daughter of Saturnina Diaz
644. ANTOLIN DIAZ, 22, maguey spinner
645. TOMASA ARGUETA, 20, companion of Antolin Diaz
646. CHILD, 3, son of Antolin Diaz and Tomasa Argueta
647. CHILD, 2, son of Antolin Diaz and Tomasa Argueta
648. CHILD, 15 days old, daughter of Antolin Diaz and Tomasa Argueta
649. JUAN CHICAS, 29, maguey spinner
650. CIRIACA ARGUETA, 30, companion of Juan Chicas
651. LUCIANO CHICOS ARGUETA, 15, maguey spinner, son of Juan Chicas
652. GERVASIO CHICAS ARGUETA, 12, maguey spinner, son of Juan Chicas
653. TRANSITO CHICAS ARGUEtA, 9, son of Juan Chicas
654. NICOLASA CHICAS ARGUETA, 6, daughter of Juan Chicas
655. DIONISIO ARGUETA OR LEONISIO ArgUETA, 32, maguey spinner
656. FELIX PORTILLO or FELIX DIAZ, 29, companion of Dionisio
657. CHILD, 10, daughter of Dionisio Argueta and Felix Portillo
658. CHILD, 7, daughter of Dionisio Argueta and Felix Portillo
659. REGINO ARGUETA, 40, maguey spinner, hrother of Dionisio
660. MARTIR PORTILLO, 35, wife of Regino Argueta
661. MATILDE ARGUETA PORTILLO, 16, day laborer, son of Regino Argueta and Martir Portillo
662. FILIBERTA CHICAS, 16, companion of Matilde Argueta
663. GERARDO ARGUETA, 29, maguey spinner
664. JUANA ARGUETA, 24, companion of Gerardo Argueta
665. CHILD, 9, daughter of Gerardo Argueta and Juana Argueta
666. MIGUEL ARGUETA, 25, maguey spinner
667. DOMINGA ARGUETA, 22, companion of Miguel Argueta
668. CHILD, 5, daughter of Miguel Argueta and Dominga Argueta
669. CHILD, 3, daughter of Miguel Argueta and Dominga Argueta
670. CHILD, 2, daughter of Miguel Argueta and Dominga Argueta
671. CATARINO ARGUETA, 65, maguey spinner, fatiler of Ciriaca Argueta (victim #650)
672. FRANCISCA ARGUETA, 70, wife of Catarino Argueta
673. TIMOTEO ARGUeTA, 28, artisan, son of Catarino Argueta and Francisca Argueta
674. ROMANA PEREIRA, 28, companion of Timoteo Argueta
675. GIRL, 1s, daughter of Timoteo Argueta and Romana Pereira
676. CHILD, 8, son of Timoteo Argueta and Komana Pereira
677. CHILD, 5, son of Timoteo Argueta and Romana Pereira
678. JORGEN ARGUETA, 80, mother of Dionisio Argueta (victim #655)
679. GENARO ARGUETA, 82, farmer, companion of Jorgen Argueta
680. EDILFONZO ARGUETA, 51, farmer, son of Jorgen Argueta and
Genaro Argueta
682. CHILD, 8, daughter of Lola Martinez
683. LUCIO ARGUETA, 24, day laborer, son of Catarino Argueta (victim #671) and Francisca Argueta (victim #672)
684. WOMAN, 22, companion of Lucio Argueta
685. CHILD, 3, son of Lucio Argueta
686. CHILD, 2, son of Lucio Argueta
687. JUSTO MARTINEZ, 45, locksmith
688. ANGELA ARGUETA, 33, wife of Justo Martinez
689. TOMAS MARTINEZ ARGUETA, 20, son of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
690. DIONISIA MARTINEZ, 18, companion of Tomas Martinez Argueta
691. Child, 2 months old, son of Tomas Martinez Argueta and Dionisia
692. ESTEBAN MARTINEZ ARGUETA, 16, son of Justo Martillez and Angela Argueta
693. BOY, 14, son of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
694. CHILD, 12, daughter of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
695. CHILD, 9, daughter of Justo Martinez and Angela Argueta
696. MAXIMO ARGUETA, 30, maguey spinner, son of Catarino Argueta (victim #671)
697. HERIBERTA RAMOS, 28, companion of Maximo Argueta
698. BoY, 15, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
699. Boy, 13, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
700. CHILD, 10, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
701. CHILD, 8, son of Maximo Argueta and Heriberta Ramos
702. MATEO LoPEZ, 55, maguey spinner
703. AGUSTINA MARTINEZ, 30, wife of Mateo Lopez
704. GIRl, 15, daughter of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
705. CHILD, 12, daughter of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
706. CHILD, 9, daughter of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
707. CHILD, 6, son of Mateo Lopez and Agustina Martinez
708. VITOR MARTINEZ, 60, mother of Agustina Martinez
709. JESUS LUNA, 78, day laborer, companion of Vitor Martinez
710. CATARINO MARTINEZ, 26, maguey spinner, son of Vitor Martinez
711. FERMINA CHICAS, 24, companion of Catarino Martinez
712. CHILD, 10, son of Catarino Martinez and Fermina Chicas
713. CHILD, 7, son of Catarino Martinez and Fermina Chicas
714. CHILD, 5, son of Catarino Martinez and Fermina Chicas
715. MARTiN MARTINEZ, 32, maguey spinner, brother of Catarino Martinez
716. FERMINA ARGUETA, 29, companion of Martin Martinez
717. CHILD, 10, daughter of Martin Martinez and Fermina Argueta
718. CHILD, 7, daughter of Martin Martinez and Fermina Argueta
719. CHILD, 5, son of Martin Martinez and Fermina Argueta
720. PABLO CHICAS, 28, maguey spinner
721. DIONISIA ARGUETA OR LEONISIA MEjiA, 24, companion of Pablo Chicas
722. GIRL, 13, daughter of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
723. ANDRES CHICAS ARGUETA, 11, son of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
724. CHILD, 9, daughter of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
725. CHILD, 6, son of Pablo Chicas and Dionisia Argueta
726. NASARIA ARGUETA, 70, mother of Diollisia Argueta
727. RAFAEL ARGUETA MEJiA, 27, maguey spiniler, son of Nasaria Argueta
728. LEONCIA ARGUETA, 24, companion of Rafael Argueta Mejia
729. CHILD, 5, son of Rafael Argueta Mejia and Leoncia Argueta
73o CHILD, 2, daughter of Rafael Argueta Mejia and Leoncia Argueta
731. TIBURCIO MEJIA, 35, day laborer, son of Nasaria Argueta
732. ELOISA PORTILLO or ARCADIA PORTILLO, 30, companion of Tiburcio Mejia
733. MARIA MEJIA, 29, daughter of Nasaria Argueta
734. ANDRES FLORES, 48, day laborer, companion of Maria Mejia
735. COLASTICO MEJIA, 40, maguey spinner, cousin of Maria Mejia
736. BRUNA ARGUETA, 42, companion of Colastico Mejia and daughter of Jorgen Argueta (victim #678) and Genaro Argueta (victim #679)
737. GIRL, 15, daughter of Colastico Mejia and Bruna Argueta
738. CHILD, 12, daughter of Colastico Mejia and Bruna Argueta
739. CHILD, 9, daughter of Colastico Mejia and Bruna Argueta
740. SINFOROSO PEREIRA, 30, day laborer
741. EUGENIA DIAZ, 28, companion of Sinforoso Pereira
742. CHILD, 8, son of Sinforoso Pereira and Eugenia Diaz
743. MARIA RAMOS, 75, widow
744. PATRICIA ARGUETA, 75, artisan
745. MIGUEL ARGUETA, 58, farmer
746. EDILFONZA ARGUETA, 48, companion of Edilfonzo Argueta (victim #680)
748. SUSANA RAMIREZ, 32, daughter of Aurelia Ramirez
749. ENEMESIA LUNA, 75, widow751. CONCEPCION PORTILLO, 35, bricklayer
752. DOMINGA PORTILLO, 28, seamstress, wife of Concepcion Portillo


753. MAXIMO PEREZ, 28, catechist
754. BENEDICTO PEREZ, 10, son of Maximo Perez
755. ESTANISLASA PEREZ, 8, daughter of Maximo Perez
756. ROMULO PEREZ, 4, son of Maximo Perez
758. CHILD, 3 days old, daughter of Agustina Perez
759. CRESCENCIA PEREZ, 18, sister of Maximo Perez
760. CARLOS ORTIZ, 48, day laborer
761. TERESO DE JESUS LUNA, 14, day laborer, deaf and mute
762. NATIVIDAD LUNA, 18, cousin of Tereso de Jesus Luna
763. OCTAVIANA LUNA, 8 months old, daughter of Natividad Luna
764. JULIA N., 12
765. WOMAN, 50
766. GIRL, 15, daughter of victim #765
767. GIRL, 13, daughter of victim #765

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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 07:57 PM
Response to Reply #42
44. you're welcome.
Every so often we get a list of the American soldiers who've died in Iraq. It is right that we remember them, but I'll bet not one in ten DUers has heard of El Mozote, although it was the subject of a New Yorker cover article years ago and is a featured part of Joan Didion's book Political Fictions.

Read the names, people. We paid for the training of the people who ordered their deaths.

131 were of children under the age of 12, including three infants under the age of three months

Thank *you*, Hoppin.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 08:00 PM
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46. Locking.....this is a dupe
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