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Bamboozled working class can't see its true enemy

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dkf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 05:07 AM
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Bamboozled working class can't see its true enemy,0,7543794.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines

But Dr. Dean's tough talk about American business shouldn't be so easily turned against him. When he castigates business executives who have "enriched themselves by deceiving everyone else," he ought to be gaining votes in working-class America. After all, two years' worth of headlines and newscasts have revealed breathtaking corporate scandals in which high-ranking executives lined their own pockets by scamming their workers as well as their investors.
Oddly, however, working-class America seems less than outraged by the antics of the rich and felonious. Despite the widespread evidence of a corporate class of thieves and con artists (an international class, it seems, from reports about misdeeds at the Italian company Parmalat), average Americans seem much more upset by illegal immigrants and impoverished single mothers than they are by shameless corporate fraud.
Or there may be another explanation: the singular success of conservative efforts to kill off populist instincts. For 20 years, a network of right-wing pundits, including talk-show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, have decried the poor as lazy and irresponsible while lauding the rich as deserving and hardworking. The result? Even laid-off factory workers are prepared to support lavish tax cuts for the wealthy while denouncing critics of corporate excess as pandering to class warfare.
There is a nefarious class warfare under way in the country, but it is directed against the poor and working classes. Just a few days ago, the Associated Press reported that the U.S. Labor Department is telling businesses how to dodge paying low-income workers the overtime for which they are expected to become eligible later this year. Among the suggestions was raising workers' salaries to a new $22,100 yearly threshold, which would make them ineligible for overtime, or cutting their hourly wages so that added overtime would keep their annual wages at the same rate.
You can't blame Howard Dean for thinking working-class Americans would be upset about that.

Dean brings up a whole lot of important subjects. His soundbites today will be the subject of newspaper columns and conversations tomorrow. That is why you need a candidate who is willing to say a few things...even if they may be risky.

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Printer70 Donating Member (990 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 05:10 AM
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1. Class in America
The working class and middle class often perceive Democrats as taking their income in the form of taxation and returning it in the form of dysfunctional, bureaucratic government. The only way to sidestep this is to assure them they are getting their money's worth. Every company is required to give an annual report. The federal government should at least do as much with the taxpayers- telling them where their money is going.
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Woodstock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 06:51 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. this is an excellent article
Edited on Mon Jan-12-04 06:52 PM by Woodstock
How utterly Machiavellian the Republican Party is. I have images of guys in smoke filled rooms trading rights to radio stations, complete with psychologists planning the most minute detail of brainwashing, all to gain money and power for themselves. Wait a minute, that sounds like PNAC.
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isbister Donating Member (902 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 07:02 PM
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3. Re: his conservative critics are not to believed
because Dean is one of them.

And how does Dean's stated position about the Enron's of America differ from any other candidate... even bush will tell you the shenanigans are wrong.

Actions speak louder than words, that's why Kerry is the man for the job, he has the record to prove he can and will do the job.
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