I'm as pro argument as you can get. I think a healthy, passionate, even bitchy dialogue is ultimately good for the party. Are we flaming each other? Sure, but as they say at the gym... "
feel the buuurrrn". I really think this is part of us exercising our fight moves to get ready for November. Any candidate who walks out of this fight is gonna be one hella tough.
I pity the fool who goes against our ringleader in November. He won't be damaged goods; he'll be battle hardened. I'm not concerned about the party or the eventual nominee.
hat said
I am a little concerned about the community here at DU. So I still would like to say enough with this jibber-jabber. What I'd like, and I admit this is near impossible, is that we call a
24 hour truce in the candidate flaming. We can start it, say, at midnite eastern time on Wednesday night, go all day Thursday without dissing each other's candidates' integrity, and then recommence the flaming as of midnite Thursday night.
Can this be done? Maybe not. Can you as poster personally refrain from explicit character and distortion attacks
and stay "offa that crazy jive" for one 24 hour period? I think you can. And so does my buddy, a certain Mr. BA Baracas. Do I have any backers? Is there anyone here willing to sign off on a "no personal atttacks" period for 24 hours?
"I'm scared of small airplanes.
I must be a Democrat."