becoming the First lady of Iowa in January 1999, Christie Vilsack has worked to improve literacy, expand opportunities at community libraries, and focus attention on issues concerning Iowa's children.
In April 2000, Mrs. Vilsack created Iowa Stories 2000, a statewide literacy initiative designed to help communities better understand the importance of local libraries, early childhood reading and family storytelling. Fifty-five communities have so far participated in the Stories 2000 Literacy Communities inventory process. The process helps communities celebrate what they're already doing to support literacy and identify what they can do to meet unmet needs in the community. A goal of the initiative is to ensure that Iowa's children make reading a lifelong habit. In 2002, Iowa Stories 2000 provided every kindergartner in the state with a paperback copy of the alphabet book, I is for Iowa. In 2003, the state’s 41,000 kindergartners received paperback copies of Bells Goes to the Fair by Susan Knapp.
Referring to libraries as the "souls of Iowa communities," the First Lady works to strengthen libraries through her support of Enrich Iowa, a program that partners the State of Iowa with libraries to provide Iowans with more educational resources. Mrs. Vilsack has traveled to 370 of the state's 543 public libraries where she reads and talks about the importance of reading to people of all ages.
Mrs. Vilsack has been a teacher for 30 years. Before moving to Des Moines, she taught eighth grade language arts in Mount Pleasant for 15 years and freshman English and journalism at Iowa Wesleyan College for six years. She has worked as a feature writer and editorial page columnist for the Mount Pleasant News. Now she makes Iowa her classroom, traveling to schools throughout the state, reading, conducting book talks and promoting the opportunities Iowa has to offer young people.