John Kerry can radically change the course of the 21st century. Think about that. Here is a man with a real sense of vision - not dreams or hopes (we all have them), but an ability to see with great scope and depth AND the ability to create real action. Kerry knows that you have to keep your eyes on the prize in the face of powerful opposition and invariable setbacks, and keep a sense of short and long-term goals.
If one thing can be said of Kerry, he is a
driven man. He has a qualities befitting his career as a prosecutor - hard-nosed and tireless. Time and again, he has proven himself willing to take on the thankless jobs that make real change actually occur. And his voluntary refusal to take PAC money his entire career as Senator has left him with the rare clean nose in Washington. He is not beholden to any special interests, and you can't be if you are actually going to do something as President.
Kerry has the talent and character to be one of those once-in-a-generation Presidents like Roosevelt and Kennedy. Kerry is one of the only people in recent history that could actually stand his ground with the Founding Fathers. His standards are Jefferson and Hamilton, not CNN and FoxNews.
He has some wonderful positions to speak of, but I really want to get to his Big Ideas and why they separate him from the pack. There are 6 major ideas that I want to focus on. Here are the first three major visions for America, any one of which would radically change the landscape of our democracy:
1. Energy Independence - From baby-steps to moon steps. Many candidates have "moonshot" energy plans, but most range from pie-in-the-sky to empty campaign slogans. With a LIFETIME (18 years!) rating of 96.5% from the League of Conservation Voters, and a presence at EVERY major environmental conference, Kerry's experiences at the forefront have led him to create a DETAILED plan to actually transform the fundamental nature of U.S. energy, leaving fossil fuels the way of whale oil lamps.
It starts off small, and he is clear that we must be honest about how slowly things will start and the upfront costs of investment (always a crowd pleaser), but that we will work our way through car, home, and business efficiencies while reversing the $1.8 BILLION lavished on Big Oil pork vs. the $24 MILLION ($0.024 billion) on alternatives.
Kerry would make a push for clean, domestic renewables
a hallmark - not an afterthought - of his Presidency. This would open up a vast, untapped motherlode of jobs in design, engineering, production, maintenence, etc. Kerry would reconcile business and environment at long last, paving the way for what Time called "The Green Century."
Learn more from this speech: PASSABLE, Damn-Near-Universal Health Coverage. Kerry's plan is incredible on many levels, but it has two things going for it that make it much more likely to pass Congress. 1. It is simple and catchy - Let all Americans opt into Congressional coverage. Period -end of story. 2. It makes cost control its primary focus - Congress will have its feet to the fire when Americans realize how cost-effective the plan is. And I'll throw in reason #3 - it will cover all children (aw, shucks).
Perhaps the most impressive idea is taking catastrophic cases out of the insurance pool, lowering premiums up to 10% in one shot. Kerry will also emphasize upfront preventative care (Teresa is big on this!) before expensive procedures become necessary. He'll cut out prescription price-skimming by corporate middlemen, and cut bureaucratic waste by up to 50% through upfront technology purchases and digital record-keeping (reducing medical errors up to 88%!). He'll also provide targeted tax credits so small businesses can afford Congressional coverage.
Learn more here: The "Porkchop" Commission. Kerry has an amazing plan for eliminating tremendous amounts of government pork projects by creating a rigorous bi-partisan commission (ostensibly tied to the GAO) to recognize wasteful and redundant programs. That commission will then bring their findings to Congress for a straight up-and-down, yes-or-no vote. No amendments, no shenanigans from special interests.
Every member of Congress will be put into a high-profile spotlight and forced to vote for or against a wasteful, pork-laden government. Beyond the bi-partisan commission, he will also create a Presidential line-item veto to eliminate wasteful spending in another up-and-down vote.
In addition, Kerry will refuse government contracts to corporations that use off-shore tax shelters, accounting fraud, and other corporate "excesses." And he will finally give the SEC and the Accounting Oversight Board some real teeth to take on corporate crooks.
He'll cut the Federal government’s administrative costs by five percent; cut the number of political appointees and ban providing bonuses for political appointees; cut fraud and abuse in government programs – fraud and abuse is estimated to cost $12 billion in Medicare alone and end rules that prevent the Federal government from having the same purchasing authority as the private sector.
Finally, he'll balance 1/2 of the national debt in 4 years while maintaining tax breaks for the middle class.
Learn more here:<

The Babe Ruth pose just about sums up his idea of America is.