just a note about confidence or bluster or pride or seemingly unshakable 'knowledge' that repukes may have or seem to have...
- they have been on the side of the 'winners' for several years now - they typically get their news washed for them by talk radio, Fox, and the bush campaign - they hang around with each other and reinforce their faulty ideas
If they see negative news they discount it if they see bad polls they don't believe them if they watch kerry kick w's ass they will only believe what they are spun
they are true believers and really think that W is infallable and bringing us into the new world...
they will not stop until most every outlet tells them they have lost...then they will get spun that we stole the election and hang onto hope....
Never forget...they are truely brainwashed, they "know not" and worse they "know not, that they know not"...they are sad and pathetic people...remember how many people asked after WWII "How could the Germans, so cultured, so smart, so thought conscious allow adolf come to power and stay there?".....you are seeing the answer right here....in America, in your neighborhoods, in your cities and at your job.
Never doubt that we must do everything we can RIGHT NOW to make sure that Bush is defeated...my worst fear is that this may be our last chance.
work now before ballots become bullets.