Dean or Clark? Now before I get BLOWN away by the Dean people, please hear me out. Let's say Howard Dean wins the GE. He has made very damning comments about Republicans. While I support his comments myself, as presidential candidate, highly partisan statements do not make any friends. It will be VERY difficult for Dean to work with Republicans in congress. As leader of the party, Dean is going to have to make a great deal of compromises because Republicans will not want to work with him as much. This will be especially true with Dean being the head of the ticket in the south and 5 Democratic senators up for re-election. I don't care how much you like Howard Dean, you have to admit he doesn't have much appeal in the south. It will be even harder for him to pass bills and laws he wants with a Republican held house. When running against Bush, Dean will have no ground to move more liberal on his policies because he is already seen by most people as 'too liberal'.
Wesley Clark on the other hand will have an easier time working with congress. First, Clark has more appeal to people in the south and his name will help the Democratic senators to be re-elected more so then having Howard Dean's name up there. Granted, Wesley Clark could be forced to work with a Republican house and senate as well, he will have more Democratic votes to work with. The fact that Clark voted Republican sometimes in the past will make the congress Republicans more willing to bargain with him. In the end, not only will Clark be able to pass his legislation more often, it won't have as many compromises as Dean's. Not to mention the fact that in the GE, Clark will have more room to move liberal because of how the public sees him. in conclusion, while some people might think that Dean is more liberal to the Democratic ideas, Clark will be more likely to get legislation passed first and without compromises second.