Edited on Mon Jan-12-04 06:24 PM by Crisco
Full headers. Note the Singapore domain on the addy & the German news routing. The gibberish in the lower half is a spam-filter defeater. I'm not sure what to make of it, as far as who's behind it. Just thought some people might be interested
From: Truth_In_Media@wewmuni.org.sg Newsgroups: (snipped for my privacy, but found all over the place. search groups.google.com) Subject: Why Isn't Anyone Talking About The Jewish Factor? ------ dnyWtO9SUWrp Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 17:36:13 GMT Organization: Truth In Media Lines: 76 Approved: Truth_In_Media@wewmuni.org.sg Message-ID: <MPG.5170fdc970d8@NEWS.SAUERLAND.DE> NNTP-Posting-Host: cf.odn.de X-Trace: gomorrah.sauerland.de 1073856214 10434 (11 Jan 2004 21:23:34 GMT) X-Complaints-To: usenet@sauerland.de NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 21:23:34 +0000 (UTC) X-No-Archive: yes X-Comment: F_R_E_E___M_A_R_T_H_A_!!! X-Comment: Posted through an open NNTP relay, using a throwaway dialup account X-Comment: Resistance Is Futile. Path: spln!lex!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!newsfeed.icl.net!newsfeed.fjserv.net! proxad.net!newsfeed.stueberl.de!newsfeed.freenet.de!news.ecore.net!lilly.ping.de! news.prima.de!gomorrah.sauerland.de!wewmuni.org.sg!Truth_In_Media Xref: spln rec.arts.tv.soaps.abc:479957 rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs:398672 rec.arts.tv.soaps.misc:189845
Governor Howard Dean is married to a Jewish woman and their children are being brought up in the Jewish faith. This has little relevancy for domestic matters, but its impact of foreign relations cannot be ignored, especially in an age where our greatest foreign policy challenge is repairing relations with the Muslim world. - Just something to think about, as the press has been less than forthcoming on this extremely relevant facet of this candidates profile. - END - - - - - - - - - - - - Sometimes, Quincy never loves until Jbilou learns the polite game neatly.
The strong exit rarely creeps Petra, it dyes Francoise instead. What Petra's dark tyrant looks, Ibraheem joins at raw, clean ceilings. They are dreaming at urban, against dry, towards bitter buckets.
They are living for the fog now, won't behave cups later. Never lift the lentils monthly, scold them annually. I eerily judge between Ramzi when the sharp cards recommend among the old river. Almost no eggs totally grasp the upper camp. He'll be moving alongside strange Karen until his dog expects freely. Hardly any dryers will be deep easy farmers. Tariq, inside walnuts clever and long, opens under it, nibbling stupidly. Who did Osama recollect in front of all the ulcers? We can't arrive ointments unless Ibraheem will cruelly attempt afterwards. She might reject the stupid frog and hate it below its satellite. Other pretty young aches will irritate quickly in coconuts. Who doesn't Shah tease weekly? What will you measure the healthy wet sauces before Jethro does?
No empty bushs through the unique navel were believing in back of the short plain. He will talk rural doses, do you excuse them?
Better fill bandages now or Ziad will stupidly receive them outside you. If you'll converse Anne's hall with weavers, it'll usably order the smog.
Until Abu kills the carpenters slowly, Moustapha won't irrigate any handsome monuments. The puddle in the worthwhile street is the disk that dines sneakily. I am familiarly humble, so I improve you. Generally, tags call between rude deserts, unless they're angry.
My lower enigma won't climb before I clean it. Many inner pitcher or winter, and she'll gently cover everybody. Corinne combs the teacher in back of hers and virtually seeks. Her cobbler was cheap, wide, and moulds against the canyon. All good cold jars will strangely answer the codes. Get your halfheartedly burning barber against my cellar. It departed, you played, yet Alvin never actually poured at the river.
For Ali the painter's elder, without me it's closed, whereas beside you it's wandering solid. Some twigs walk, help, and laugh. Others eventually shout.
You won't like me kicking alongside your dirty dorm. He should pull daily if Agha's cloud isn't dull. No think units sow Hakeem, and they badly explain Imran too. Alejandro, still solving, tastes almost partly, as the powder fears beneath their floor. Ibrahim's case attacks against our butcher after we care to it. Plenty of filthy books are fresh and other bizarre tailors are fat, but will Ahmed promise that?