We need to pay as much attention to things that can help as we do to the things that hurt.
The troops had to resort to disobeying a direct order because their vehicles STILL didn't have the body armor. Where'd the $87 billion go? To a $7 billion no-bid Halliburton contract?
http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/17/iraq.soldiers/index.htmlPlease raise three times as much hell about this as you did silly Mary Cheney nonsense.
Same for the flu vaccine. It was a good idea to get flu vaccine from Canada, but not our prescription medication? How can Bush protect us from bioterror attacks if he can't even manage to make sure we've got flu vaccine? We're relying on the French for flu vaccine? How times have changed. Again, three times as much hell.
My final, personal, attack. Bush is proposing a doctor staffed government health clinic in every county. (He really is) Isn't that government health care? How much will that cost?
You always want the Dems to be tougher. Well BE TOUGHER. Get out there and attack!!!