For second day Dean gains ground--going from 26-23 yesterday to 28-23 today, but the other big story is John Kerry who also gained moving to 17% and John Edwards with 14%.
In Monday's tracking alone here are the results:
Dean: 27
Gep: 22%
Kerry: 20%
Edwards 16%
Dean leads by 11-points in western Iowa, leads by 4-points in Eastern Iowa, 3-points in Central Iowa. Dean leads by 12-points among 18-29 year olds and 5-points among 50-64 year olds. He leads by 12-points among those with college degrees and by 15-points among singles.
Gep leads by five-points among those 65 and older. and five points among union members, but it is a three way race with union members.
Dean is up six-points with men, and four-points with women.
A very close race in Iowa.