Dear XXXX,
Howard Dean stood up last year when the Democratic establishment was afraid. He said that if we stopped doubting our convictions -- if we fought for what we believed in -- we could take the fight to George W. Bush, and we could win.
You stood up with him, and history made a sudden turn.
The story of this election is not apathy -- it is Meetups, house parties, Generation Dean, first-time voters, and thousands of Americans dropping their skepticism to write, travel, contribute and volunteer for your campaign. You showed what the American people can do in a face-off with the status quo.
And now those same establishment candidates would like to steal the spoils of your success by telling reporters that they -- not you -- are the campaign of change.
The thing we're fighting is larger than George W. Bush, and larger than any of the establishment candidates. What we're up against is a political system that distorts, divides, and co-opts -- and does anything in its power to make you so disgusted with the process that you won't participate in your own democracy.
It's a hard fight, but we will win.
We're stronger. We have traveled a great distance together. At every turn the establishment said you couldn't go on, but each time we have become stronger.
The Iowa caucus is six days away. Seize the moment and take one action today that will help us win. Write ten letters to undecided voters in Iowa, and tell them how a vote for Howard Dean will change our country. With Iowans under a media blitz from the other candidates, the strength of a hand-written letter from another American has never been more important: gotta believe.
Joe Trippi
campaign manager
Dean for America
P.S. Please forward this email to your friends, and ask them to join you in writing letters.
P.P.S. Help support the thousands of Americans who have traveled to Iowa this week to get out the vote for Dean: You are subscribed to Dean for America as
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Looks like all the campaigns are trying to rally the base.