D.C. Primary Results Arriving Voter Turnout Low
WASHINGTON -- Early returns in the District of Columbia presidential primary showed Howard Dean and Rev. Al Sharpton running closer than expected.
With 68 percent of the precincts reporting, Dean had 42 percent, Sharpton 35 percent, former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun had 12 percent and Rep. Dennis Kucinich had 8 percent.
In the past, the D.C. primary was held in May, but the date was changed to make the District the first primary in the country, coming before New Hampshire and Iowa.
That decision didn't sit well with Democratic National Party leaders, and only four major candidates appeared on D.C.'s ballot.
Five of the biggest names - Sens. Joseph Lieberman, John Kerry and John Edwards, Rep. Dick Gephardt and retired Gen. Wesley Clark - opted out, partly in deference to Iowa and New Hampshire's traditional roles as the first major contests.