Much bluster and indignance has been leveled at Howard Dean for the threat he poses to the Democratic Establishment. But isn't Howard Dean, in fact, doing his party an enormous favor by vowing to chase away the real "cockroaches"?
Someone Better Blow Reveille for the Democratic LeadershipA BUZZFLASH READER COMMENTARY
by David Leaf
Because this country is based on a two party system, the Democratic Party is this country's sole immediate source of help. The Bush administration is attacking this country on every issue of importance, while too many of our Democratic Senators and Congressional delegates seem to be either standing there or, worse yet, they are helping the Republicans totally destroy this planet and the country with it.
The Bush administration is systematically destroying the environment, our civil rights, the checks and balances written into our constitution, the judiciary, and the economy. They are putting our soldiers in harm's way while earning us the hatred and the resentment of most of the rest of the world. After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was only one super-power left in the world. George W Bush's policies have created another one. Now it is the United States vs. the rest of the world. Under the Bush administration the United States is ignoring the reality of Global Warming while producing one quarter of the air pollutants on the entire planet. The Democratic leaders are standing by or, even worse, they are helping the Republican Congress and the Senate to pass laws and the White House to pass executive orders that reduce the restrictions on corporate pollution and allow it to increase. There regulations preventing the contamination of our land and water are being removed wholesale, spewing toxic chemicals and pollutants everywhere. Our National parks are being violated for profit and our National Forests are being decimated.
Instead of taking a stand against the NRA and the gun manufacturers, Tom Daschle is co-sponsoring a bill to exempt them by law from every responsibility they might have in the carnage we see in this country every day resulting from gun violence. In spite of the corruption and graft being handed out in plain sight to Halliburton, Bechtel, and other cronies of the Bush administration, the bulk of the Democratic Party allowed 21 billion dollars to be handed over to these companies without a fight. Where was the filibuster to insist that the money for the troops be set aside from the money being allotted for reconstruction, and voted on separately? Where was the demand that the money for reconstruction be cleansed of the war profiteering and be made accountable to the American taxpayers who are footing the bill? Where is the demand that our soldiers in Iraq get the flack jackets and other equipment they require? Where is the outrage to demand that our reserve soldiers get the medical care they require and not allow the wounded and injured troops to be housed at Fort Stewart in squalor while waiting for medical care? When is there going to be a demand to end the mendacity of the current administration?
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