Jan 13, 11:48 PM EST
Howard Dean Targets Rivals With New TV Ad
Associated Press Writer
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Howard Dean is airing a new anti-war ad in Iowa while plotting to stem Wesley Clark's surge in New Hampshire, where the race has closed to within 10 percentage points and forced Dean to shift strategy.
Locked in a close four-way fight in Iowa, site of the kickoff caucuses Jan. 19, Dean spent the day in Vermont with an eye toward New Hampshire's Jan. 27 primary. Private polling by two campaigns in New Hampshire showed that Dean's lead has shrunk to single digits from a first-of-the-year high of about 25 percentage points, officials said on condition of anonymity.
"Where did the Washington Democrats stand on the war?" an announcer says in Dean's ad, which drew protests from his rivals. "Dick Gephardt wrote the resolution to authorize war. John Kerry and John Edwards both voted for the war."
Clark was spared criticism in the ad, but officials familiar with Dean's strategy said the retired Army general is about to become a campaign target.
http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/stories/D/DEMOCRATS_DEAN?SITE=FLTAM&SECTION=POLITICS&TEMPLATE=DEFAULTHeard this morning on CSPAN, Clark is running a radio ad. Anyone know anything about it?