Just got this in my email box. Thought I'd share.
January 13, 2004
Just 14 days from today, the people of New Hampshire will cast the first votes of the 2004 Presidential election. In the weeks and months that follow, Americans everywhere will exercise the fundamental right and responsibility of citizenship. State by state, vote by vote, we Democrats will choose a nominee to oppose George Bush in November.
The responsibility is great, the consequences are even greater.
It's becoming clear that we are in a two-man race for the Democratic nomination -- but from the very beginning, we've been preparing for a far more important challenge. I'm running to replace George W. Bush and to bring a higher standard of leadership to America.
I need your continued support today, when it matters most.
I've decided to stay here in New Hampshire for most of the next two weeks, inspired by the thousands of volunteers working here with me and the incredible response to our campaign.
Together, we're fighting the bitter cold; fueled by your support, we're seeing huge crowds and rising polls. It may be freezing in New Hampshire, but our campaign is on fire.
All of your efforts -- your contributions, your letters, your phone calls -- are making a huge difference. I'm incredibly humbled by your support, your patriotism, and your spirit. It's working, and I can't thank you enough. But now that we've got the momentum, we can't let up, even for a minute!
Please contribute $50 or more to my campaign today!
Last Friday, we launched our most ambitious fundraising drive of our campaign -- the $2 Million Drive for New Hampshire. I'm asking you to get on board “the train” today. Join me in our effort to get America back on the right track.
Your continued support today will help pay for the tens of thousands of fliers, bumper stickers, buttons, and yard signs that we're using to blanket the Granite State -- as well as supply plenty of coffee to your fellow supporters who are braving the frigid New Hampshire winter to go door-to-door for our campaign.
Contribute to the Clark04 $2 Million Drive for New Hampshire!
In addition to funding our massive effort here in New Hampshire, we need your continued support to keep our TV ads on the air across South Carolina, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, North Dakota, and other key February primary states -- places where we need to spread the momentum that we are building in New Hampshire today.
This is your campaign; it has been from the very beginning. I will carry your voice to the general election against George Bush in November. And when I'm in the White House, I will lead our nation with you, and all Americans, first in my heart and mind each day. Our future is in your hands.
With great appreciation,
Wes Clark
P.S. Please contribute today and keep the momentum going -- in New Hampshire, and across the rest of America! If you'd like to send a donation by mail, download a contribution form. But to help us put your money to work today, contribute online. Thanks very much for your support!