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Where Clark stands out,

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
rogerashton Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 04:08 PM
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Where Clark stands out,
and this led me to support him over other candidates that I greatly respect and have a great emotional leaning toward, is Clark's willingness and ability to develop detailed and carefully worked out policy positions -- and the quality of those positions, which seem to me to be consistently on the right track.

Somebody greeted my earlier post in this forum with a promise that my man will lose the primaries. Right, could be: I have no illusions that ideas win elections in this country. Nevertheless, we need the ideas to put the country on track. To some extent, I suppose, Clark is doing this because, as a newcomer to politics, he needs to demonstrate his seriousness and this is the way to do it. Fine, that's really not a bad reason, and anyway the policy positions matter a great deal more than the motive. Partly, I believe, Clark is doing this because he can. He's a policy wonk and, just as a pitcher with a blazing fastball is smart to go to his fastball a lot, likewise a top policy wonk is smart to focus on policy a lot. Y'know what? That's the main thing I liked about the Big Dog, too.

Nor -- as the Big Dog sadly found out -- do you actually get policies adopted just by crafting first-rate positions. You need the passion of a Howard Dean, a Huey Long, an RFK; and you need the legislative craft of a John Kerry, a Ted Kennedy, a Huey Long; and you need big majorities and money. But all the rest of those won't get you good policies if you don't start with good ideas.

As I said, I'm supporting the candidate I think is best, not the one I think most likely to win -- although, as of now, there seems to be a gambler's chance, and I'm putting my hopes on it. But suppose things don't go my way and the General's? If not, his campaign will leave a legacy of policy craft that democrats will draw on in the future. If another candidate's campaign fades away (as all but one will), it may leave behind memories of fine times and temporary triumphs, and those are good things, because the memories keep us coming back to try again. But already, General Clark has given us a bit more than that. I think he can give us much more as time goes on, if we give him the opportunity. If you are already a Clark supporter, and senior to me, hurrah for you. If you are not, as I was not last week, think about it, OK? We can work together regardless, and we will, but think about it, and share your reasons for your decision.

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democratreformed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 04:18 PM
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1. From a fellow "Wes is Best"
person, here. Thanks for saying that b/c that's the way I have felt all along.
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maddezmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 05:02 PM
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2. thanks for the wise words
From another Wes supporter, sorry you took so much heat for your decision. Thanks :)
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