Anyone see Bill Bennett on HANNITY & colmes the other night?
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Thu Jan-15-04 05:24 PM
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Anyone see Bill Bennett on HANNITY & colmes the other night? |
The subject of Dean and the tightening of the primary races came up, and Bennett was sort of trying to play up Dean and not bash him that much. He then goes on to say that he doesn't think that many Republicans "want" Dean like they used too. He says that they secretly want Clark now, because he is "incoherent".
I thought it was all kind of surreal. I got the impression that I was being mindfucked or something. I got kind of dizzy so I had to turn the channel.
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Thu Jan-15-04 05:26 PM
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and took note. Actually, it was depressing to see what we're up against. I hardly ever watch TV at all and that was my first exposure in a while.
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Thu Jan-15-04 05:27 PM
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2. He kneecaped Dean pretty good... |
During the little bit of Insannity's radio show that I heard the same day.
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Thu Jan-15-04 05:28 PM
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I mean, what's he gonna say? "Republicans are scared of Clark"?. He just wants to trash them all.
Faygo Kid
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Thu Jan-15-04 05:29 PM
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4. Did Bennett bring his dominatrix? |
That story was all over DU on Wednesday; much more interesting than Bennett's opinion on - well, just about anything.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:20 AM
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