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Clark: Educational Opportunity for All

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Maddy McCall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 07:44 PM
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Clark: Educational Opportunity for All
Opportunity for All

In South Carolina on Thursday, Wes Clark announced a plan to tackle the persistent problem of school inequity. Clark argued that for too many children in America, the education they get depends on where they live and how much money their parents have.

"Fifty years after Brown versus the Board of Education, the struggle for school equity still continues." Clark told a gathering of student, teachers and supporters at a high school in Dillon, "America owes every child the opportunity to succeed in life, the opportunity that can only come with a quality education."

Clark's three-part plan to improve education includes meeting the federal government's commitment to education, training and retaining good teachers, and building and renovating safe schools.

He believes that we need to fully fund the laws we pass, to ensure that states facing fiscal crises are not forced to make cuts in education funding. That includes giving states and school districts greater freedom to target assistance to schools with the greatest needs.


"Too many of our children attend schools under leaky roofs, or in run-down trailers, or in classrooms unequipped to teach the lessons they need to learn," Clark said. "That's simply unacceptable."

more at:


This is the kind of plank with which Clark can draw support all over the nation, ESPECIALLY in the South.
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Clark4VotingRights Donating Member (795 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 07:54 PM
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1. And education, at every level, is an absolutely critical issue
For any nation.
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