Thought we could use a little comic relief.
My blog buddy windansea posted a bit about the Iowa caucus. Do they pull levers and cast their vote? Nope. They get to go and stand in a corner signifying their support of a candidate. Any corner at 15% or lower is recruited through cheers and jeers to come to another candidate's corner. In doing some research, I found the cutest quote. We need some comic relief, so enjoy!
"Of course, Iowa doesn't actually have a presidential primary. They have a caucus, which is probably the dumbest method of choosing a presidential candidate short of having them play Russian roulette. If there's one basic idea associated with democracy (aside from the whole one man-one vote thing), it is the right to vote in private. You step into a voting booth, close the curtain, punch the ballot for the candidate of your choice, and drop your ballot into the ballot box. Not in Iowa. They do things differently there. In Iowa, you have to tell your entire neighborhood who you're voting for. If you dare to vote for an unpopular candidate, your kids will be taunted mercilessly by their classmates. ("My mommy told me that your daddy voted for Bill Bradley. You can't play with us anymore.") That's democratic, isn't it?" I have no idea what the party affiliation or political idealism is for this source *nod to mod*