I believe Dean is 5 feet, 6 inches. Something I read somewhere.
And I am pleased (sorry) that CMB has dropped out of the race, and given her support to Dean.
As a Dean supporter, I appreciate that.
I think CMB will be a great person to have in the Cabinet of a Dean Administration...and Dean would do well to keep that in mind.
CMB had some real good ideas. And was very articulate in disseminating those ideas. The fact that she has thrown her support to Dean makes me even more hopeful that, in the end, Dean will be the nominee..and we will all be able to put aside our differences, and unify behind Dean, to the ultimate goal...showing Bush what he has shown MILLIONS of Americans: the unemployment line!!
Remember folks, eyes on the prize! The prize is getting rid of Dubya! Lets not forget...whether we support Kucinich, or Dean, or Clark, or Kerry, or Edwards, or Sharpton, or Lieberman, or Gephart...we are ALL Democrats...and we must unite to defeat BFEE!
Abe Lincoln said: A house divided against itself cannot stand. Ben Frsnklin said: We must hang together or we shall surely hang separately. Food for thought.
Lastly, let us not forget the words of Roosevelt (FDR) who said, when any man is oppressed, no man is free. Bush has been oppressing many since taking office. I propose we show him a litle justice on Nov. 2!