I don't mean the hardcore chosen by God to bring Jesus back people with Savage Nation tatoos.
I'm talking about that average Joe kind of guy, not rich, but able to pay his bills and maybe save a little, take the family to the beach.
Joe voted for Bush in 2000, likes his plain way of speaking, thought Gore was a little effete, (although Joe might not have that word on the first shelf of his vocabulary cabinet).
Not that Joe is stupid. He reads. Tom Clancy and John Updike, mostly. He doesn't watch much TV. He watches his local news, sometimes Fox, he gets a kick out of that O'Reilly sometimes.
What has started to worry Joe about a second Bush term, he can't quite put his finger on it, that immigration speech was just crazy. Joe doesn't consider himself a racist, but on the other hand, he doesn't see why it's so terrible for people to feel more comfortable around other people they have more in common with. If you ask him, he doesn't mind telling you that there is too much immigration now, and it's not good for the economy, and it's not good for the war on terror. What we need to do, says Joe, is assimilate the ones that are here now. He can't remember the last time he went anywhere he didn't hear people speaking Spanish. Or something. Live in America, speak English, is the way he sees it.
Now that Mars thing, he is still shaking his head about that. Best Joe can figure, it must be something to do with the war on terror. They must know something Joe doesn't, be planning something, because this just doesn't seem like a good time to be sending a rocket to Mars.
Joe is very aware that we've got our boys (and girls, not Joe's favorite idea, but then, times change) over there in harm's way, fighting the terrorists, defending our way of life. Joe was in the service, he knows that it's a risk you take, when you put on that uniform, that's what being a soldier means, and from the looks of it, Iraq isn't the end of it. This war on terror isn't Grenada. He is concerned about some things he's read, military being stretched. That's not good. Not a good way to start out here at the beginning of the war on terror. He personally thinks a volunteer army is better, but is resigned to the fact that there is going to have to be a draft. He likes the Powell doctrine. That's what we need to do. Overwhelming force. Don't leave any doubts about who's boss, get the job done.
It's not that he thinks Bush is doing a bad job with the war, it's just another one of those things he can't quite put his finger on. It seems like every time he turns on the news, there's somebody from somewhere talking about how much they hate America, everything is America's fault. That gets old. And it is starting to come from some places he wouldn't have expected it. Like Europe. Guess they forgot who saved their butt. That was the Greatest Generation, all right. The whole world, well, the whole civilized world pulled together, got the job done.
Joe's health insurance just went up. He's thinking about switching his plan to an HMO, he and the wife are pretty healthy, and what they are taking out of his check is starting to eat into the vacation money. Problem is, the HMO makes you pick from their list of doctors, and it's not a very long list. Oh, it looked like a long list, but once the wife started calling, she found out that most of them didn't take the HMO patients anymore. He's still studying on that one.
Joe was not a big fan of Clinton but he's a fair man, and he has to give Clinton credit for welfare reform. That was long overdue. Joe doesn't believe in handouts. Hard work is the way to success, he's always said. You may not get rich, but you'll get ahead. Lately, though, Joe can't help but wonder about so many companies sending the work overseas, where they'll work for nothing, just about. He's not sure if cutting down on the number of people who get to work hard and get ahead will make things better for him, better for the country. He had kind of expected the price of gas to go down once they got it pumping good over in Iraq, but the terrorists are giving them a pretty hard time, it seems to be taking some time to get it pumping good. He's heard a lot of people whose opinions he respects watching the economy, so far, Joe is doing OK, with so many people out of work, he shouldn't complain, but he doesn't really get a good feeling about so many people being out of work.
So Joe knows the old saying about changing horses in the middle of the stream, but he just isn't sure about four more years of Bush. It's no one thing, just a feeling...
Which candidate has the best chance of getting Joe's support?
Disclaimer: I do not support any of the candidates