article: Mr Krugman
I am glad that you now know that my candidate gets it.
Those of us who drafted him in this race figured this out since the time he was doing commentary on CNN - that's why we chose him.
So, here we were, his very energized base, pledging to contribute small donations even before our candidate jumped in the race - adding up to 1 million dollars. All pledges have been honored, btw.
And here we still are, writing to newspapers, knocking doors in New Hampshire and raising money in small donations and being largely ignored not just by the media but by people like Al Gore who insist Dean is the only candidate with a grassroots movement.
Maybe you'll come and visit us sometime at We truly do exist.
Of course, I happen to think a few more things are necessary besides getting it and a strong energized base.
One thing being, addressing more than your strong energized base. A candidate who plays only to the converted will eventually have only them as a base.
Blasting the democrats in Washington, the ones in the DLC, the opponents, the ones not defending you from the opponents will alienate one's potential base and shrink the existing one.
A candidate like mine who finds the common denominator among different voters (i.e - the need to replace Bush) will expand his base in spite of the media silence and end up making news, gaining in polls and winning.
Cutting taxes have been also known to work better than raising them.
So, I think the middle of the electorate is necessary for a victory and can be won over by the truth, provided a candidate actually believes in it, rather than spews back what the internet showed him people want to hear.
"Are you a republican in sheep's closing?"
Clark: I never thought of Democrats as sheep"