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TNR on Kerry surge (also anti-Dean & Gep tax flyer)

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windansea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 11:56 AM
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TNR on Kerry surge (also anti-Dean & Gep tax flyer)
Edited on Fri Jan-16-04 12:22 PM by windansea
playing the expectations an interesting tax flyer

THE KERRY SURGE: Last week at the bar at the Hotel Fort Des Moines, the after-hours watering hole for lots of campaign staffers and reporters, I encountered an unusual scene. On my right a Dean aide was telling reporters about how internal polls showed John Kerry surging. On my left a Kerry aide was explaining that in an effort to set high expectations for the senator, the Dean people were spreading rumors about how internal polls showed Kerry surging. It looks like there's no need for either side to spin this anymore. Zogby's tracking poll today shows a three-way race, with Dean at 24 percent and Kerry and Gephardt tied at 21 percent.

Why is Kerry moving? Iowans are clearly having second thoughts about Dean, and Kerry suddenly looks like a less erratic alternative. A Kerry aide attributes the traction to a crisper stump speech that focuses like a laser on "special interests," which the campaign says polls extremely well among caucus and primary voters. They argue the message also fits Kerry's biography better. "He hasn't been a great legislative guy," says an aide, "but he has done lots of investigations and gone after these groups. ... It gives him more of a fighting edge." The Dean campaign has taken notice. Today they complained that Kerry had co-opted Dean's message. They attacked Kerry as "just as beholden to special interests as the next Washington politician."

Fighting special interests is just part of the Kerry message. Below the radar, he is targeting moderate to conservative Democrats with an anti-tax message. Courtesy of the Gephardt campaign, here are a couple of mail pieces Kerry has been sending out:

click to see flyer
on edit: changed thread title to include tax flyer)
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Bread and Roses Donating Member (97 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 12:01 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wouldn't it be ironic
if after all the sturm and drang, that our candidate ends up being Kerry; as was predicted before the Dean phenom or the Clark entry?

Politics just boggles the mind.

I believe Kerry is a good man, but he isn't my first choice (no worries: ABB!).
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windansea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 12:23 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. I like Kerry too
but am not sure if his tax flyer is accurate
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Norquist Nemesis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 12:06 PM
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2. Hold it...
I can't get the flyer big enough to read, but from what I can tell, it's not accurate and is a scare tactic. Dean doesn't want to 'raise' taxes on everybody.

In the end, if a flying donkey won the nomination I'd vote for it over Bush. But the campaigning and strategies of Kerry has not impressed me.
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windansea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 12:09 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. flyer says Kerry "the ONLY leading candidate
who will fight against raising middle class taxes"

also says Dean and Gephart will raise them
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windansea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 12:16 PM
Response to Original message
4. is Kerry's tax flyer accurate?
is he the "ONLY major candidate fighting against raising middle tax increase?

or is he pulling a Dean??
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isbister Donating Member (902 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 03:07 AM
Response to Reply #4
8. Yup
ONLY major candidate fighting against raising middle tax increase

It says:

"ONLY leading candidate who will fight against increases in middle class taxes"

This article was written on the 14th so the things must have been mailed out before then. So, wouldn't that be accurate? the ONLY leading candidate?

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windansea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 12:47 PM
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6.  truth kick
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Norquist Nemesis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 02:10 AM
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7. Triple kick
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