Long before he became the gay liaison for Sen. John Kerry’s presidential bid, Tom Daley knew that Kerry was the candidate he planned to support. Daley said the Massachusetts senator has a long track record of supporting gay rights issues, dating back to 1985, “long before it was fashionable” to lend political support to gay rights causes. “This isn’t just a guy talking about it, he was doing it before anyone else told him to do it,” Daley said.
Kerry has said that marriage should be between one man and one woman but has endorsed civil unions or domestic partnerships as an alternative. “I do agree with John on this issue,” said Daley, who is a volunteer for the Kerry campaign. “I’m one of those believers that substance is more important than the name it is called and I think a lot of people fall into that category. " When asked about Kerry’s response to his home state’s high court ruling that many say will legalize gay marriage in Massachusetts, Daley said Kerry is, “right there with it.”
Kerry has a 100 percent pro-gay voting record, according to the Human Rights Campaign. Kerry was the original co-sponsor of the hate crimes bill. In 1985, Kerry introduced a bill prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. He also supports the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Additionally, he has called for an end to the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy banning gays from serving openly in the military. Additionally, Kerry was one of 14 senators — and the only one up for reelection in 1996 — to oppose the Defense of Marriage Act, which bans federal recognition of gay marriages, according to his campaign’s Web site. http://www.washblade.com/2004/1-16/news/national/kerry.cfm