Edited on Fri Jan-16-04 02:52 PM by Epoch
So I got a call from a lady solicitor. SHe was telling me about her product and i asked her if she was a senior citizen. She told me she was and I asked her about the Medicare Bill that had passed. She says she hates it and is very upset about it. I asked her if she had thought about the 2004 election and she said she liked Dean and Gephardt because of their health care platforms. She was very knowledgable and said she watched capital report or gang every night she can. She said she voted for Bush last time but cries for the soldiers in Iraq every night. Still, she liked Bush because she thought he had guts. I told her that it doesn't take guts to invade a country and lie to the American peoeple, and she agreed with me. Throughout it all, she wasn't trying to sell me her product, but instead we had a great conversation. SHe's tired of Bush, hates the war and medicare, and will vote Democrat in 2004.
I also told her about Clark and how he was a great option as well, along with Dean and Gephardt. She knew he was a war hero, but didn't know much about his policies (she doesnt' ahve internet).
So I am asking anyone from DU to help me out. I have her address and she wants me to send her info on Dean, Clark, and Gephardt to her. I am going to look online for some info, but I am leaving for the weekend and won't be able to get online, (except to check e-mail about a job) to do research for a bit. Could Clark supporters or Gephardt supporters or Dean supporters pm and tell me where I can find a comprehensive list of their policies on health care, national security, environment, etc or forward it to me at my e-mail?
I'm not trying to ask anyone else to my work for me, I just don't have time right now to do it all.
If not, I'll do it when return. And please, positive messages only (no attacks against other candidats).
Thanks for the help! One more for the good guys!
on edit: she was also terrified about the draft coming back