Edited on Fri Jan-16-04 04:27 PM by DuctapeFatwa
The US now has 1,870.000 troops deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and West Africa. They are accompanied by total of 34 other nations with 10,000 to 700,000 troops each.
Tactical nuclear strikes have reduced the population significantly in the Occupied Regions, and petroleum resources are secure. Human rights groups report famine in the Clear Zones, but the Department of Media Responsibility refuses permission to publish, citing the failure of any group to produce photographic evidence. The Department recognizes that the ban on cameras or recording equipment in the Occupied Regions does not make it easy, but reminds the groups that the Administration has granted them permission to provide humanitarian aid to border camps in Pakistan, Iran and Lebanon. A decision for West Africa is still pending.
Although most foreign nationals (with the exception of 27 nations, most in Western Europe) are banned from entering the US, and US residents with ties to over 4 dozen nations have been moved to Protective Housing under the Department of Domestic Security (the new President changed the name his first week in office), this morning there has been another suicide bombing at a Wal-Mart in Minneapolis. The CEO of the company nervously offers his condolences to the families of the victims (He is new on the job, the previous CEO was tapped by the new administration to serve as Secretary of Consumer Goods).
DomSec has deployed a thousand officers in riot gear to put down a disturbance at a large hospital in Miami, sparked by a 20% rise in WellnessAmerica's indigent co-pay. At a press conference, the President expresses his regret over the cost of coverage, but reminds the public that everyone has health care now, and two new oil pipelines in the Territories have opened, a significant victory in the war on terror, and points out that the price of gasoline is now below 50 cents in some areas of the country.
There is controversy over the new Covenant Employment program. While critics say that the contract requires the employee to waive all legal rights and individual choice regarding housing, marriage or having children in exchange for the opportunity to live in a company-supplied dorm and work 70 hours a week for room and board, proponents point to the upturn in the economy afforded businesses who were losing the battle with the growing number of homeless. And, they add, Covenant Employees have job security, which is something a lot of wage earners don't have. A task force has been assigned to study the feasibility of incorporating at least some public school systems into the Covenant Program.
The President saves his best news for the end of the press conference. He has just been informed that a key sector of West Africa has been Cleared! This will mean an even greater drop in gas prices by midyear, and even better, more jobs for Americans!
Which Democrat won the 2004 election?
Disclaimer: I do not support any of the candidates.