So I was doing a little bit of math in this thread: this result really surprised me, so I wanted to start a new thread. I'll explain how I got this number:
The numbers come from Zogby:'s numbers are the average of three single day numbers, but he tells us oone day that the Monday numbers were 25% for Kerry and 18% for Dean: can also see that the Monday-Wednesday numbers were 22% Kerry and 21% Dean.
Zogby gets its numbers like this: On Friday he releases a number which is: (Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday)/3 = Average.
Using this equation, we can put in the information we know:
Kerry's 1/12-1/14 average:
(25% + X + Y)/3 = 22%
Dean's 1/12-1/14 average:
(18% + A + B)/3 = 21%
Our variables are:
X: Kerry's Tuesday poll number
Y: Kerry's Wednesday poll number
A: Dean's Tuesday poll number
B: Dean's Wednesday poll number
We solve these equations and we get:
X + Y = 41%
A + B = 45%
So this means that the sum of Kerry's Tuesday and Wednesday numbers is 41% and for Dean it's 45%
Zogby told us today that the Tuesday-Thursday averages are Kerry 24% and Dean 19%.
We can then write two new equations to average the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday numbers:
Kerry's 1/13-1/15 average:
(X + Y + Z)/3 = 24%
Dean's 1/13-1/15 average:
(A + B + C)/3 = 19%
The new variables are:
Z: Kerry's Thursday poll number
C: Dean's Thursday poll number
Substituting and multiplying:
41% + Z = 72%
45% + C = 57%
Z = 31%
C = 12%
Thus, on Thursday, Zogby must have polled
Kerry at 31% and Dean at 12%. The error is 7.8%
(Since the error for 3 days is 4.5%, the error for one day should be 4.5% * Sqrt(3) = 7.8%.)
Surprising? I knew that Algebra would come in handy one of these days...
Edit: Oops! Looks like Zogby reported two different Monday numbers and the other one makes more sense. Look at this response below: Mon 27, Tues 18, Wed 18, Thurs 21
Kerry Mon 20, Tues 25, Wed 21, Thurs 26