My first post. Yeaaa!
I think Dean will win Iowa and NH despite the polls and because his incredible workers know every voter and will make sure they vote. But the latest bull the media is focused on has me totally frosted.
Dean is the only one who can beat Bush and the scum know it. So what does puppeteer Rove do? and I'm convinced that the one who is perhaps the greatest PR man in history is behind all things that are underhanded, sneaky lies.
Plan a) Drop little rumors into the mix that Dean is not electable, let the other candidates pick it up and do the republican work of pushing a Bush Lite to run against the machine. And to help out he gets the media hooked on the
"Framing" of Dean as Un-Electable. This is what they do and we have to fight.
Plan b) Make sure the press keeps coming back to Deans wife Judith Steinberg Dean. How can a professional women not drop everything and hit the road with her husband? Well I don't think the ones fanning the flames of this non-issue really care, I think Rove loves to see a very Jewish name tied to Bushs' #1 rival. This is another case of playing the race, creed, religion card without coming out and saying, "hey, Deans wife is a Jew".
Plan c) Still to happen. If and when Jimmy Carter endorses Dean you'll see Iran Embassy retrospectives on Fox and all the other networks. Just to remind the people of who Carter is but really meant smear his standing as the most respected of Americans.
Plan d) Who the heck is Zogby? A republican owned pollster? I wouldn't doubt it and this
article makes me wonder more. He seems to always be on the Wrong wing side of issues but since he's a pollster he must be honest and telling the truth. Bull Hockey. me from nh