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Edwards Kicks Off 'Five Days To Change America' Tour In Iowa

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JohnLocke Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 09:41 PM
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Edwards Kicks Off 'Five Days To Change America' Tour In Iowa
Edwards Kicks Off 'Five Days To Change America' Tour In Iowa
North Carolina Senator Says "Our Time is Now" As He Launches Extensive Final Push Before the Iowa Caucuses

DES MOINES, IA: As Iowans prepare to attend their precinct caucuses on January 19th, North Carolina Senator John Edwards launched an aggressive, coordinated campaign to tell Iowa's undecided caucus-goers about his positive, optimistic vision to change America on Thursday, January 15, 2004. During his "Five Days to Change America" tour, Edwards and his campaign will kick off a statewide effort to communicate directly with thousands of caucus-goers.

"Our time is now," Edwards said. "In just five days, we're going to start putting an end to George Bush's two Americas - one that's doing well and another that's just struggling to get by. We're going to make an America that works for all of us again - and it begins right here with the Iowans who go to caucus."

Over the next five days, Edwards and his campaign will mount an aggressive campaign, targeting an estimated 50,000 of Iowa's undecided caucusgoers in order to earn their support of his campaign to make America work for all of us again. During the "Five Days to Change America" tour:

Edwards will attend 5 town hall meetings and travel more than 500 miles every day. Supporters will knock on more than 50,000 doors of undecided caucusgoers - on top of the 100,000 they have already reached this year.

More than 500 supporters from out of state will spread out across Iowa, with 5 working in each of Iowa's 99 counties to build on the efforts of Edwards' supporters in Iowa.

As supporters prepared to fan out across Des Moines and the rest of the state to begin their efforts, Edwards highlighted his lifetime of experience fighting for families against special interests, and continued to argue that Democrats will win in 2004 with a positive, optimistic vision about how to change America.

"I'm not a lifelong politician, but more than any other candidate in this race, I am ready to take on the powerful interests that own the Bush White House. I've been fighting against these special interests, and I'm ready to take this fight to President Bush and win," Edwards said. "When these five days are up and the caucus results are in, we're going to surprise America. Then we're going to take on George Bush - and win."

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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 11:38 PM
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