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Howard Dean supporters Only -- Write an endorsement for your candidate.

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Skinner ADMIN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:03 AM
Original message
Howard Dean supporters Only -- Write an endorsement for your candidate.
IMPORTANT: Please read this before you post

The Iowa Caucuses are on Monday, January 19. That day, Democratic Underground would like to run eight articles on our homepage in support of each of the eight candidates. (Two are not competing in Iowa, but we think it is only fair that they are included.) Please submit your article to before 4:00PM ET on Sunday.

There is an announcement about this here:

This discussion thread is for supporters of Howard Dean ONLY. The purpose of this thread is so that they can write an endorsement for their candidate, free of disruption from supporters of other candidates. Any posts by opponents of Howard Dean which try to disrupt this thread, will be deleted by the moderators.

DU Admin
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dsc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:08 AM
Response to Original message
1. Why I support Howard Dean
Why I support Howard Dean

I was a Gore man in 2000. I know many people found Gore uninspiring. I know people thought he ran a lousy campaign. But I am not one of those people. I think Gore ran one of the best campaigns in modern times and would have made a great President. But our country was robbed.

The next three years have been like the movie, The Lion King. We went from the benevolent and wise rule of President Clinton to the maniacal rule of President Bush. Like Scar, Bush took over in a coup. Like Scar, Bush invited the hyenas to feed upon the land. Like Scar, Bush has laid waste to our country. What was once a place worthy of pride has become a barren wasteland. What was once a peaceful land devoted to expanding the circle of life has become a militaristic nation devoted to invading the Middle East. Like Pride Rock we are in need of a savior.

Our Democratic party has been like Simba. It has wandered in the wilderness singing Hakuta Mikata while the country has been laid waste to. It has been paralyzed by fear and blame manufactured by the treasonous Bush and silly philosophizing by the Timon's and Pumbaa's of our party. Like Simba, it has been lead astray. And like the denizens of Pride Rock we are in a nightmare without end.

Like Rafiki, Dean is knocking some sense into our party. He is showing us our inner Mufasta and the way to prosperity and power. If we want our party to return like Simba did then we need to follow Rafiki's advice like Simba did. The citizens of our country need us like citizens of Pride Rock needed a resurgent Simba.

Clearly I have taken this analogy as far as I can. And yes, I know it is a bit overdrawn. But Bush really is much like Scar. And our country really is much like Pride Rock. And we really do need a resurgent Simba. We really can't afford another term of Bush. The hyenas need to be sent home. And Dean is best positioned to do this.

Dean took on one of the most contentious issues of our time in 2000. Giving gays and lesbians the same relationship rights as their straight siblings was a boldly risky move for a man who would later run for President. When I was growing up the idea I could have anything like a marriage relationship was literally unthinkable. I believed myself doomed to a life similar to that in Crusing or worse one of utter aloneness. Thanks in part to Howard Dean, a gay person who graduates in 2018 will have never lived in a time during which the thought of a gay or lesbian couple having those rights is unimaginable. This is an important issue. It involves serious things and serious people. It is no accident that civil union certificates are looked upon as a holy grail in the gay community. It is tangible proof that we are real citizens with real rights that are taken seriously.

Dean treated us like adults. He told us the truth that full gay marriage made him uncomfortable. But then he fought like Hell for us. He took on the forces of darkness that helped bring about the desolation of our country. They tried to take back Vermont and instead Vermont took them out. Even with leftist challenge Dean got half the vote and a 5th term. Dean risked his career to give a people a right so fundamental that it is hard to think of a person without them as a full citizen. Then he beat the forces of darkness and cemented our rights. He was a real friend and deserves our gratitude.

But this isn't a mercy vote. As impressed as I am with his granting those rights I am more impressed with the fact he won. I know about the ruthlessness of gay rights opponents. I know that no lie is too low, no tactic too base, and no act too hypocritical for the alleged Christians these people are. Dean had to campaign in a bullet proof vest. Something he doesn't often tell people but it is true. Dean will beat these base people.

His record is one of fiscal discipline combined with social and governmental liberalism. Fiscal discipline is necessary in our times. We can't return to the prosperity of the Clinton era without a return to the fiscal values of the Clinton era. Dean's record is one of fiscal sanity and creating jobs in Vermont. While the nation was being turned into a barren wasteland by the current administration, Vermont has run like a well oiled machine. Where the current administration created debt, Dean created surplus. Where the current administration has created uninsured Dean has created insured. Where the current administration had created joblessness and despair, Dean has created wealth and prosperity.

Like any governor, Dean has a record to run on. The comparison of that record with Bush's will win this race for us. And, not only that but Dean will fight back and has experience doing so. He, and his supporters, won't let the distorting demagogues of desolation run amok. We won't let these people win the way they did last time. He showed us that in 2000 and will show us that again.

Dean is a true friend, a real winner, and will be a great President.
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wtmusic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:29 AM
Response to Original message
2. I support Howard Dean
for three principle reasons:

1) Regardless of the war vote, Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich and Sen. Robert Byrd were the only leaders who spoke out openly against the war before, during, and after the start of hostilities;

2) Dean is a doctor, and an extremely important issue for the next president will be health care. Dean is the only candidate with the experience and insight into the system to make a national health plan work;

3) Dean's record at fiscal management is impeccable, and while other candidates are cowing to public opinion to leave middle-class tax cuts in place Dean is making the hard choices which are necessary to turn the nation's debt crisis around.

Thanks Skinner, that was cathartic! :-)
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:32 AM
Response to Original message
3. I believe that he'll fight the right
and that he'll *listen* to the left, not run away from it. His embrace of the grassroots goes a long way, in my mind, toward repairing what's wrong with the electoral system.
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mzmolly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:34 AM
Response to Original message
4. Here is the letter I sent to Iowa
Greetings From XXX.
I am writing you today to say what an amazing honor it must be to have the power to make a difference in the coming election. I am truly inspired by one of the candidates running for President of the United States. His name is Howard Dean.

As a concerned citizen and Mother, Howard Dean appeals to me because:
He believes that workers rights are fundamental human rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution

Howard Dean believes in supporting small farmers

Howard Dean will implement a proven system of Health Care for all Americans

Howard Dean is committed to protecting our environment

Howard Dean believes that all children deserve an equal start
*In fact, he implemented a system of sharing educational dollars across the state of Vermont, so schools in poor communities have the same financial backing as those in wealthier communities

Howard Dean is fiscally responsible and believes that a balanced budget is key in order to have a healthy economy again. After 4 years of a ‘charge it’ mentality in the White House, we need a leader with the know how to improve America’s social and economic justice

Howard Dean believes in strengthening our homeland security by defeating terrorism and rebuilding international relations

Howard Dean is the only candidate I know of who is reaching out to and bringing together: Greens, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and Democrats into one massive movement to take back our country

I have never been this moved by a candidate for the Presidency of the United States in my life time. I have never felt so strongly that a human being was capable of making things right again. I hope you will join my in taking back our country and casting your precious vote for Howard Dean.

I would love to answer any questions you may have about Governor Dean. You may write me by email at if you have any questions I can help you with. Additionally, I would love to know what is happening in Iowa, and how you feel about what is taking place in our country.

Please see Howard Deans official website at for more information on his positions.

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wtmusic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:37 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Very heartfelt
it's interesting the different tack people take with the letters.

Can I steal it? j/k :evilgrin:
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mzmolly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:23 AM
Response to Reply #5
10. Sure you may.
I tailored my message to Iowa voters.

Thanks for the kind words.
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hellhathnofury Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:47 AM
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6. I'm going to use my 1000th post to kick this.

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shance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:05 AM
Response to Original message
7. In A Class All His Own
Edited on Sat Jan-17-04 01:19 AM by shance
I think if there is one phrase or sentence that would fully explain why I believe in Governor Dean, it would be simply that he moved me.

Ive had the opportunity to personally hear every candidate speak, except General Clark, and for me there was never a comparison. There are certainly many candidates that I agree with and support, but no one has moved me like Howard Dean.

I think when someone impacts us so signficantly, we feel inspired, we feel connected, we feel hopeful - we feel alive. Howard Dean has recessitated this party and has brought it back to life. Thats what Ive experienced and continue to experience by being involved in the Dean campaign.

Ive been involved in a few campaigns but I have never experienced an energy from individuals in the campaign, enthusiasm, passion and laughter, and the feeling of belonging and community that is being initiated through this movement. I believe it will continue no matter what the outcome and hopefully spread and be included in all areas of the Democratic party.

I believe Dean's beliefs and message reflect the true spirit of the Democratic party. That is why he has received such an incredible response within our party and our country in such a brief time.

One of the qualities of a true leader is the ability to initiate positive change. I have noticed that when Dean acts, the other candidates have reacted by following Deans actions. I have noticed this time and time again. And overall I believe this is a good thing because it shows that hes taking the right actions. And, of course the greatest form of flattery is imitation.

I believe that great things can happen for our party IF WE ALLOW AND ENCOURAGE THE NECESSARY CHANGES TO OCCUR.

No matter who the candidate is for our Party, we simply cannot be a Republican B Team any longer. It will be the end of the Democratic party and ultimately America as we know it. Governor Dean got this, and that is why he has stolen Americans heart.

These past three years, I dont know how many phone calls, fundraisers, faxes, letters and emails I have sent to senators and Congressman who, despite Americas outrage, voted against our wishes and even more insultingly never have admitted accountability.

I honestly like Kerry, Gephardt, Lieberman and Edwards, who doesnt? Yet they have virtually in my opionion betrayed America and even dismissed their own roles in our massacre in Iraq. Thats huge. I cant even catch my breath at times when I think of what has ocurred in Iraq. Even more heart breaking, our media is essentially the antithesis of truth and accuracy and take great pride and pains to assault individuals in America who are telling the truth, bringing hope back to a apathetic, moreover fearful nation, and indeed feeding and igniting that fear.

I remember I received a petition from Governor Dean about eight or so months ago, petitioning the FCC and Powells intention to further deregulate the media circus that disguises itself as a legitimate form of journalism. I was so impressed by his quick action, being at the forefront of every issue and initiating some spirit, even healthy competition within the Democratic campaign. Of course John Kerry then followed suit, as others did probably. What Howard Dean has done, has shown leadership by being involved on almost every issue of importance and has answered Americans concern quicker than any other candidate.

Dean cares like few people are probably capable of caring and Im sure that is where the highly acclaimed, but much overblown anger stems from. Ive been amazed that Republicans actually thought they could use that to shame any American into submission. Arent most of us angry these days. Shouldnt we be angry? Its the apathy that worries me, certainly not anger. Anger is the emotion that motivates change. Until we get angry enough, we aint gonna change.

In a way, I think that is what many of our own Democratic leaders are afraid of. I think they too have become all too comfortable in the D.C. life and have lost touch not only with reality, but with their constituents as well.

I think as with anyones success, come those that for whatever reasons, mainly fear and envy, wish to deflate or suffocate success.

We must ask ourselves: can America survive with a mediocre candidate who is, when push comes to shove, an insider and a pleaser?

With what level of courage and capability will they be able to draw from if they havent utilized it before?

Howard Dean exudes an incredible sense of loyalty and commitment in what he is doing and towards doing what is best for the country at large. In a sense he is an outsider and yet an insider too. He knows how to run government, and yet he has been disconnected from a dysfunctional D.C. system, which at this point can be nothing but a plus! He shows clarity of purpose and seems to know who he is, and going into a dysfunctional setting like D.C. that will be very important.

Howard Dean is who he is. He is the real McCoy and isnt afraid to be authentic. I like all of the other candidates, but as with any competition there are those that struggle more and there are those with which the process just comes naturally.

This election has taught me alot. On a negative note, it has taught me the insidiousness of cynicism, and how it acts as a cancer, that now has effectively spread in our election system.

Howard Dean has not allowed that cynicism to stop him and he has taught other Americans not to bow to the Republican machine.

I hope other Democrats will find that spirit as well and see the evil agenda and purpose of cynicism. It is the ultimate excuse. The great rationalization. The great killer of positive change. Our media and those who wish to kill and intimidate the truth and the change that is vital right now, will keep pumping their bile and its our responsibility to stand up for these leaders, all of them, who are courageous enough to put themselves on the front line.

Governor Dean is truly a MacArthur when it comes to bravery and leadership. He also has the compassion and the healing instincts of a remarkable human being as well.
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slinkerwink Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:14 AM
Response to Original message
8. Here is my endorsement of Dean...
It all started last summer during my internship in Washington, D.C., where I was becoming disillusioned with how lobbyists had the real control over Congress. Although, the Congressman I was working for was awesome to me, but I was getting sick of all the gloating by Republicans about how Bush had the 2004 elections all sewn up.

I decided to search political websites to see what was going on, and I came across the Dean blog. I clicked on one of the videos, and I was completely sold. Here was a guy, a governor from Vermont, who was saying all the things I'd really wanted to hear in someone I would be proud of being President of the United States of America.

I donated to his campaign for the first time, and watched when we broke the bat, over and over, and over again. I watched as he drew thousands of supporters to his campaign, and attended the Bryant Park rally where I got to shake his hand.....

That was amazing because I knew it was the future President's hand that I had shaken in that crowd.

His campaign is all about US, and he's just our spokesman. That is why I endorse him.
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frustrated_lefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:20 AM
Response to Original message
9. This is a variation on a theme I have posted here
Regarding slashing of social programs, what exactly did Dean do in his 11 years in office?

1) as of the year 2000, Vermont was rated 2nd best in the nation for the quality of medical care provided to Medicare beneficiaries
2) as of the year 2003, Vermont was ranked 3rd best in the nation for prescription benefits provided to Medicare beneficiaries
3) signed into law managed care consumer protections that are among the toughest in the nation
4) established the “Success by Six” program, in which Health care providers, social service agencies and others cooperate to connect parents with resources ranging from job training to parenting classes
5) overhauled Vermont's traditional system of paying for public schools with local property taxes, shifting funds from rich towns to poor towns through a "sharing pool," sparking an explosion in education spending,which has been up by 40% since 1997
6) ensured that virtually every child under 18 and more than 90 percent of adults are eligible for health coverage.
7) created the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee to identify strengths and weaknesses in the community response to domestic violence
8) established initiatives which included mandatory work requirements and lifetime maximum benefits, but were balanced by their support of children and their working parents with health care, child care, and job training (more at:
9) increased investment on Child Care Services by 176% since 1991
10) instituted the first state protocol for abuse investigations. In return, Vermont saw a 45% decline in physical and sexual abuse of children. This included a 64% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-3 and a 43% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-6.
11) increased human services funding by 33%, and education funding by 25%

I could go on. Based on a record like this, I find it hard to perceive him as a bungling idiot who intends to randomly slash social programs. What he HAS done consistently is show a willingness to tighten the budget for a purpose: balancing it. We’re not talking about “starving the beast” here, or making efforts to permanently cut programs. If anything, it seems to me he has a record for making short-term sacrifice in order to achieve a sustainable economy with adequate funding for social programs.

A few specific claims were made in the original post: “Throughout the 1990s, Dean’s cuts in state aid to education ($6 million), retirement funds for teachers and state employees ($7 million), health care ($4 million), welfare programs earmarked for the aged, blind and disabled ($2 million), Medicaid benefits ($1.2 million) and more, amounted to roughly $30 million.”

Did the cuts in state funding for education coincide with #5 posted above, for example? Or was it a short term cut made which he later corrected for starting in 1997? Either way, spending on education is up 40% since 1997. The author states he cut retirement funds for teachers and state employees. On the other hand, “signed into law agency fee protection for the state employees union, thereby providing union security for state employees” (

In any event, based on these observations, I think it fair to predict Dean would not run rampant slashing and burning social programs in the presidency.

Regarding “regressive” taxation:

1) again, when Dean entered office, the highest tax bracket in Vermont was paying the highest state income taxes in the country.
2) he cut income tax twice, removed the sales tax on most clothing, and reduced the state's long-term debt.
3) he raised the state's minimum wage twice during 11 years in office.
4) he created tax incentives to attract and keep new companies.
5) he created 41,000 jobs

In effect, he did one hell of a remarkable job for Vermont’s economy, and tax breaks like eliminating the sales tax on most clothing is the sort of thing that helps the average working man. Some of the benefits he offered to the average working man aren’t necessarily apparent at first glance.

On Roe v Wade and Women’s Issues, during his governorship:

1) he appointed more women to office than any other state governor
2) he signed an executive order enhancing state assistance to victims of domestic violence
3) he challenged the term "partial birth abortion" from a medical perspective, saying that it is a "code word" for extremism
4) pregnancy rates for young teens dropped 49%.
5) Vermont was the first state to institute a statewide protocol for abuse investigations. In return, Vermont saw a 45% decline in physical and sexual abuse of children. This included a 64% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-3 and a 43% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-6
6) He has consistently, irrefutably argued that what a woman does with her body is her own decision and none of the government’s business.

So, Roe v Wade may not be the litmus test he relies on, but it seems he is willing to fight for women’s issues in ways that actually work. What about this is there to criticize? One poster did raise an important issue, concern that stance on Roe v Wade should be the litmus test for judicial appointments. That’s valid. Unfortunately, I’ve had little luck tracking down info on his judicial appointments, other than their names (Jeffrey L. Amestoy 1997, Marilyn S. Skoglund 1997) and un-related issues.

I really can not stress this enough, Dean takes care of kids. If you don't like it, ok. Dean puts everything on the line for kids. I like that.
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janx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:23 AM
Response to Original message
11. deleted
Edited on Sat Jan-17-04 01:27 AM by janx
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frustrated_lefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:55 AM
Response to Original message
12. By the way, thank you, Skinner
We all have our favorites. You give us a wonderful place to voice our preferences.
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shance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 03:47 AM
Response to Reply #12
17. Agreed. Thank you Skinner for reminding us why we are here at DU
in the first place.

To be proud of our Party and those people in it that we respect and that inspire us to be the best we can be.

Thank you****
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BurtWorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 02:13 AM
Response to Original message
13. I support Howard Dean, first, because he is a Democrat.
His position on the war is a Democratic position: the US must work within an international framework--the one that Democrats, largely, worked hard to build with our allies in the years following World War II--to maintain peace, protect human rights, and curb proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The war in Iraq is a grave violation of these principles, and the people responsible cannot be allowed any more time to further unravel 60 years of progress. Howard Dean, I believe, can be trusted to halt the destruction the Bushist war has wrought to Iraq and to the US position in the world and to put multilateralism back on its proper track. He is clear on the necessity of making this correction and restoring the US to a position of earned respect in the community of nations.

His position on taxes is a Democratic position: he wants to repeal the Bushist tax cuts to halt any further damage they have wrought to the power of the government to do good for its citizens, to afford them the services citizens of every other industrialized nation expect of their governments. Dean's position is that the few hundred dollars middle class taxpayers may have received from the cuts cannot replace the thousands of dollars of services the tax cuts have cost every citizen. Furthermore, contrary to the belief of Republicans like Dick Cheney, deficits do matter; allowing them to build is playing with fire. Dean wants to put the fire out now.

His position on health care is a Democratic position: every American deserves reliable health care. Dean has said repeatedly that the dream of universal health care began with Harry Truman and has been shared by every Democratic president since. It still eludes us. Rather than repeat the mistakes of the Clinton administration in 1992 and shoot the moon, Dean proposes to simply fill in the gaps and ensure that all Americans get health coverage by law, something he was able to accomplish in Vermont. Once that goal is reached, the revolution in delivery of care can follow.

Dean is a pragmatist, as his position on health care, more than any other, demonstrates. He sets goals and finds a way to reach them. He is not an ideologue. But he is a Democrat.

Dean is criticized for being angry and shooting from the hip. I've found that the vast majority of his alleged gaffes are actually moments of plain-spoken truth. The best example is his remark that Americans are no safer with Saddam captured than they were before. Within two weeks of being lambasted from Democrats and Republicans for saying that, the nation went on orange alert because of unsettling "chatter" in the terrorist pipeline; Osama bin Laden reared his ugly head; American casualties in Iraq marched steadily toward 500.

As for his anger, I'm angry too. More Americans should be angry about what has happened with their country since December 12, 2000. Anger is an energy. I'm not impressed with the delicate sensibilities of hypocritical pundits, who, through propagating Bushist lies and bestowing phony legitimacy on a usurper, are sowing far more destruction than nice, mind-focusing, constructive, justified fury over injustice can ever hope to.

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 02:40 AM
Response to Original message
14. Dean is responsive to his constituency...he listens, empowers, and
Edited on Sat Jan-17-04 03:19 AM by Dover
integrates their ideas. In short, the people are co-creators in the process.

Dean, though not my primary candidate (which I hope does not exclude me from this thread), has my admiration in this area. I think most constituents feel very strongly that they have lost their voice and been cut out of the process. I know this was particularly obvious during the whole anti-Iraq invasion initiative when people took to the streets by the millions and flooded their "representatives" offices with feedback on the the War Resolution, the Patriot Act and other issues. They were ignored by the media and their representatives as though they were invisible. There was no attempt to openly address, let alone acknowledge, their protestations or
debate and argue the reasons for the decisions being made on their behalf. In short it seemed to be a unilateral decision made by both Dems and Republicans alike, exclusive of a large percentage of the population.

So Dean demonstrated another way. And I agree with his recent statement that to eliminate his candidacy would essentially be the equivalent of stifling the voice of the people, if what we've seen from many of the more entrenched politicians is any indication of what we can expect. If Dean is not there after the Primaries (or Kucinich for that matter) then I think this is the thing that will be glaringly and sorely missing ....the strong connection, the respectful and lively interaction with and participation of the People. That would feel like a huge loss.
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Expat Sue Donating Member (21 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 03:24 AM
Response to Original message
15. Why I support dean - reposted
The many reasons I still support Howard Dean.

1. The grassroots support he has inspired is the kind of fire the Democratic Party needs desperately to combat the growing number of people who are cynical about the political process. 580,556 supporters signed up on-line, over 40 million dollars was raised last year from over 250,000 contributors, over 190,000 letters (most of them hand written) have been sent from Dean supporters to Iowa and New Hampshire, there is a growing list of endorsements for Dean from people I respect and admire - thousands of people have made the trip to Iowa to help the campaign - including a group from Japan, people I have met with here in Australia are fired up for the first time, and our energy has allowed US citizens in OZ to participate in the Democrats Abroad caucus for the first time.

2. Money. This unfortunately is an important consideration when going toe to toe against *. Howard Dean has raised more of it than any other candidate, and he opted out of public financing so he does not have to be restricted by a spending cap. Most candidates will be restricted, and most candidates cannot raise the kinds of money needed to defeat *, and none of the candidates has a larger number of small donors.

3. Howard Dean speaks his mind, he is smart, I respect the choices that he has made during his life, and he genuinely believes in government for and by the people. He was outspoken when few others dared to be.

4. His record and his platform. His record is solid in Vermont, but what is far more interesting is his platform. It has been guided by some great minds that have been attracted to Dean. In other words Dean does not foolishly rely on omnipotence but rather inspires and attracts some of the best thinkers we have to help him form his platform. Look at his foreign policy advisors or look at how his decent environmental record in Vermont was improved upon by his platform. Howard Dean's platform has been actively molded by many other intelligent minds as well as many average Americans who are supporting him because he is actively listening.

I am amazed at people who still don't seem to get it. Gore gets it, so does Bradley, Molly Ivins, Paul Hawken, Tom Harkin, Paul Simon etc. A candidate supported by more small contributions from regular Americans is more likely to respond to regular American needs, than candidates supported by the big money that requires a response to the needs of big money. Further, we have in Howard Dean a candidate who is genuinely listening and dreams of an America by and for the people. This is a big opportunity, and none of the other front-runners can ignore their bigger ties to big money. If you're sitting on the fence considering who to support, ask yourself why more people and more money are flowing to Dean. Then ask yourself what effect does a fired up base have on the overall Democratic agenda. Then remind yourself that there is only one candidate who is actively listening to the people, and attempting to get us (not him) to take our country back. This campaign only works if we all take ownership of it. We need to support it with volunteer work, with money, but most importantly with dialogue with our fellow Americans. This election can either be about the candidate who is most convincing or it can be about we the people and a revitalized democracy. HOPE
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slinkerwink Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 03:39 AM
Response to Reply #15
16. welcome to DU!!!!!
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newyawker99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:56 PM
Response to Reply #15
23. Hi Expat Sue!!
Welcome to DU!! :toast:
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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 09:47 AM
Response to Original message
18. Howard Dean reminds me of Harry Truman
Howard Dean reminds me of Harry Truman--one of my favorite presidents of all time. Dean, like Harry, is a fighter and like Harry he speaks his mind. Afterall, there was a book on Harry called, "Plain Speaking" and the same could be said and done on Howard Dean.

The Democratic party needs to nominate a fighter to take the battle squarely to George W. Bush. Dean has shown in this campaign he will pull no punches when attacking the record of this administration. Howard Dean also has a positive record to present to the American people from his twelve years of leadership in Vermont. He provided health insurance for nearly every child. Dean provided prescription drug coverage for seniors. Dean created jobs (Bush is the first president since Hoover to see a net loss of jobs). Dean expands the civil and human rights of all people;ie; tough hate-crime laws and the domestic partnership Act. Dean balanced budgets (while Bush took the biggest surplusses in history and turned them into the biggest deficits). Dean protected the environment and protected more land from development than any other Vermont Governor.

It is a fine record to run on and contrast with the man in the White House. But on foreign policy, Dean also had the foresight to oppose a wrong-headed and irresponsible resolution which gave this president authority to wage war in Iraq--a grudge match between the Bush family and Saddam Hussein while taking precious resources away from the real war on terrorism. Dean's first act will be to visit our allies and assure the world that the dangerous cowboy-like policies of the Bush administration are over.

We need to nominate a candidate who has a proven record in domestic affairs and forsight in foreign policy. A man who can raise the funds from many donators in small amounts to compete against Bush's corporate blank check. A man who can mobilize the Democratic base and enthuse them to get out and vote. A man who can, argueably, mobilize the best GOTV effort the Democratic party has ever mounted in a presidential election.

That man is Howard Dean of Vermont.
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NewHampster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 11:47 AM
Response to Original message
19. My unwavering support for Howard Dean
I support Dean first becasue he is a Democrat that can win.

I support him because, as other have said, when I shook his hand he looked me in the eyes and I was the only one in his sight or on his mind. He wasn't looking where to go next he truly listens and wants to hear the stories of real people.

I've never felt like that about any pol before.

Especially one whom I disagree with on more than one issue. And that is the thing I find most important and what I know scares the Bushies. Howard Dean is not about individual issues and specific dollars he'll spend or not spend. He isn't even just about the war. Dean is about a Vision.

Vision wins the presidency not infighting amongst democrats about he said she said. Karl Rove wants dems to come forward with a candidate pushing programs and issues that no matter what will always divide some of us. And Bush will be pushing a vision of men on Mars and American business building an infrastructure to get us there. Vision always wins over issues.

Howard Dean is about a vision for an America that still believes the Constitution got it right. He believes the constitution shouldn't be Liberally altered or set aside due to current events or vogue. He believes in my right to disagree with him. He believes the freedoms millions died for cannot be taken away by a few radicals. That responding to terror by taking away our freedoms is exactly what the terrorists want. He believes in a world where countries respect each other's differences and work together for the betterment of all.

Because of his vision, humanity and up front honesty his campaign is financed by people like me sending in a spare $25 when I can.

Howard Dean is something else the pollsters won't speak about. He is someone that New Hampshire republicans wish they could vote for. He is the one Democrat that is so firm in his love for America that he will not only get the un-decided dems out to vote, but republicans in huge numbers will cross over.

Howard Dean is Karl Rove's worst nightmare and thats enough for me.
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shance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 06:59 PM
Response to Reply #19
31. I think Truman is a great comparison
great post.
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indigo32 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:35 PM
Response to Original message
20. Why I support Howard Dean.. and you should too
I first saw Howard Dean speaking at a forum in Iowa before he ever announced running for President. I'm embarrassed as a lesbian who is very into politics that I didn't know who he was :dunce:. He stood out head and shoulders above the rest of the people in that forum and I took note of his name.

I've since seen Howard Dean display passion and PRIDE in fighting our fight (as Democrats). I understand as well that this was not the first time. He wore a bullit proof vest around VT while explaining his decision to sign the first civil unions bill in the nation, and WON that election.

It is not only his ability to fire us up that draws me to him. I am also drawn to his pragmatism. He has experience getting things done and will work with our congress to do that. His vision includes a strong emphasis in health care coverage,lessening the burden of the deficit on Americans, and working with not antagonizing foreign allies.

Finally over the past few months I feel he's shown a remarkable ability to withstand the criticism that the campaign has thrown his way. I feel he will be able to stand up to the massive amounts of negativity that will be thrown his way during the general election. This combined with his ability to raise funds and fire up grass roots activists make him the best option we have to face George Bush and WIN!

These are just some of the reasons why I and YOU should be supporting Howard Dean for President :)
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chocolateeater Donating Member (685 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 12:39 PM
Response to Original message
21. My endorsement of Howard Dean
I support Howard Dean because, I think he is inviting We the People to participate in making our country a better place to live in, which is a large part of what our country is supposed to be about. I like the other candidates, but all I hear most of them say about this is "I will fight for you"(to be fair Edwards is starting to get away from this). That would be fine if all we needed was another champion to protect us from the big, bad world. What we need, is someone who will ask us to fight along side to help make this country a better place to live in for everyone. It is the only way, that any of the issues we care about will ever be addressed.
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indigo32 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 01:20 PM
Response to Original message
22. Kick
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Tierra_y_Libertad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 02:09 PM
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24. Dean read the handwriting on the wall.
He is not the movement but the one who saw it. He represents the Democrats who have been sickened by the slow slide to the right and the politics of appeasement, most apparant in the IWR votes of some candidates, and have rebelled against the establishment. He is not Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton, or any of the most liberal democrats that many of us would prefer, but he is serving his purpose as a symbol of a too long dormant and divided left wing.

I believe that the Democratic Party must move to the left or relegate itself to being what the DLC has envisioned it - the moderate wing of the republican party.

Some of the other candidates have "good" liberal credentials. But, they are all too willing to compromise, appease, and distance themselves from them in the vain hope of winning by moving in right as an act of "political expediency".

The Democratic Party has to have some unshakeable ideals that it stands for as opposed to the republican ideal of transforming this country into some sort of corporate Mayberry USA run by CEO's and the Christian Taliban.

Howard Dean, if he wins the White House, will clear the way for more liberal candidates in the future and stop the slide into irrelevance that the Democratic Party is headed for through the not quite republican strategy that the DLC and the Clintons have advocated.

If Howard Dean (or,Dennis Kucinich) doesn't get the nomination I'll be voting Green instead of for a rapidly dying Democratic Party.
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ecstatic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 02:17 PM
Response to Original message
25. If you're tired of the same ol' same ol', vote Dean!
We in this country have come to accept less and less over the years. Its time we demanded more from our leaders. Its time we demanded change in this country.

Its not fair that we're paying millions (maybe even billions of dollars) to make the members of Congress/the Senate more comfortable--it should be the other way around! They should be representing and standing up for us! We are paying for them to have the very things that WE don't have: insurance, quality education for their kids, equal rights, and "a say" in this country.

If you're tired of the S.S.D.D. lifestyle, vote Dean. He'll have the folks in Washington scurrying like a bunch of cockroaches-LOL.

If you're tired of being divided by race, sexual orientation, and religion--Vote Dean.

If you're ready to see the PEOPLE, not politicians, empowered financially and educationally, and not stuck in the chains of poverty-- VOTE DEAN!!

Yours Truly,

Truth Hurts A Lot
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KaraokeKarlton Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 03:45 PM
Response to Original message
26. Howard Dean changed my life
I moved to Vermont in 1994. I came here to escape an abusive husband. I had nothing but my 3 children and what I could carry. We didn't have a place to live. I didn't have a job and it was still late winter, early April. The social services and community support in Vermont, under Howard Dean's leadership are second to none. Had it not been for those services I most likely would have ended up returning to being beat on for survival. These programs helped me get a place to live, provided furniture and household items, clothing for my children, food etc. The services for people in emergency situations were great. I went on welfare with the intentions of going to work. I found a job but ended up having to give it up and go back on welfare because of childcare and transportation barriers. Then came welfare reform, or Dean's vision for it. Suddenly the barriers that kept me trapped on welfare were being addressed! Subsidized child care, help with transportation and many other things...and my plan was highly personalized to meet MY wasn't a "one size fits all" program anymore! I went off assistance and have not had to go back on assistance, and it was ONLY because of the reforms Dean made. It changed my life. It saved me from having to return to an abusive husband.

I've watched Howard Dean lead Vermont in the proper direction for the people who live here. He has done a wonderful job here. I'm not going to go into all those great things because others usually do. I want people to know that my support for Howard Dean is not just about his great policies and accomplishments in Vermont, it's about how his leadership significantly changed my life and the lives of my children for the better. He is a leader who demands that things are run properly, effectively and efficiently. I have directly benefitted from his leadership and I want others living in this country who suffer the same struggles I did to have the same chance to get on their feet that I was given under the great leadership of Howard Dean.

This is why I support Howard Dean.
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mzmolly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 07:01 PM
Response to Reply #26
32. KK that's a wonderful testament.
Edited on Sat Jan-17-04 07:02 PM by mzmolly
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debannbull Donating Member (90 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 03:58 PM
Response to Original message
27. Two words
"Democratic revolution"

from the grassroots to Bradley and Braun, he is re-writing this process
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joefree1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 05:15 PM
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28. Dean is the real populist revolutionary
Edited on Sat Jan-17-04 05:19 PM by joefree1
When it comes down to the issues I think that all the candidates have similar messages. But it is Dean who has most scared the Washington beltway establishment and earned my support. He shattered the litmus test of patriotism by decrying Bush's rush to war in Iraq.

The fury of the recent media firestorm and the online sock-puppet attacks only reaffirms to us Dean supporters that he has shaken up a hornet's nest of special interest.

Dean's own straight talking style has infuriated the groomers, controlers and handlers of the Washington political machine. Dean's populism is the greatest threat against the control of America by the few political, economic, and media elite. These modern day feudalist view us Dean supporters as barbarians at the gates of their special interest castles.

I'm ABB and I will support any of our Democratic Candidates against Bush. However the online grassroots movement that the Dean candidacy has created will reincarnate itself again and again until we triumph against the intolerant and ignorant right.

On edit: welcome to DU Expat Sue. :hi:
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idlisambar Donating Member (916 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 06:06 PM
Response to Original message
29. He's the candidate of common sense and reform
Edited on Sat Jan-17-04 06:09 PM by idlisambar
Howard Dean's record in Vermont above all shows solid judgment and forward thinking. He concentrated state resources on kids, understanding that these resources would get the best bang for the buck. He put aside hundreds of thousands of acres of land for future generations. He set up energy efficiency utility, a program that pays for itself and helps the environment.

Dean governed Vermont with a great deal of care and dedication to helping people. I truly believe that he governs out of a desire to do good, not just to please people and get reelected. The civil unions bill and his vigourous defense of it in the face of harsh opposition is an obvious case in point.

Dean is a pragmatic politician. His judgments are not rooted in ideaology but common sense. He changes his mind and follows a different path when he sees something is not working. For this reason, he was able to change his position on "free trade" when he saw its consequences and not just blindly follow economic dogma. Ultimately this experimental, results oriented approach is what we need in our politicians at all levels.

Finally, his grassroots campaign is the most inspiring thing I've ever seen in politics. It is not just Dean I support but "Deanism", the idea of a bottom-up grassroots campaign/movement reshaping the political landscape. If Dean can be successful it will not just get us a new President, but I believe it can change our culture and the way policies are made. All of the candidates talk about rooting out special interests, but Dean and his campaign offer the most tangible and thus compelling case.
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mzmolly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 07:07 PM
Response to Reply #29
36. Nailed it!
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hellhathnofury Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 06:55 PM
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30. Up ye goeth
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imax2268 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 07:02 PM
Response to Reply #30
33. simple...
Let's Take Back Our Country...

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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 07:03 PM
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34. 2 endorsements: one from today, one from 2 weeks ago

"As some of you are aware, I've only been a citizen of this country for 2 1/2 years, although I have lived here for over 10. This coming November I will cast my very first vote for a candidate for President of the United States of America, arguably the most important elected or appointed office on the face of this planet.

The monumental importance of my casting of this ballot--- yes, monumental importance, because the other 6.2 billion people who populate this planet will be affected by my decision, even though they have no vote--- cannot be overstated, and I approach the exercise of this franchise with all appropriate solemnity. It is my duty to choose wisely, and for the best of reasons, rather than for the 'choosing the lesser of 2 evils.' Who, then, is most worthy of my vote?

Although I can and will support any of the 9 Democratic candidates for President, the process of choosing a candidate is bifurcated, so I must first choose which of those 9 candidates best reflects my deepest values and who best 'resonates' with me. That candidate is Gov. Howard Dean.

I believe in peace, social justice and the rule of law. I oppose the use of military force except in self-defense, or in the enforcement of international law, and so does Howard Dean. I believe that we have a duty to care for our fellow citizens, especially those who are most vulnerable among us--- women, children the poor, the physically- and mentally-challenged, those who are victims of discrimination based on color, creed or sexual orientation--- and so does Howard Dean.

In my 10 years of life in the United States, I have seen the results of 'politics as usual', and I am not impressed; after years and years of 'life' in our nation's capitol, fundamentally decent men and women have lost touch with their own constituents--- the millions of ordinary men, women and children who make up America. They mistake electoral majorities for unconditional approval of their choices, when in fact those majorities often represent little more than an electorate resigned to the acceptance of a somewhat-better mediocrity.

I support Howard Dean because he gives me something no other candidate does--- hope--- hope for a better future in which my voice will be heard and in which my vote will not be taken for granted. He has given voice to my dreams for a nation which not only can, but which must do better, and which must pursue policies and goals worthy of a great nation. He has spoken out clearly against an unjust, immoral and illegal war, as have I. He has spoken out against fiscal incompetence, as have I. He has spoken out for a social-welfare policy that is at one and the same time both fundamentally humane and fiscally-responsible, as have I. Finally, Howard Dean shares my anger at the 2000 coup d'etat that represented the first 'shot across the bow' of the Constitution's recognition of our right as sovereign people to a government of, by and FOR the People.

This is why I will support Howard Dean this primary season. Thank you."


"The American Heritage Dictionary defines trust as "Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing." I’m not sure I agree that reliance on ability is always a necessary part of trust, but reliance on the integrity and character of someone you trust is essential to that relationship.

For me, you trust someone when you trust his or her motives. Integrity, character and even ability can all be a part of the formula, but if you have misgivings, doubts, or strong suspicions that you’re not getting the whole story behind someone’s actions, you don’t have trust. A person can be intelligent, likable, skilled, hard-working, successful, generous and loyal and still not be trustworthy. As I apply my definition to a random sample of present and past relationships I become even more certain that this definition of trust is simple and complete. It accurately describes the most important observation I make when I form an opinion about someone.

I have decided to cast my vote in the Presidential election for that candidate who does the best job of earning my trust.

I want to state emphatically that complete ideological concurrence is not a critical component of trust, for me. I differ in a number of fundamental, philosophical ways with several of my most trusted friends and even with my s/o, whom I dearly love and trust implicitly. I do not base my decision primarily on issues, resumes, good looks or speaking ability, although each of those elements can and will be reshaped or retrained to attract the attention of the American voter. Of course issues are important, as are experience and leadership capabilities. I expect several candidates to meet my standards in these areas, but that doesn’t mean they will have earned my trust.

Who was the last candidate I really trusted? It was Al Gore (sorry, Bill). I believed in his commitment as a public servant and I wasn’t suspicious about why he wanted to be in the White House. His damaging quote about 'inventing the Internet' was a silly mistake, but it wasn't a trust-breaking revelation. There were plenty of things about him I didn’t like, but I absolutely trusted his motives.

Of the current choices, I obviously have eliminated President Bush out of hand because my level of distrust for him and his administration seems to reach a new high every day. There’s not enough room on this board to comment on even those issues that have surfaced in just the last few days. Blechhhhh!

As for the Democrats, Howard Dean is the clear points leader for now, and while any suspicions I have about him are still minor at this point, I've gotten a clear feeling about his integrity and his motives...."

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Chomskyite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 07:06 PM
Response to Original message
35. He is the only candidate . . .
. . . who has mentioned that George W Bush has spent $160 billion on the Iraq War so far and only $2 billion a year keeping the former Soviet nukes out of the hands of terrorists. He's the only candidate who has pointed that discrepancy out. For the rest, it seems to have escaped notice.
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LTR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 10:58 AM
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37. A kick from a Clark guy
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NashVegas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 11:05 AM
Response to Original message
38. Repost: Why I Support Howard Dean's Candidacy
Edited on Sun Jan-18-04 11:11 AM by Crisco
from a few weeks ago:

It's not because he's anti-Iraq war, it's because he's bringing intelligent anti-Iraq war arguments into the mainstream, something our self-serving media won't do. And something that the comedians the mainstream will put on the air can say, but be easily dismissed.

It's not because I think he wants nationalized health care, but because I think he wants the government to discuss the subject openly and honestly with Americans, and he wants us to be a part of the conversation.

It's not because he signed a Civil Unions bill, but because he went around his state into town meetings, calmly explained why and let people rail at him after he did.

It's not because he's raking in millions in campaign support, but because he's encouraging those financial supporters to be actively involved and get a first-hand look at how our system works.

It's not because he's angry, but because he's allowing people to use his campaign to focus their anger and channel it into a positive outlet.

It's not because he's plain-speaking, it's - oh, wait. Yes, it is.

The summation of it all is that Howard Dean, more than any other candidate for president, is encouraging a two-way dialog, and a dialog that does not call for shouting at and dismissing people you disagree with, but instead, listening to them.

The following was said on a conservative message board about Howard Dean:

Bush might be able to pound Dean like a drum. But it will still be a tragedy to have 6 months of hard core liberalism promoted by the Democratic media and swallowed whole by the 30-40% hard core Democratic voters.

This campaign, even if Dean looses, could set the stage for a hard left turn in general public.

I don't think his predictions are dead on, especially the part about the Democratic media, hardcore Liberalism, and a hard left turn. But I do believe that if Dean is the nominee and he's not too bogged down in defending himself and stays on the offensive that there can be - there will be - a fundamental change in the way we hold dialog, and a possible reversal of the sad effects of the last two decades of polarism.

Not as a Democrat, but as an American, that's something I'm dearly hoping for.
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Skinner ADMIN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:49 PM
Response to Original message
39. Are you guys submitting a collaborative effort?
Let me know asap. Thanks.
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WiseMen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:32 PM
Response to Original message
40. Kerry endorsement. Can't find the Kerry thread

America is at war. It is at war around the world and it at war within the homeland. There is a spirit of fear in the land and unless the Democratic party can make its case on the basis of a compelling vision for the future and the strength of new leadership, a nervous electorate will not vote for change.

Among a field of highly qualified candidates, only Senator John Kerry can be viewed as fully prepared to assume the office of the Presidency.

John Kerry has shown he can deliver well-reasoned and solid answers to the questions of our time. But, even more important, Kerry brings to the battle for the White House a personal history, and a record in matters of national security; social policy and governmental reform that allow him to speak with a clear voice without hypocrisy as he rallies the nation to a better way.

Personal Character

Graduating from Yale University, a modestly wealthy, multilingual world citizen, John Kerry had many options before him. Yet he answered his nations call and enlisted to fight and lead men in a dubious war in Vietnam, because he believed it was wrong to let someone less fortunate fight and die in his place. For bravery, service and sacrifice in a war he came to oppose, his nation gave him the Silver Star, Bronze Star and 3 Purple Hearts.

John Kerry followed his tour of military duty with a life of service, working to end the War in which he fought and leading a thank-less multi-decade effort to expose corruption in U.S. foreign policy, championing the environment, and pinch-hitting in the Senate for almost every cause that affected the lives of the poor and disenfranchised.

Kerry now ask his party to let him take the fight to George W. Bush, a man who ducked service to country when he was young and irresponsible.

Iraq War and National Security

John Kerry voted for the Iraq war resolution because he believed it was the only way to force resolution of the Iraq tragedy by restarting the U.N. inspection process. He believed the President of the United States (and since regretted it) when he said that war would be a last resort. At the time of the vote, he gave a substantial, thoughtful speech on the Senate floor, Kerry said he would strongly opposed any unilateral movement to war and that he did not believe that Saddams threat was yet imminent. He kept is word and led opposition during the U.N. debates against Bushs rush to war, inept foreign policy.

John Kerrys military service, his two decades of participation in international diplomacy as a leader in the Senate and as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, allows him challenge George Bushs conduct of war and foreign policy in a post 9/11 world and prepares him to quickly re-direct U.S. policy upon being sworn into office.

Domestic Policy

John Kerry gets the best scores from independent groups for his environmental record and for issues affecting the working poor. For thirty years Kerry has fought for labor rights, womens rights and campaign finance reform. Kerrys record is solid on education and social security. Despite significant political cost, Kerry has opposed capital punishment, the NRA and all the fat-cat special interest lobby groups camped out in Washington.

Few senators have maintained a record so widely regarded as above reproach free of special-interest lobby deal or pork-barrel legislation. John Kerrys legendary indifference to special interest initiatives has been widely slammed as arrogance, aloofness and even neglect of his constituents.

Government Reform

John Kerry has fought to expose covert government actions from South-East Asian and Central America, for public disclosure of campaign financing and for the freedom of Information in the nations capital.

Kerry has himself been a principal target of secret investigations carried out by the Nixon Administration in the 70's when Kerry led the anti-war effort.

Kerrys record of pubic service as a prosecutor, in State Government and as a senator has been fully open to public scrutiny. In the senate Kerry helped shape and push the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform, supported the ban on soft money and fought with Paul Wellstone for clean-government legislation

Much more that campaign rhetoric, it is the totality of John Kerrys life of service and is record of making a stand on controversial issues that shows him to be ready to be a President for our time. The crises we face signal we must seek the best candidate for President not the best campaign. I believe that a fair review of the facts will tell that that person is Senator John Kerry.

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Polemonium Donating Member (660 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 07:42 PM
Response to Original message
41. Dean Endorsements
As I wrote my endorsement for Howard Dean which was posted by someone else above I am reminded that others who I respect and admire have already done this. It is no surprise that these people articulate support for Howard Dean better than I do.

Al Gore's Endorsement of Howard Dean (excerpts from his remarks)

"...Howard Dean really is the only candidate who has been able to inspire at the grassroots level all over this country the kind of passion and enthusiasm for democracy and change and transformation of America that we need in this country. We need to remake the Democratic Party; we need to remake America; we need to take it back on behalf of the people of this country. So I'm very proud and honored to endorse Howard Dean to be the next president of the United States of America," Gore began.
"Democracy is a team sport. And I want to do everything I can to convince the -- anybody that is interested in my judgment about who, among these candidates has the best chance to win and the best chance to lead our country in the right direction. I want to do everything I can to convince you to get behind Howard Dean and let's make this a successful campaign as a group. It is about all of us and all of us need to get behind the strongest candidate. Now I respect the prerogative of the voters and the caucuses and the primaries. I'm just one person, but I'm offering my judgment and I'm also going to say one other thing here," Gore continued.
"Years ago, former president Ronald Reagan said in the Republican Party that there ought to be an 11th commandment, speak no ill of another Republican. We're Democrats and we may not find that kind of commandment as accessible, but to the extent that we can recognize the stakes in America today, I would urge all of the other candidates and campaigns to keep their eyes on the prize. Here we are in Harlem. We need to keep our eyes on the prize. This nation cannot afford to have four more years of a Bush-Cheney administration. We can't afford to be divided among ourselves to the point that we lose sight of how important it is for America. What is going on in this Bush White House today is bad for our country. And it's slowly beginning to sink into more and more people out there. And we don't have the luxury of fighting among ourselves to the point where we seriously damage our ability to win on behalf of the American people this time around," Gore said.
"Now, one other thing, I've spent a long time thinking about national security and national defense. And I've heard a lot of folks who, in my opinion, made a judgment about the Iraq war that was just plain wrong, saying that Howard Dean's decision to oppose the Iraq war calls his judgment on foreign policy into question. Excuse me. He was the only major candidate who made the correct judgment about the Iraq war. And he had the insight and the courage to say and do the right thing. And that's important," Gore said.
"Because those judgments, that basic common sense is what you want in a president. Our country has been weakened in our ability to fight the war against terror because of the catastrophic mistake that the Bush administration made in taking us into war in Iraq. It was Osama bin Laden that attacked us, not Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein is a bad guy and he's better off not in power, we're all better off, but it was a mistake to get us into a quagmire over there, so don't tell me that because Howard Dean was the only major candidate who was right about that war, that that somehow calls his judgment into question on foreign policy, so whether it is inspiring enthusiasm at the grassroots and promising to remake the Democratic Party as a force for justice and progress and good in America, whether it is a domestic agenda that gets our nation back on track or whether it is protecting us against terrorists and strengthening our nation in the world, I have come to the conclusion that in a field of great candidates, one candidate clearly now stands out, and so I'm asking all of you to join in this grassroots movement to elect Howard Dean President of the United States,"

Bill Bradley's Endorsement of Howard Dean (excerpts)

"My answer is, Howard Dean," Bradley said. "The Dean campaign is one of the best things to happen to American democracy in decades."
"His campaign offers America new hope. His supporters are breathing fresh air into the lungs of our democracy. They're revitalizing politics, showing a way to escape the grip of big money and to confront the shame of forgetting those in need," Bradley said.
"When Governor Dean says that his campaign is more about his supporters than about him, he shows admirable modesty, but he sheds light also on why his campaign offers the best chance to beat George Bush," the former senator said. "That is, he has tapped into the same wonderful idealism that I saw in the eyes of Americans in 2000, and he has nourished it into a powerful force."

Senator Harkin's Endorsement of Howard Dean (excerpts from his remarks)

Every four years, Iowa plays a unique role in selecting America's President. It is true grassroots democracy in action - politics at its best. Iowans get to size up the candidates face-to-face over a period of many months.
For me, one candidate rose to the top as our best shot to beat George W. Bush and to give Americans the opportunity to take our country back. That person is Governor Howard Dean of Vermont.
In a very strong field, Howard Dean started at the back of the pack and today leads the pack. This says a lot about his vision, his conviction, and his capacity for leadership. It shows his ability to motivate and organize people.
A plain-spoken, straight-forward Democrat, Howard Dean has the toughness and strength of conviction and character to go toe-to-toe with Karl Rove and George W. Bush. Because these guys and their special interest cronies plan not just to trash the Democratic candidate, but to poison the entire political atmosphere. Their strategy is to suppress the vote, sow cynicism, to make people feel powerless. Because the Bush team knows that when voter turnout is low, Big Money carries the day-and they win.
There is a powerful authenticity to Howard Dean. With that authentic demeanor, his toughness, his progressive beliefs, and his plain-speaking, he is the Harry Truman of our time.
The campaign to take back America and send George W. Bush back to Crawford begins right here in Iowa - and the day of decision is January 19. Iowa Democrats are going to turn out for the caucuses in record numbers. And it will be clear that we are united and energized to take our country back... and Howard Dean will lead the way.

There's lot's more from people I respect and admire like Ann Richards, Molly Ivins, Paul Hawken etc. Again no big surprise that these people articulate many of my reasons for supporting Dean better than I ever could.
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mandyky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 07:27 AM
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42. Can we still submit articles?
Any Deaniacs want to work on compiling some more of these?
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LatinManNH Donating Member (67 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 08:20 AM
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43. Strength of Conviction, Man of Action
I was living in VT during the time that civil unions were dividing people in the state. For almost every "Take Back Vermont" bumper sticker and poster, one could see a "Take Vermont Forward" sign in response. Republican operatives were swarming the state with hateful, anti-gay rhetoric, the Rev. Phelps and his ilk included, but many Vermonters rose to the challenge and showed that they were not going to be bullied by outside influences.

All the while, Gov. Dean was running for re-election and his opponent, Ruth Dwyer, was gaining support as the "Take Back Vermont" candidate. Dean managed to keep his cool during the whole debacle, remain true to his convictions, and finally took action by signing civil unions into law. He could have vetoed it or stalled it until after the elections in order to assure his re-election. Instead, he risked his political career and won re-election anyway.

When the Dean presidential campaign appropriated the slogan that was used against him in VT and changed it to "Take Back America," it showed that this candidate was unafraid of his positions and the decisions he had made. Dean stepped forward when other Democrats were afraid to speak out and he continues to do so against the deplorable policies of the Bush adminstration.

I support Howard Dean because he does not apologize for doing the right thing. He is not a "fair weather" Democrat who must consult with focus groups in order to find out what his positions should be. Nevertheless, he is wholly attentive to his connstituency and to the needs of those who often lack a voice in the halls of government. He has the experience, the knowledge, and the vision to bring people together and inspire them to stand up for themselves and for what they believe.
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