It will be simple. Either you like what Bush is doing and where the country is going and you vote for Bush. Or you don't and you vote for the other guy.
We need to keep that in mind. I think any of the candidates could shit on the steps of the Lincoln monument and it won't make any noticeable difference to the vote.
Like the Republican candidates of the recent past, the Democratic candidates are now inoculated against having to defend the issues or maintaining integrity with their speaking. Previously, Democratics had to defend their positions and maintain a detailed reality dream that was clear, coherent and above all married to their actions. They were vulnerable on small flaws and imperfections in that reality dream; both Clinton and Gore were damaged by Republican rhetoric.
Now, since it's ALL about BUSH, we on the other side now have the advantage of no one caring whether we have integrity - we just need to win. The shoe is on the other foot this election, in other words. Bush needs to start working on his flawless reality dream, and it's not going to be easy to not appear schitzoid.
We win.
"Lick Bush" Buttons, Stickers & "Lick Bush" Buttons, Stickers & Magnets[/center>