Sad.... when I start hearing the cynical, biting words coming from their mouths about how someone cant win, ( someone who has gone from 1% overall approval to now being our FRONTRUNNER mind you***), I know they have been bitten by the corporate vampire, and the D.C. politically appropriate candidate vampire. Whew...thats a mouthful.
Yes. Money either is coming from Carvilles/Begalas mouth now, or total cynicism at the system, or perhaps both.
Ultimately, we cant fully blame these guys. They have been fighters for the good guys, dedicated, passionate people that have fought for what is right in a world like D.C. where that is not valued, appreciated, or moreover TOLERATED, to say the least.
Donahue is another blessed fighter, that because he believed in fairness, his show got yanked. I could go into the Fairness Doctrine, which of course would help remedy alot of this gross abuse and imbalance of rapidly turning fascist sludge shows on t.v., which are promoted, where the objective, closer to being balanced shows are thrown off the air, sent to some crappy time slot by idealogues who claim the ratings are bad.
Thats bullshit. You bet its about ideology.
Just take a look at the latest slap at Democracy where Moveon.org had a paid t.v. spot to go on during the Superbowl, and guess what? CBS said NO. It wasnt about money folks, it was about CONTROL of thought and of perception...it was saying we dont like this much honesty...may make people THINK.
Its the system that is killing us. Its even killing those that are perpetuating it, but the money and all the glittery external stuff keeps them dazzled and distracted while their soul and their conscience move further south.
Thats what I think Howard Dean understands. Dean left New York and glitz and glam and moved to Vermont. Hes seen both worlds and knows where the substance lies, and what is really important in life. Thats what Washington forgets and has forgotten. Thats what the problem is.
It would probably benefit alot of Washingtonians to get away from Washington and smell some fresh air and view another landscape! They are being eaten alive in that town and they dont even know it.
AND we have to fight and defend those of us that have the guts to stand up and fight for the underdog, or heck even now, someone who doesnt make over 200,000 a year!!!