When will we know the nominee?
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Sat Jan-17-04 06:03 PM
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When will we know the nominee? |
Will we know the nominee after Feb. 3rd or will the race get dragged out to March 2nd's super tuesday? Could it even go beyond to Florida, and Illionis, etc.
Here's the primary scheldule:
January 13 District of Columbia
January 19 Iowa
January 27 New Hampshire
February 3 Arizona Delaware Missouri New Mexico North Dakota South Carolina Oklahoma
February 7 Michigan Washington
February 8 Maine
February 10 Tennessee Virginia
February 17 Wisconsin
Februrary 24 Idaho
February 27 Utah
March 2 Minnesota California Connecticut Georgia Hawaii Maryland Massachusetts Missouri New York Ohio Rhode Island Texas Vermont
March 9 Florida Louisiana Mississippi
March 13 Kansas
March 14 Nevada*
March 16 Illinois
March 20 Wyoming
April 6 Wisconsin
April 13 Colorado
April 27 Pennsylvania
May 4 Indiana North Carolina
May 11 Nebraska West Virginia
May 18 Oregon Arkansas Kentucky
May 25 Idaho
May 27 Washington
June 1 Alabama South Dakota
June 8 Montana New Jersey
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