Man, these guys are going at this race with everything they have. Kind of inspiring!
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman snapped at one of his questioners in a town hall meeting. Representative Richard A. Gephardt stumped his voice to a creak. And in a particularly run-down moment for Senator John Kerry, the Wahhabi Muslim fundamentalists he frequently mentions in speeches came out as "wasabi."
The candidates, working 14-, 16- or 18-hour days, often in subzero temperatures, have been snapping at voters, flubbing their most well-worn lines and fighting the many maladies of the road with pills, potions and the catnaps they catch any place they can.
Gen. Wesley K. Clark, who fell victim to laryngitis early in his campaign, has had his own fatigue-induced slips of the tongue. Even though he can fall asleep within minutes for a short nap, General Clark says he is not getting his necessary six hours of sleep a day.
And the mild-mannered Mr. Lieberman has seemed a bit cranky of late. He abruptly shot back "that's ridiculous" at a man who criticized him for attacking the other candidates. Delivering a staple anecdote, he described the behavior of a woman without health insurance who cannot afford regular medical care for her asthmatic son and relies on the emergency room as "stupid."