All of the other candidates had a shot at voters who now support Gov Dean. God knows that we've been praying for a Democrat to stand up to B*** for the past three years.
After he began campaigning, Gov Dean realized right away that it didn't matter what HE could do, but what WE could do with a politician devoted to OUR concerns, rather than his/her own election or re-election (which, admit it, is the reason many of them get up in the morning). This is where most of the other candidates have missed the point. Several of them, including Kerry, have made it their primary focus to stop Dean. Gephardt was probably the first when he put up an entire website devoted to misrepresenting facts about Dean. I don't know if it is still up, but the url made the rounds of the Dean yahoo groups and blogs last summer.
That was just the tip of the iceberg. The same ideology and enthusiasm held by many Dean supporters, the very power of his campaign, make us vulnerable to open mockery from those who are more familiar and comfortable with a top down form of government, which was not the basis of our Democracy to begin with.
It is to be "of, by and for" the People. Not "of" huge corporations, "by" special interests and "for" the benefit of politicians who desire a secure position for their lifetime, with guaranteed raises, health insurance and job promotions.
When I read your endorsement on the front page of DU, dsc, I got chill bumps. That's what Dean's campaign does to (some) people. Others may scoff at the emotional sentiments and beg for cold hard logic or some other substitute. Emotions are what make us human. If you ever take a sales course, the instructor will tell you this over and over. People don't buy a stack of bricks, they buy a HOME. We aren't supporting a candidate, we are supporting a movement. We don't idolize Dean, we crave Democracy. (Most of us really do like him as well.)
From a practical standpoint, Dean will surely win enough primaries to take it all the way to the convention. Lots of Dean volunteers will be Delegates. There may be a few who decide to support a different candidate between now and then, but I predict, not many. There certainly won't be a mass movement to another candidate because there is simply no one else who seems to *get* what this means to us. If they did, they would throw their support behind Howard Dean and stop fighting him (and us) because they would realize what an opportunity the Democratic Party has with the power of the People working for it. I hope that day will come. But should it not, we are prepared to go all the way to the convention and make one hell of an effort to make a difference because we have waited too long and suffered too much under the current misadministration.
No, I don't begrudge the accomplishments of John Kerry. I would be willing to respect him more, however, if he soon realizes that the power of the People can accomplish much much more than he ever could on his own.