and tell your cable company why.
then listen only to AAR. they are going to need some arbitron numbers to stay afloat. if it ain't in your town, stream it. that helps too.
if by any chance you subscribe to a newspaper that endorsed bush or covered the election unfairly, cancel that subscription.
if you belong to an organization that holds meetings, resolve not to hold meetings in red states. i intend to make a motion to the board of a major professional society i belong to on Saturday at our annual meeting (in Arizona, yecch). it may not work, but if even a couple of organizations refuse to do business in red states, it will garner a lot of attention
do not take vacations in red states, and tell the hotels and tour operators etc. you might have used why. make a point of vactioning in blue states, and tell those businesses you patronize why.
we need a master list of major corporations that supported bush openly, and that are headquartered in red states.
mostly, drive less -- a lot less. do your best not to consume oil products. cut back on consumption across the board. buy no christmas presents. donate all your christmas present money, except what you'd give the kids, to anti-war or other progressive causes (but NOT the DNC!!!!) invest in tax-advantaged municipal offerings from blue state cities and divest from those in red states and companies that openly supported bush.
switch to apple computers. do not buy microsoft, dell, gateway, or HP products.
if you DO belong to any church that was at all supportive of the right --including *especially* the catholic church, refuse to give money to the church. make an equivalent donation to famine relief or AIDS research and tell your church you are doing so.
we really need a tax resistance movement, but i suppose that will take more disasters.