The key to winning is going "left" on economic issues. Pro-union, anti free trade, NAFTA, WTO. The problem here is that this will alienate big money corporate contributors. Though this is EXACTLY what the democrats need as Ralph Nader has enumerated.
On social issues, Democrats need to move back to the center. This is what alienates rural Americans. Get all the "freaky" issues out of the limelight. Offer states rights positions on these topics so that Californians can have their freakiness, and Iowans can have their traditional cultural values.
Also, something no voter hates is high quality education. Offer federal money for school districts that attain high teacher to student ratios. Any teacher will tell you that they can help children more if they have more time to dedicate to each one individually. 30 kids per class is TOO MANY!!!!
Democrats should be VERY strong in anti-terrorism efforts. But they should emphasize issues of: Border Security (helps with drugs too), Air Marshalls on EVERY flight, more training for firefighters and other first responders, higher stockpiles of anti-biotics. They should focus on Afghanistan (who attacked us) and point out that lives are being lost in Iraq without making America safer.
Finally, the democrats should not let up on the "Bush copies Hitler" motif. They should make it very clear that Bush has passed legislation that allows him to "disappear" US citizens just like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pinochet or any other of those totalitarian states. It also allows him to turn the FBI into a secret police with broad powers to collect bribe files just like the afore mentioned police states. Americans will not take this likely. Democrats just have to make the case.