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Question about Clark and the DLC

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ithacan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:47 PM
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Question about Clark and the DLC
I tend to like Clark, and he seems to have good progressive positions.

But I've also seen indications that he might be the candidate of the DLC (since Lieberman seems to be going nowhere).

This is not meant as flame bait, but as an actual question seeking actual answers.

Is there any hard evidence out there that the DLC is backing Clark? And if so, why are they doing this, given the apparent gap between their own stated positions and his?
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:49 PM
Response to Original message
1. No, there is no hard evidence out there that the DLC is backing Clark
Edited on Sun Jan-18-04 04:49 PM by wyldwolf
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. would you say that the Clintons support Clark?
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:51 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. There is no hard evidence the Clintons back Clark...
And even if there were, the Clintons aren't the DLC. They may be members, but they are not the whole organization.
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:01 PM
Response to Reply #4
9. What is this...a courtroom? Is there a reasonable assumption
that the Clintons lean toward liking Clark?

And I beg to differ. The Clinton's were (and are) the DLC.
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:09 PM
Response to Reply #9
13. No, it isn't a court room but the original poster asked for hard evidence
..and there is none. Sorry.
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:17 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. I asked you if you thought the Clintons supported Clark
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Turkw Donating Member (521 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 07:13 PM
Response to Reply #2
32. Bill has people in every campaign, so I've heard from a couple of former
aids in interviews. I believe it, too. There are a LOT of people who have ties to Bill. I've heard he gives advice and talks to any of the candidates that want to hear his advice. Why not? He wants to play a part and can help, you'd be dumb not to.
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Jerseycoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:50 PM
Response to Original message
3. I've not seen anything that convinces me
But people sure love saying it.
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Democrats unite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:53 PM
Response to Original message
5. As a member and supporter of the DLC...
I can tell you they have not at least to my knowledge supported a candidate. And it is my understanding that they will not during the primaries, contrary to what allot of people here will tell you.

The DLC has been accused numerous times of supporting a candidate, but when push comes to shove noone here can supply anything to back it up.

So my advise is, until smeone from the DLC actually says it, don't believe it.
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heidler Donating Member (78 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:19 PM
Response to Reply #5
15. I get the DLC e-mail newsletter. They say good things about Clark.
They bad mouth Dean. All of their news letters are on the Internet. They say good things about Lieberman and they bad mouth Dean some more.
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:16 PM
Response to Reply #15
22. And considering the fact that Wes is supposedly so far to the left of Dean
does this really make sense?
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ithacan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 10:23 PM
Response to Reply #22
33. that's why I ask.
is he really so far "left"?
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 01:43 AM
Response to Reply #33
36. He's a four star general who voted for Nixon and Reagan and retired
from the military to become a millionaire lobbyist for Homeland Security.

He says that under his watch, he'll keep us all safe and terrorists won't have a chance.

So what do you think?
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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:56 PM
Response to Original message
6. Well, Dean Himself Was In The DLC & Is Getting Individual Endorsements
From its members... so perhaps HE is the DLC candidate in this race? Pure speculation though.....

Example, Baltimore Mayor, DLC Darling, Backs Dean

Martin O'Malley, mayor of Baltimore, has endorsed Howard Dean. This is huge because O'Malley is widely regarded as a rising star in the party. The DLC regularly gushes about him; the Big Dog himself has singled out O'Malley as a future national star.
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Clark4Prez Donating Member (507 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:57 PM
Response to Original message
7. I doubt it.
There are some here that will attack anyone that isn't their candidate. For some reason, their enemy is the DLC, not the unelected fraud.

The DLC doesn't endorse any candidate although they do put forward their vision:

"Democrats won't help a single person find work, get health care, or afford college if they don't win the White House in 2004. The stakes are particularly high. If Democrats lose this time, the Bush administration will continue on the path toward destroying the country's finances for a generation, shifting the tax burden away from wealth to work, and losing ground in the war on terror. Over the next several weeks, Democrats would be foolish indeed to choose a nominee who makes a tough election even tougher.

But, as we've said in our previous memos, we won't beat Bush simply because we're mad at him or by hoping that things will go badly for the country. We will beat him only if we offer a compelling vision and agenda.

That's as it should be -- because what we'll do in office is what really matters to voters. Presidential elections should be fought over principle and the direction of the country. Everything else is just politics.

We believe our vision ought to be a new bargain with the middle class and those aspiring to get there -- a bargain that puts the needs of the majority ahead of the narrow interests of the few."

While that description fits Wes Clark, he is trying to offer more than anger and give the voter a real alternative. If that makes him the DLC candidate, so be it. We will only win this thing if we can identify with the middle class.
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w4rma Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:54 PM
Response to Reply #7
30. However, the DLC leadership *attacks* Dems and the Democratic base.
Dean Statement in Response to DLC's Charge that Public Servants are "Fringe Activists"

“Once again, the DLC has chosen to put their own political agenda ahead of the progress needed to unite the Democratic Party. This election has barely begun, and the DLC has repeatedly dismissed people who attend caucuses, who get out the vote, and now the 1.3 million members of AFSCME as ‘fringe activists’ who do not reflect ‘the mainstream values, national pride and the economic aspirations of middle-class and working people.’

“The DLC staff can say what they want about me, but they owe an apology to the 1.3 million members of AFSCME. Our teachers, our health care workers, and our state and local public servants don't need a lesson from Washington insiders about the needs and concerns of middle- and working-class families. What they need is a Democratic Party that will stand up for them.”

Posted by Mathew Gross at 04:27 PM

Tell From and Reed of the DLC What You Think
Click here to sign a letter to the Democratic Leadership Council telling them that you're an active Democrat who supports Howard Dean. You can tell your friends about the link, too:

Posted by Mathew Gross at 01:29 AM

Fineman on the DLC Memo

Former DNC-Chief Steve Grossman to DLC: "Creating Conflict is Not Leadership."

Liberal Oasis on Howard Dean and the DLC

Will the Real DLC Please Stand Up?

Congressional Members Call on DLC to Stop Divisive Tactics

Activists Are Out of Step
By Al From and Bruce Reed

The Real Soul of the Democratic Party
By Al From and Bruce Reed
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ithacan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 10:24 PM
Response to Reply #30
34. yes, this is the kind of stuff
that really makes me see the DLC as a very bad thing for the Democratic Party.

Clark does not seem to be talking or behaving in line with these things though.
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mikehiggins Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:57 PM
Response to Original message
8. What indications?
The only indications I've seen are the musings of right wing talking head pundits on cable, and a small cabal of frantic anti-Clark posters who criticise everything from how he prays to the kind of sweaters he wears.

Consider the source, as my old grade school teachers used to say. By their works shall you know them.
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madmax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:02 PM
Response to Original message
10. Do you trust McGovern?
Senator George McGovern Remarks For Endorsement
Manchester, NH January 18, 2004

"Finally, let me say this: There are a lot of good Democrats in this race. But Wes Clark is the best Democrat. He is a true progressive. He's the Democrat's Democrat. I've been around the political block - and I can tell you, I know a true progressive when I see one. And that's why he has my vote."
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w13rd0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:20 PM
Response to Reply #10
17. If the DLC says nothing about the McGovern endorsement...
...and indeed about this whole line of claiming that "Clark is the most liberal of all, yet can appeal to Republicans and Independents", then yes, I'll be damned skeptical.
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lurk_no_more Donating Member (582 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:04 PM
Response to Original message
11. Nope!
Is there any hard evidence out there that the DLC is backing Clark? Can't say that I've seen any :shrug:

And then there were none!

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Cogito Donating Member (82 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:07 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. who cares?
So what if Clark were the candidate of the DLC. My hope is that they WILL endorse him even though he was and is anti-war. I want their endorsement because the party has a much better chance of beating Bush if left, right and center are together than if they are at war with each other.
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buckeye1 Donating Member (630 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 05:20 PM
Response to Original message
16. Ask Him.
You might be surprised.
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Tinoire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:04 PM
Response to Original message
18. They certainly are
Clark, btw, was the guest of honor at the NDN's annual meeting in June: (Speech also available)

Here is how he was drafted by the DLC

July 22, 2003
Draft-Clark enthusiasts grow hopeful. This article from the Financial Times has been reprinted at Draft Clark 2004.

Chris Kofinis, a Democratic political consultant, suggests Mr Clark's entry would electrify the presidential race. "Democrats want someone who can win," he says, and that may mean the party's liberal wing may have to contemplate someone whose name begins with "General"


But members of the DLC, meeting in Philadelphia over the weekend and today for the group's annual "conversation," say they're holding their centrist ground. Their "Third Way" or "New Democrat" ideas will reclaim the White House for the Democrats in 2004, they say, as they did for Bill Clinton in his two victories.


Despite the political focus, however, the declared Democratic presidential candidates were asked to stay away.


The absence of candidates has hardly back-burnered the presidential race. It was still the dominant discussion in the hallways and ballrooms where the group gathered over the weekend. Center-of-the-road names like Lieberman, Kerry and Edwards were bandied about. As was a name that many participants said they were surprised to hear often: that of Gen. Wesley Clark, the former NATO commander. Clark has not declared his candidacy but has said he is considering a run. Supporters say he could go toe-to-toe with Bush on military issues.


Another article about this same meeting in Philly:
Centrist Dems weigh Dean dilemma: At Philly meeting, praise and scorn for presidential contender

By Tom Curry

PHILADELPHIA, July 28 - Meeting in Philadelphia to plan strategy for the 2004 elections, members of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council grappled Monday with what one Democratic political consultant here called "their worst nightmare," the possibility that Howard Dean might win their party's presidential nomination. DLC activists said that despite Dean's recent fund-raising successes, his winning the nomination is far from a sure thing.


The DLC is the business-friendly group that helped write Bill Clinton's platform in 1992. It serves as a counterweight in Democratic politics to labor unions and interest groups such as the NAACP and the National Organization for Women (NOW).


“The main theme of the next election is going to be national security,” said Chris Kofinis, a political consultant who attended the DLC gathering and is advising the campaign to draft retired Gen. Wesley Clark as the Democratic candidate.

MSNBC article but now archived. You can find it here:

And just to clarify that the NDN is DLC:

Two acronyms that junkies know and that Democratic candidates hear in their sleep. The Democratic Leadership Council, chaired these days by Sen. Evan Bayh and run for 17 years by its founding director, Al From, is the spawning ground of moderate “Third Way” thinking in the party. Bill Clinton was chairman when he launched his own presidential bid in 1991. The New Democratic Network is the DLC’s overtly political cousin, run by an operative named Simon Rosenberg. It doles out cash to candidates and, increasingly, supports independent spending efforts.

More about the NDN:

Centrist Democrats launch new agenda
By Hans Nichols

The centrist New Democratic Network (NDN) unveiled a new six-point agenda yesterday that it says can serve as a blueprint for making the Democratic Party the governing force in American politics for the next generation.


Several announced and potential Democratic presidential candidates addressed the gathering at a Capitol Hill hotel, including Sens. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) and Bob Graham (Fla.), as well as retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark. Sen. John Kerry (Mass.) addressed the convention by phone, and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean sent a video greeting.


Rosenberg explained in the interview that the network’s revamped agenda and new strategy are the beginning steps of “a 10- to 45-year” plan to elect centrist Democrats to local, state and federal offices.

About the NDN

The New Democrat Network (NDN) is one of the nation’s most influential political organizations.
NDN promotes a new generation of leaders who advocate economic growth and fiscal responsibility, strong American leadership in world affairs and world markets, a smaller, smarter government, and a progressive approach to social issues that respects family, faith, and community.


NDN is led by NDN President Simon Rosenberg, with advice from NDN's Advisory Board, a group of leading New Democratic thinkers and strategists. NDN’s Advisory Board includes former Democratic National Committee Chairman Joseph J. Andrew, pollster and Latino electorate expert Sergio Bendixen, former Army Secretary Louis Caldera, former Member of Congress and Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Vic Fazio, former Member of Congress and Chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council Dave McCurdy, former White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry, former White House Chief of Staff Mack McLarty, and former Federal Trade Commissioner and White House Cabinet Secretary Christine A. Varney.

Want to know who founded the NDN?

The NDN was founded in 1996 by Senator Joe Lieberman, chairman of the DLC. "NDN acts as a political venture capital fund," a special type of political action committee among political action committees. NDN raises PAC money from many sectors, which they then distribute to their top federal candidates -- Lucas received $10,000 from them. NDN also provides a mechanism for fat-cats to donate directly to candidates without worrying about all those pesky Election Commission limits. Clinton campaign aide, Simon Rosenberg, is now NDN's President. Joe Lieberman is chairman.

The DLC does the same thing, actually. But, by forming the NDN, the DLC contribute more than twice as much to favored candidates. The favored candidate is Clark.

Wesley Clark: The DLC Focus Group Candidate


Still many believe Clark’s late entry will cause him problems in both raising money and establishing a cohesive campaign. If Clark catches fire quickly, the DLC will make sure neither will be a problem. But the fourth and biggest question, his stance on issues, is a bit tougher. But don't worry, the DLC focus groups will tell feed him talking points soon enough.

Clark is very unsure on many of his positions, and they can change at any time. There is a clear reason for this. The first wave of the Democratic Leadership Council focus group data is barely in, and needs to be reviewed. Once the data is analyzed, the DLC machine will steer the General towards his newly formed positions.


The DLC had nothing going for it until Clark was shoved into the race with zero political experience. Joe Lieberman mirrored their stance on many issues, but lacked charisma. John Kerry looked wimpish and went from frontrunner to bottom feeder in only a few weeks. It was becoming clear that Dick Gephardt stirred no emotions among the primary voters. John Edwards was irrelevant and even joked that no one knew he was running for the Presidency.

The only candidate making noise and catching fire for the Democrats on the campaign trail was Howard Dean, who proudly proclaimed that was he was from “the democratic wing of the Democratic Party.” Clearly Dean couldn’t be controlled by the DLC and his successful campaign could set them back years in but one election cycle. And that led the DLC to shove the four-star General into the race. He is the perfect focus group candidate. Smart, looks good, speaks clearly and confidently and he fits the suit. Now the DLC just has to tell him what to say. And that’s where the DLC may run into trouble. Many published reports speak of Clark’s arrogance, and his stubbornness. Many say the General wants things done his way, and only his way. And this may also make Clark difficult to control for the DLC.


You can see what gets them so excited about Clark here:

Here are some excerpts from Clark's speech to the DLC:


And, the challenges come from the fact that the United States today doesn’t have a real national security strategy. We lost our strategy. We lost our vision of how to deal with the world around us. We had it, we created it, we paid for it in blood during World War II. We came out of that conflict resolved that America would be engaged in the world. We were engaged. We built the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, we formed NATO, we stayed involved. We recognized that what we had to do was head off conflict, we had to contain Soviet expansionism, we had to block the spread of Communism, we had to deter the use of nuclear weapons to intimidate our allies or, God forbid, wage nuclear war.


Wesley Clark: Well, in the first place, I think it’s always dangerous to draw too tight an analogy between one situation and another. And there are many, many differences between the situation in Vietnam and Iraq. Secondly, I want to say that I wasn’t one of those who was anxious to get into Iraq. I always was skeptical of it. I always doubted that there was an imminent danger that required us to do it. Nevertheless, we’re there now and that’s all ancient history. So, what we have to do is I think, number one: establish legitimacy. For some reason, we fought the UN full endorsement of this mission and the full engagement of the United Nations. For the life of me, I don’t know why. The same people who fought the UN were telling me five years ago – all they could talk about was “burden-sharing, burden-sharing, burden-sharing,” “mission creep, mission creep, mission creep,” “exit strategy, exit strategy.” And somehow, all that disappeared and I don’t understand it. So, I’d go first to the United Nations. I’d say, “Look, we know you don’t have a security force. We’ll finish the job, we’ll work for security. We want you to come in and we want you to really help us work the reconstruction and the redevelopment of Iraq.” There’s political redevelopment to be done, there is economic reconstruction to be done. And, there’s a whole new climate in the Middle East to be created. Legitimacy is job number one. The second is the creation of public order over there. As soon as you can turn those responsibilities over to elements that speak Arabic and preferably Iraqis the better you are. The third thing is, stay engaged in the region and work for peace as an effective intermediary between the contending parties in the Middle East so we don’t attract more anger and more hostility in the region. But you know, my fourth point is, we’re there. This is a difficult situation. It’s going on on three levels: the resistance you see today, the ordinary life of the people in Baghdad and down below that something we’re not quite sure of, which is a sort of level three, subterranean forming up of Iranian dissidents coming in and organizations from Syria. We just don’t know where that’s going to go. We can influence it if we’ll work for legitimacy through international institutions, move the problem over to the Arabic-speaking and the Iraqis, and stay engaged as a constructive force in the region.
Now only available via google cache

On June 17, 2003, when speaking at the New Democratic Network’s annual meeting in Washington, Clark was asked about the “Vietnamization” of Iraq. He responded by saying that what he thinks we need to do is "number one: establish legitimacy." Legitimize what? Our pre-emptive, unilateral strike that started the war, our complete disregard of the U.N., or perhaps he thinks we should legitimize our ongoing occupation in Iraq. Clark unfortunately did not convey any clear insight into his idea about establishing legitimacy. He did however continue to address the NDN on the subject, explaining that he would first go to the United Nations and say, "Look, we know you don’t have a security force. We’ll finish the job, we’ll work for security. We want you to come in and we want you to really help us work the reconstruction and the redevelopment of Iraq." So the General’s proposal to deal with the situation in Iraq and bring peace is to first legitimize. Then we should ask the U.N. to come in and help us clean up our legitimate mess. “Help us” clearly indicates a continued U.S. presence. And, correct me if I’m wrong here, but I didn’t hear anything about ceding authority. Do you think this plan will have a better chance if Clark were to present it to the U.N.? I ask because Bush isn’t having much luck with this particular agenda. Maybe new dog, old trick would work. quote from Rustie Woods for the LEFT-WING Dissident Voice.

Hope this is of some help to you.
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The Magistrate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:40 PM
Response to Reply #18
27. Long Though This Effort Is, Ma'am
Edited on Sun Jan-18-04 06:43 PM by The Magistrate
It provides no answer to Mr. Ithacan's request for hard evidence: it simply demonstrates what is common knowledge; that many centerists and moderates in the Democratic Party are rather taken with Gen. Clark as a candidate for President. Such persons are an important constituency in the Party; among the materials you provided is mention of Gov. Dean soliciting the support of the D.L.C. for his campaign. Some prominent persons on the left of the political spectrum, such as Mr. Moore, and Sen. McGovern, have explicitly endorsed Gen. Clark, while no less of a centerist than Vice-President Gore has endorsed Gov. Dean. You have not provided anything showing material support, by way of funds or seconded personnel, or any official act or tie whatever between the D.L.C. and Gen. Clark. It is quite likely that President and Senator Clinton are partial to Gen. Clark, but of course, for the overwhelming preponderance of Democrats, that is rather a feather for his cap, rather than a damning indictment. It seems to me simply that for some, saying someone is "the D.L.C. candidate" is just a convenient allegation against a candidate opposed as being less left than might be desired, and not really a serious charge, but merely a hope of rousing some prejudicial association in the minds of some others who share a distaste on various grounds for that organization, rather as Republicans speak of the candidate of the A.C.L.U. or "the homosexual lobby" in their appeals to prejudice.

"An election differs from a civil war only as the bloodless surrender of a force outnumbered in the field differs from Waterloo."

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Rich Hunt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:05 PM
Response to Original message
19. he's surrounded by DLC
Why is the Clark supporter in my state a DLC person and a conservative Democrat, while the people I admire are supporting Dean?
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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:06 PM
Response to Original message
20. Nothing formal. He is also not registered with them.
I think there are DLCers that Like Clark for different reasons whether it is Stop Dean or former Clinton, but he has no formal relationship with the DLC. BTW, the DLC founder endorsed Dean.
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:18 PM
Response to Reply #20
23. Which DLC founder would that be??
News to me.
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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:49 PM
Response to Reply #23
29. Elaine Kamarck
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:57 PM
Response to Reply #29
31. nowhere in that article does it state what you claim
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Jerseycoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 10:39 PM
Response to Reply #31
35. There was a thread saying so a few days ago nt
Edited on Sun Jan-18-04 10:50 PM by Jerseycoa
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:11 PM
Response to Original message
21. July 28th, 2003

But members of the DLC, meeting in Philadelphia over the weekend and today for the group's annual "conversation," say they're holding their centrist ground. Their "Third Way" or "New Democrat" ideas will reclaim the White House for the Democrats in 2004, they say, as they did for Bill Clinton in his two victories.

But politics are very much on the table. This morning's breakfast speech at the Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, featuring the DLC's top leaders, is called "Promises Made, Promises Broken: The Bush Record and the Democrats' Opportunity in 2004."

Despite the political focus, however, the declared Democratic presidential candidates were asked to stay away. "We wanted to have a meeting that would focus on ideas, not just the presidential horse race," said Bruce Reed, the DLC's president. In previous years, he noted, the presence of candidates put the spotlight on who was there and who was not.

The absence of candidates has hardly back-burnered the presidential race. It was still the dominant discussion in the hallways and ballrooms where the group gathered over the weekend. Center-of-the-road names like Lieberman, Kerry and Edwards were bandied about. As was a name that many participants said they were surprised to hear often: that of Gen. Wesley Clark, the former NATO commander. Clark has not declared his candidacy but has said he is considering a run. Supporters say he could go toe-to-toe with Bush on military issues.

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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:19 PM
Response to Reply #21
24. Some DLCers like Clark. Many also like Dean. Icluding the founder.
She endorsed him this week. Beyond that, Dean was actually in the DLC.
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:25 PM
Response to Reply #24
25. This NDOL page suggests Al From is the DLC founder
Edited on Sun Jan-18-04 06:26 PM by Terwilliger
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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:47 PM
Response to Reply #25
28. Sorry, co-founder
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 06:26 PM
Response to Reply #24
26. The point was that meeting was held BEFORE Clark registered as a Dem.
well before he declared for the race -- when he was still playing coy about his political affiliation.

Q. What did one DLC bigwig say to the other?
A. Do you feel a draft in here?

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