With less than 24 hours to go until the primary officially kicks off...
Kal Belgarion
(247 posts)
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Sun Jan-18-04 09:40 PM
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With less than 24 hours to go until the primary officially kicks off... |
I would like to wish all the candidates vying for the chance to knock off Bush the best of luck.
Good luck General Clark! Good luck Governor Dean! Good luck Senator Edwards! Good luck Congressman Gephardt! Good luck Senator Kerry! Good luck Congressman Kucinich! Good luck Senator Lieberman! Good luck Reverend Sharpton!
I have a feeling that the answer to the question, "Can anybody beat Bush?" is a resounding "Yes, anybody can beat Bush." :)
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Sun Jan-18-04 09:43 PM
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1. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue |
We WILL beat George Bush!
Toronto Ron
(429 posts)
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Sun Jan-18-04 10:17 PM
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2. I echo those sentiments |
A close, competitive primary will be more interesting and energizing. The country will get to know our fine candidates better, and realize how superior each is to that piece of garbage in the White House.
Let the games begin!
(419 posts)
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Sun Jan-18-04 10:25 PM
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3. I'm proud of all the candidates listed above. |
Again, good luck! The most important vote comes in November! :yourock:
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Sun Jan-18-04 10:29 PM
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4. That's a good attitude, Kal Bagarion.. |
I wish we all (including the candidates) could have the same mentality as you do. Especially when it gets to the point where Michael Moore is smearing people like Kucinich.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:12 AM
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